

  The battle to the death continued, the cavern shook, and time gradually passed...

  The battle that shocked the entire Orari has been going on for 8 hours.

  After using the right skills and games, the two sides maintain a kind of delicate balance, which consumes space.

  Supplies are consumed one by one, "recovery medicine", "advanced recovery medicine", "advanced mental recovery medicine", "dual attribute recovery medicine".

  Until the last elixir was consumed.At this moment, right now, Frohn has no way out.

  The intelligent Goliath kept using his own advantages to consume Frohn's durability, and Frohn's repeated failed attacks coupled with the empty elixir made him a little irritable.

  But...is that the real result?

  Floen, who took the initiative, continued to maintain his repressive force. For some reason, he gradually had room to do other things.

  If you return to the ground, you will see the scenery of nature.

  The sky darkened, the bright moon was shyly hidden in the clouds, the stars began to shine, and night fell.

  Almost at the same time, the red-haired god and Frohn laughed.

  "The final game, it's about to begin."


  "It's dark now, Finn!"

  Hearing her meaningful words, everyone instantly turned to Miss Alicia.

  Miss Fairy took out a pocket watch made of exquisite fairy craftsmanship from her bosom, opened the cover and glanced at it.

  The hands stop at 19 o'clock.

  Everyone understands, but some people are still confused.

  "What's that"..."


  "Ah, it's coming."

  "It is indeed the final battle!"

  Raul and Cruz were at a loss, not knowing why, they only felt that the eyes of their partners had changed.

  ——! ?

  The clear and beautiful reverberation in the huge cave--chanting sounded again.

  That was the signal to initiate the final battle of death, the cry of the decisive battle.

  "[The harbinger of the end, the snow--]"

  "[Facing the twilight hour, let the wind blow up——]"

  "[The closed light, the frozen earth—]"


  "This magic..."

  Fairy lady Alicia looked at the noble fairy royal family, waiting for her to tell the truth.

  "It's my magic."

  "Even the magic of Riviria-sama--"

  Finn quickly analyzed the battlefield information in his brain, and quickly understood Floen's thoughts.

  "It turns out that, while using the initiative that I have to suppress, I chant Riveria's ice magic to restrict the enemy, and then..."

  "It is indeed the most correct choice at the moment."

  "I just don't know how long it can restrain the enemy!"

  Then Burt rudely interrupted their nonsense.

  "Hey hey, is this the point? Shouldn't the point be that this guy continues to use the same additional magic as Ais, and also uses 8% of the psychic power of the idiot's shelling magic, plus the [Battle Maiden]'s magic. Healing magic! In the end, he uses Riveria's shelling magic again??? Does he have more mental power and magic power than the little idiot?"

  Loki grinned and put his arm around Bert's shoulder, his lips moved:

  "'Reader': Double the effect of the night, oh~ Bert!"


  The suffocating answer made Burt feel like he was about to split.

  "Hahahaha, is there a sense of sight that someone turns into a beast when the moon is full?"

  "I'm sick!"

  Isn't that right, the activation conditions of "Reader" and Bert's "Roar under the Moon" are similar, one is activated in the dark night, and the other is activated on the night of the full moon.

  At the same time, Floen, who was in the long and fierce battle, felt the surging mental recovery speed, and the plan he had laid out for a long time finally started!

  Fron's durability is declining, isn't Goliath not wearing it?how is this possible.

  With the monster's current state, Floen is 100% sure that even Riveria's first magic spell can restrain the enemy!

  Then, is the lore.

  ".ˇ [Blowing snow in the sky, three severe winters - my name is Alfre]"

  "[Ecstasy: Fembull's Winter]!"

  Under a dozen dignified gazes...

  The magic that belongs to the strongest wizard in the city, Riveria, is complete!

  "Whew hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

  The final cold wind froze the earth, the walls, the caves, and all the individuals I saw, including Goliath!

  The huge ice sculpture more than ten meters high waved its arms, and the ferocious face was frozen in place. The lifelike ice sculpture made everyone sigh sincerely.

  "There is still breath, still alive!"

  Ais clenched her hands nervously, and her heart couldn't help beating faster.

  An inexplicable sense of tension filled the whole body of everyone. They looked at the young man's figure and looked forward to it in their hearts.

  ——Looking forward, looking forward to the miracle of the youth.

(good lee good)

  As if to respond to everyone's expectations, the young man inserted the large sword with a broken blade and was on the verge of breaking into the ground, and opened his arms.

  He looked up at the huge monster and connected the second wide-area annihilation magic without any gaps.

  "[Soon, the flames will be released—]"

  "[The quietly advancing fire of war, the inevitable destruction.]"

  "[The horn of the war is loudly sounded, and the war that surrounds all tyranny will come, the flame of the red lotus——]"

  "[The fierce fire without mercy, you are the incarnation of the fire of karma, sweeping away thousands of troops and horses, bringing the end of the large-scale war.] Kua."

  "[Burning everything, the sword of Sylter - my name is Alf!]"

  As his chant became more and more intense, the terrifying magic power that made the ground tremble erupted!

  The little bit of magic energy turned him into the eye of the storm and gathered.

  The amazing fluctuations spread to the entire cave, and the air began to distort!

  "Pour all my spiritual power and magic power into this blow, burn my ambition, respond to the expectations of my partners, dedicate all I have, and give me miracles!"

  “[Higher Sword of Victory (ReaLaevatein)]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

Chapter 65


  Burn, burn!combustion!

  The ground is burning, the walls are burning, the dome is burning!

  The rocks are burned, the air is distorted, the vision is full of crimson!

  The huge cave was filled with flames, and the pillars of fire that burned everything slaughtered all the enemies pointed by the sword's edge.

  The floor master standing in the center was burned, burned, turned into bones, turned into fly ash, and even the huge magic stone was turned into magic element.

  Standing in front of this raging red lotus scene, that figure achieved a great cause that even the gods would be crazy about, accomplished a great miracle, and responded to the expectations of his partners!

  "What a splendid story, the birth of an epic fairy tale! Praise, gods, sing praises for my children!!"

  Loki opened his eyes, opened his arms and praised loudly!

  "What are you waiting for? Didn't you see Ais rushing up!"

  Finn made fun of everyone who was still in a daze, and pointed to the back of the blond girl.

  "Huh? Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!

  Tiona jumped up and rushed out quickly!

  "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

  Everyone looked at each other, and then rushed past 357 with the fastest speed, surrounding Frohn!

  Then, everyone found out...

  The blond young man who created an incredible miracle and achieved such a great cause has passed out of a coma while standing because of [WindDown] and physical exhaustion.

  Riviria, Finn, Grace and Loki looked at each other, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

  "It's...it's impossible."


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