Frohn murmured in a low voice, then dragged his tired body and threw himself into work again.

  The darkness is creeping, and the evil shadow has gradually swept the entire labyrinth city, but it is unknown at this time.

  With the arrival of the monster festival, the whole street was filled with a festive atmosphere. Noisy people were talking loudly about the program in the arena tomorrow (Good Zhao Zhao), and the adventurers also temporarily put down their work and raised their glasses to celebrate. short vacation.Merchants in various stores also seized the day of national celebration and launched various activities to prepare for a big profit, and the gods are also looking forward to the unknown tomorrow.

  The city decorated with countless magic stone lamps is brewing its own carnival day.

  "Ais, see you tomorrow! We agreed to participate in the monster festival together!"


  On the floor of the girl's room, sisters Tionne and Tiona said goodbye to Ais and Lefiya, and did not forget to remind their friends to remember tomorrow's promise.

  "Lefiya, this."

  "Miss Ace?"

  "Thank you for the clothes you gave me, I like them very much."


  The fairy girl blushed.

  "Then, that, you, you like it, just scare!"

  "Well, I'll wear it tomorrow."

  "Too, great! That, Miss Ace, good night!"

  "OK, good night!"

  Frohn, who happened to finish the final work, was walking down the stairs from the fourth floor and happened to see this scene.

  She looked at Ais, who was facing the entrance of the stairs.

  He didn't say anything, just blinked and moved his lips.

  Heart-to-heart... His words silently reached the girl's heart.

  "Good night."

  PS: The 3000-word chapter will be sent, please complete the order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket and ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 100

  Day and night alternate, and the morning light that crosses the huge wall pours into the bustling city that is gradually recovering.

  Compared to usual, there was more noise on the streets today. The shopkeepers put various event signs in front of their doors, and adventurers who used to be rare during the day were also frequently appearing in the streets at this time.

  Mobile vendors set up their stalls in the squares around the arena, offering a dizzying array of snacks.The kind of mouth-watering fragrance that floats from far away is gluttonous.With just one glance, there is a high probability that your eyes will be full.

  At this time, in the courtyard of the base camp of the Loki Familia, Tione, Tiona, Lefiya and other girls had already eaten breakfast. They gathered together and chatted happily. It seemed that they were going to go shopping.But... things often don't go as planned, it's like a vicious circle.

  Seeing that Loki, who had sobered up, walked down the second floor with a smile on his face, the goblin girl who had been well-dressed at first glance was dumbfounded.

  "Aisi Tan, you want to accompany me today!"

  The straight cut Hu made several girls feel unhappy.

  "What, Loki. We all said we were going to the Monster Festival, how could you do that!"

  "Hey hey, sorry, Lefiya. Ais Tan has to go out with us today. I'm going to make an appointment with another god, and I need a reliable guard."

  "Ahhh? But...but—"

  "No, Lefiya. Some things are hard to say, but it's important anyway."

  Saying that, Loki held Ace's shoulders and pushed her out.

  For this, Ace's indifferent face showed apology.

  "Lefiya, that... I'm sorry, can I stay with you another day."


  The fairy girl was crying and squeezing her body, and she looked pitiful.

  "Hee hee hee, I'll accompany you to Aisan another day! I'll borrow it today."

  "Bullying, bullying people—!"

  Tionne and Tiona looked at each other, the girl's pitiful appearance made them shrug helplessly.

  "Okay Lefiya, Ais isn't here, and we'll accompany you, let's go to the show together, hey."

  "Okay, okay. Loki is the bad guy, huh!"

  "Hey hey, watch out for Loki attacking you at night, Lefiya!"


  On the upper floor of the huge mansion, Fron leaned on the armrest in the air corridor, and looked at the small theater below with one hand on his chin, with a smile on his face.I just think the relationship between Lefiya and Ais is getting more and more interesting. Lily Fairy is worthy of its name.

  "What, didn't Floen go to the Monster Festival with them?"

  Finn was standing beside him at some point, although he had a hard time looking down through the armrest.

  "This - I feel like shopping or something, just thinking about it gives me a headache. Especially with girls, when they go shopping, they are like a perpetual motion machine. It seems that it has evolved into some kind of terrifying creature, which is really dying."

  After imagining such a scene for a while, Frohn shivered in shock.

  From that day, he recalled the fear of being dominated by women shopping...

  "Ah, haha. You are also afraid sometimes!"

  Hearing that he even made such a cunning analysis of women shopping, Finn was stunned, and then burst into laughter.

  "...I'm afraid of a lot of things, let's go."

  Thinking of what he did in the dungeon battle, Finn smiled and shook his head.

  Is Frohn really afraid?Not so.Even the naive Amazonian girl Tiona can see Frohn's hidden nature and the disguise on the surface. How could Finn, as the brain of the entire family, not see it.

  Even if you don't mention his own qualifications, Finn, as a senior adventurer, and a big man who rose from the darkest period of O'Leary, is not comparable to the young man Floen in his thoughts on some delicate interpersonal relationships and human nature. .To quote the dwarf old man Grace, that is—these young people are still far behind.

  "Hey, I really envy you young people. It's nice to still have time and mood to go shopping at the festival, watch the beasts, etc. It's so good. It's like us old guys still have to bury their heads in the office and you have a lot of documents. It was so busy in the middle of the night that even taking a sip of tea was considered extravagant.”

  Is this... Finn also has a side of complaining?Oh, I'm not wearing the mask of the head of the regiment now - after understanding this, Fron raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, looked down at the other party a little, and twitched the corners of his mouth:

  "Speaking of which - Finn, your handsome appearance, are there a lot of girls who give you a secret or simply give it away? It's too much for you to attract bees and butterflies, right? Who knows that you are already The middle-aged uncle in his 40s is still so flamboyant."


  Finn was almost staggered by Frohn's brusque change of the subject.

  "...This is a racial talent that you humans can't envy. And... Forget it, you're already Lv.4, and it's no secret to you."


  Frohn turned his head slightly suspiciously, not knowing what Finn was going to say.

  But I saw that the head of the little human race narrowed his eyes, and Zhengtai had a meaningful look on his face.

  "You don't know yet, the family that is endowed with favors will ease aging with the increase of Lv. Let's use an analogy, such as me - already at Lv. 6, then, for the demihuman race of the little human race, , Theoretically, the lifespan limit is far from my limit. Well, in Loki's words... Leveling up is a process of approaching God. Once it reaches a certain level, it may become a god-like existence. Not sure?"

  Frohn can't remember when this matter was, but he really knew this secret in a vague way, or, in the circle of high-level adventurers, it was a well-known secret. .

  This is why, every time the children sublime themselves, the main god of the family will be excited, and the love given to the children, the general gods will want the children to accompany them for a longer time, right?Whether it is a human being or a god, the attitude towards being close to family is the same.Thinking broodingly - he fell silent.

  Gradually approaching the gods—but, is the gap between humans and gods that big?

  The answer is: the gap that can't be seen when looking up at the stars.

  For example, if Fron's temporary goal is to acquire all the knowledge of a world, sublime by the power of magic, and gradually approach the concept of "God", then... the landscape of the peak of man is not something he can understand now. Yes, let alone gods, that is another dimension of existence.

  An eternal estrangement that cannot be understood, thought, spoken, or even approached.

  "Okay, don't think too much about it. Gods are born with gods and gods, and we humans have human lives, no matter which one is extremely wonderful, there is no need to envy, and the most important thing is to live well in the present moment."

  Frohn smiled silently.

  "Yeah, I'm very satisfied with my life now. Dreams are like falling in love, and what you enjoy is the process of chasing, isn't it? Once you get it, the taste will change."

  "Well, this description is very interesting, let's not talk about it, I have to deal with the documents, hey...a headache."

  "I wish you a happy work, Captain!"

  "I'd rather not have this blessing."

  Frohn spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders and smiled, and after watching Finn leave, he retracted his thoughts.

  "Okay, it's time for me to go too. Let's finish that thing first. Remember it's in the southeast area?"

  Shaking his head, Frohn put on his cloak and hood and left the camp.

  [Suma Family], the main god Soma, the god is a god of wine.

  The base camp and wine store are located in the southeast of the city between East Street and Southeast Street, which is the third district.

  The family's time in Orari has a history, at least two generations, because from memory, Frohn knew that Lily's parents were adventurers of the Soma family.

  The Soma family, like the Dionysus family, was the backbone of Orari's faction.

  The most famous thing in this family is the [True Divine Wine] brewed by Soma, the god of wine.

  Note that it is [True Divine Wine].

  Occasionally, there are also divine wines brewed by Soma in circulation on the market, and the prices are extremely high.But only insiders or very few people know that the Soma wine circulating on the market is a defective product.

  That's right, the divine wine that makes one drink and even hallucinates is just an inferior product.

  And the real divine wine, that's an amazing thing, it's just like Frohn's previous life's disciplinary product, just drink a small sip, will become the shape of Soma.

  Completely fall into the slaves of the divine wine, in order to drink a small sip of the divine wine, make crazy money, use any means, and have no bottom line.

  Dungeon, threats, persecution, and blackmailing are common among the Soma family members. Coupled with the indulgence of the head of the group and the disappointment of the main god Soma with the family members, this situation has intensified, and even the trade unions have found some clues. .

  Not to mention other things, almost every day, I can see the members of the Soma family who are dissatisfied with the amount of gold coins they earn at the gold exchange making trouble. Fron has seen it several times.

  Xuanyue and the wine cup, this is the emblem of the Soma family.

  Because of the great name of the wine, the residence of the Soma family in the southeast is almost well known.

  Standing outside the gate of Soma Base Camp, Fron looked up at the castle in front of him.

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