"So that's the case, so can I ask you to help me collect some props? It's a commission."

  "Of course, after all we have such a good relationship, you will give us a good price, Ah~mi~de~~~~"

  "...Miss Tionne is joking."

  The two women faced each other across the counter, and lightning flashed in their eyes.

  The terrifying momentum once made Frohn wonder if Gloria ran to the ground with her fists.

  Perhaps——the woman when bargaining is terrible, and Tiona, who has long encountered such a situation, has long been hiding away.

  "By the way, Mr. Floren, the reconstruction of your magic workshop has already begun. If it takes time...about 15 days, Loki said it."

  Chatting with Lefiya.

  "The efficiency of the ancient Boniu family is too high!"

  "After all, it is the family of the gods built by the clerk."

  ".ˇ When my "Mystery" level rises, I can help you prepare a wand, which can save a lot of money. "

  "Then... thank you in advance."

  "You goblins are so stubborn, you all said that just call me Floen, and you, yours, etc., we don't seem to be much different in age."




  In the end, when the young man faced the twisted girl, he couldn't say any hard words, and could only turn into a thick sigh.

  Standing at the door of Dean Kate's treatment hospital, everyone and Amed parted.

  "Victory to you, Mr. Flonn."

  "The protection of the beautiful girl, I will accept it!"

  "Is Mr. Flonn always so rude to pretty girls?"

  "How is it possible, only special girls will have this treatment after all!"

  "Then I am truly honored!"

  The girl's words became sharp, and she slipped away.



  Blacksmithing Workshop.

  After parting with everyone on the road, Fron called his teammates, and then came to the forging (good Li Zhao) workshop.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, [Flaming Demon] or something, I can't tell... You are very good."

  "Stop talking about that hilarious nickname, okay?"

  "Isn't it very good, [Flaming Demon] or something, and it is very suitable for you, isn't it, the black and red flame thunder, hahahaha!"


  Frohn's face darkened, then he narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

  "Do you want to guess what your future title will be?"


  "I think about it, [not cold] What do you think about Ignis?"

  "[The iron nugget that you tempered won't cool down just because of this trifle!] What, isn't it very romantic???"

  "If you could say that to Lord Hephaestus, wouldn't you think--isn't it handsome?"


  Welf was stunned for a moment, then flushed, and finally... shame and anger.

  "Death to the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  In this way, Frohn's happy routine begins again. .

Chapter 70

  "Ding, ding, ding!"

  In the narrow room, the small brilliance of the magic stone lamp flickered.

  The protagonist at this time is the raging fire, its high flame illuminates the profile of a certain person, and the shadow reflected on the wall plays with the swing of his arm.


  The tempered sword body began to become more and more delicate, and the black magic power that flowed vaguely made it look like a kind of evil charm.

  "Is that all right?"

  "Ah, as a consumable item, there is no need for extra things like the hilt."

  He was holding a strange one-handed sword without any decoration, just a hilt and a blade. It would be a little inappropriate to call it a sword.

  The rough figure is like the "Gravity Labyrinth", which gives people the feeling of roughness, firmness and simplicity. The only advantage is that beautiful shape.

  If you look closely, you will find that the sword body seems to be condensed with pitch-black flame thunder, scorching hot and brutal.

  【Magic Sword】.

  The first commemorative work created by an individual named [Frohn Algorn].

  The red-haired youth picked up the magic sword named [Fire Lion No. 1] and looked at it carefully.

  "Tsk, should I say that I am the owner of "Mystery", the power of this magic sword is already very strong. "

  As for this strong, it depends on how you understand it.

  The magic power injected into the magic sword is all the magic power of the magic sword blacksmith.

  Once the black flames full of destructive power are released, it is equivalent to an annihilation magic.

  "Almost...with the destructive power of lv.4, I don't know what's going on with you guy? Even in our family, there are few magic swords of this quality, and there are only a handful of people who can make them."

  Fron raised his eyebrows and tilted his head:

  "Maybe...that's talent, right?"

  "You guy, stop being narcissistic."

  "Ha, it's not as exaggerated as Crozzo's magic sword anyway."

  "Hey, don't mention that surname again, okay?"

  "Hey, hey, as you please."

  "Since you have succeeded, then I will go back."

  "Ah, thank you this time!"

  "Anyway, it's not for me to build a magic sword, it doesn't matter."

  The red-haired youth waved his hand and left Fron's forge.

  Watching the back of him leave, someone pinched his chin and looked away, thoughtful.

  "[Crozzo's Demon Sword], the root cause of such exaggerated power is unknown to others, but I know the mystery."

  "In the process of forging the magic sword, the blood of the elves was mixed, so it has such exaggerated power."

  "Such a forging technique has the same effect as the little black sword, but unfortunately the result is completely different, "God's skill". "

  For this unknown knowledge, Frohn is simply too eager.

  But obviously for him at the moment, there is still such an unattainable distance.

  "There are still 4 days, let's build another one, and prepare my own weapons and equipment."



  A few days passed in a flash in the focused forging process.

  It is worth mentioning that [Dagger No. 4] was officially released, and the damaged [Shui Cang Staff] was also reluctantly repaired.

  Finally, using the precious... or super rare black Goliath's hard leather, Frohn has it processed and made into a handsome cardigan cloak, a pair of gloves, a pair of leather boots, a pair of double-layered Belt and pouch, as well as two leg straps and a support pack.

  In other words, the whole set of equipment that was destroyed in the Goliath crusade was completely upgraded once by the obsessive Frohn.

  Compared to the last time, this time his craftsmanship has been greatly improved, not only the relationship between "smithing" from h to g, but also experience, skills and vision.

  On these brand-new equipment, certain patterns are engraved with mithril powder.

  This is the "ability value" that is added to the equipment using "mystery".

  Attached to the boots are "Agility", gloves "Dexy", belt "Strength", cloak "Magic Defense", backpack and leg bag "Durability".

  In this way, Frohn's ability value has been improved to some extent, and he also has terrorist defense.

  Putting on new equipment, Flonn returned to base camp.

  "What? To update the ability value again???"

  Loki sprayed Frohn's face with a sip of wine, and then the young man calmly wiped his face and said in a natural tone:

  "Yeah, the 'expedition' is tomorrow, right? It's still early, and you shouldn't be too busy, so I came earlier."

  "...Is this the point? Isn't the point that you just updated it a few days ago?"

  "Ah, this. I have learned a lot of knowledge in the past few days, and my forging skills have also improved a lot. The most important thing is that I can already forge a magic sword."

  "Nani? Demon... Demon Sword!???? Are you already a Demon Sword Blacksmith?"

  Loki's eyes lit up, grabbing Frohn's shoulder and shaking wildly.

  "Ah, I understand a little bit, but it's not comparable to [Crozzo's Demon Sword], it's just average."

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