In the clear and transparent jasper-like eyes of God, sometimes empty, sometimes frantic, sometimes gentle and elegant.

  "Who am I? What do I want to do? Why am I here?"

  The chaotic memory and thoughts impacted his consciousness, leaving him at a loss...

  But as a hint emerged from a corner of his mind, his eyes gradually returned to clarity.

  The corner of Tianshen's mouth raised a gentle smile, and he found his identity.

  ——During the darkness, a figure in a dark red cloak walked silently out of the shadows in the corner, standing quietly beside the god.

  "The Loki family, the expedition has returned."

  "Oh? How's it going?"

  "Although it was embarrassing, there were no casualties."

  "Yeah, what happened to the person who drew your attention."


  After a moment of silence, the cloaked man gave a rather bad evaluation.

  "It's just a rude clown."

  "That's good. Hehehehe..."

  PS: 3000-character chapter, continue to ask for full booking, ask for flowers and tickets!Door.

Chapter 97

  After returning from the "expedition", everyone started busy again for the aftermath.

  After the failure of two consecutive "expeditions", coupled with the huge threat of mysterious new types of monsters, the team members of the entire family began to consciously hone themselves and began to improve their strength.

  I can still see Raul, An Qi, Erwei and others at ordinary times, but now they are all gone.

  Of course, the most exaggerated among them were the cadres——On the second day, the [Suppression Bracers] that had been replaced by the magic stone were put on by them again.

  Frohn came to the cafeteria to eat on a daily basis, and soon discovered this small detail that shocked him.

  Everyone knows that Frohn likes to sit in the corner, so... this position was his exclusive for a long time, and everyone consciously reserved it for him.

  But there are always some things, the plan can not keep up with the changes.

  He likes corners because he doesn't want to attract attention and likes quietness.But every time he sat here to eat, Tiona, Ais, Lefiya and the others would come over and dine with him with a smile.

  This is already a big spectacle, and it has caused a lot of heated discussion among friends in private.

  But... this is completely putting the cart before the horse!

  As soon as he sat down with the food, he found that Ais was sitting beside him with a speechless face, because he was still wearing the [Suppression Bracer], and there was a trace of sweat on Sanqisan's forehead.

  "I said, you don't have to fight like this, right? You also wear this thing when you eat? Are you sure it won't affect your digestion?"

  "No, no, no, I'm used to it."

  Ace's daily expressionless expression was shocking to the world.


  Are you sure you are used to eating indifferently under several times of gravity? ? ?

  Tiona smiled and shook her arms as if to show off.

  "That's right, you don't know the feeling of fighting after taking off the bracers, the feeling of comfort! Ah... I think the ability value will reach the bottleneck in a short time, and then look for opportunities to get the Great Achievement upgrade!"


  Someone raised an eyebrow in surprise.

  "You already have the ability value of S-segment?"

  "Hmph, don't look down on people, Fron! Let me tell you, strength, durability, and agility have long been S, okay? It's just dexterity!"


  He couldn't help but swear in his heart, he was completely dumbfounded, and the changes came too fast...

  Dude, as expected of you, Teona, the potential is so high.Just a little help can get to that point in no time.

  "Then... shouldn't you also be Tione?"

  A certain irritable woman pretending to be a lady eating breakfast sneered.

  "My simple sister is almost in the S segment, I am definitely stronger than her as a sister!"

  But Tiona is not happy anymore, she admits that she is a little naive and occasionally stupid, but you can't say it outright!

  "Hey, you said I was innocent just now, didn't you? What do you mean!"

  "It literally means, you are a fool, otherwise how can you call me the sister of fish lips."

  "You...I want to fight you!"

  "Come on, who is afraid of who!"

  Then...the two sisters quarreled, and Frohn couldn't help laughing while watching this almost daily scene.

  "What about Ace?"

  "Ais is fast too. It seems that only the durability is A, and even the strength has made up for it."


  As for dexterity, agility, and magic power, it must have been S for a long time. Those are the items that Ais is good at.

  "After sublimating with all S, it will be stronger at Lv.6."

  "Of course, we can't just watch you catch up from behind, right? You're already at Lv. 4 in the blink of an eye. If you don't work hard, you'll soon catch up!"

  "How can this happen!"

  Seeing the little angel raise his fist to cheer, he was amused.It's a pity... your hopes are going to be in vain.

  "Speaking of which, are you going out today?"

  "Well, I have promised Lefiya to go shopping with her."

  "Congratulations, Lefiya."


  "What are you talking about, what are you talking about!"

  Then the fairy girl looked at Floen's half-smile eyes again, her cheeks blushing, and she was so cute.

  "Ahhhhh, I hate you so much!!!"


  Then, everyone laughed unkindly.

  A breakfast ended with laughter and laughter, and then parted with everyone in the atrium. Floen returned to his room and plunged into the [Magic Workshop] under the base camp.

  In the slightly dim light, Frohn stood in front of the workbench, resting his chin with his hands, thinking deeply.

  "It's definitely impossible to do things in secret with my current identity. The label of [Loki Familia] is too conspicuous. Those guys will definitely stare at every move of the big family in the city. Plus I Now the name of [Blazer] is known to everyone in Orari, and it is impossible to go out and mess around, reputation is very important, and I don't want to die socially."

  "So... do you want to hide your identity? It seems that it is quite popular to wear second vests now, especially the guys who are active in the world. It's basically the norm."

  "Well, in this case, isn't there a demand? Only when there is demand can we start designing and then make it."

  His lips curved, and under the dim light, Frohn smiled eerily low.

  This kind of situation is almost the same as the clown on the flag of the family, and I have to sigh that fate is tricking people.



  the other side.

  After Ais waited for a few girls to pack up a little, she went out to the street near North Street.This area is the famous clothing street of Orari, and even has a large number of clothing stores that are unmatched in the entire continent.

  Standing in front of a row of shops that are connected by walls, the high-end stores standing alone can make people dazzled. The beautiful clothes displayed in the cabinets are not only expensive dresses ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of Farleys.

  Lefiya looked at the price marked on it through the window, and the whole fairy was in bad shape.

  "This... this set of dresses... actually cost 1500 million Farleys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  "Oh, don't make such a fuss. Dresses are very expensive. Especially when the gods hold a banquet, basically only the gods will buy this kind of thing, we adventurers don't need it."

  "But...but this is too expensive!"

  "Guest, our clothes are not only made of very rare drop props in dungeons, but also the craftsmanship is designed and made by a world-famous master. Each piece is unique, and the price should be fair."

  "Ah, hug, sorry."

  "It doesn't matter, if the guests have any styles they like, they can come in and shop around."

  Sure enough, the service attitude of the store that can sell this kind of luxury accessories is not bad.

  Perhaps... there is also a reason for recognizing their identities.

  "Here, Ais here! There are very few fabrics in this shop, so it should be very comfortable to wear!"

  "Nah...Nani!???????? Miss Ace, you can't!!!"

  What would Amazon's favorite clothes look like on Ace?

  Just thinking about it makes me irritated... Lefiya just feels that her three views are about to collapse - no, absolutely not, absolutely can't let Miss Aisy who she longed for wear such shameless clothes! ! !

  "No, Miss Ace must not go there, or you won't be Ace Wallenstein anymore!"


  Looking at Lefiya who was pulling her in a rage, Ais's natural face seemed a little puzzled.

  She felt that the store that Tiona and Tionne chose was nothing. Aren't their sisters wearing them too?

  All I can say is... Ace's enterprise-level understanding is too strong.

  "The clothes in this store are cute and goblin-style, so let's go to this one!"

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