Shalltear was like a snake that had been caught seven inches, and her long body began to twist violently.

Immediately, Saigo put his right hand into Shalltear's lamprey-like mouth full of sharp teeth, and grabbed her tentacle-like tongue.


The long tongue-like tentacles were directly pulled out of Shalltear's body by Saigo, and brought out a lot of disgusting scarlet things.

Shalltear's resistance suddenly became much weaker.

Xixiang casually threw Shalltear's sea snake-like body, who was not moving, and threw her from the sky to the ground.

Chapter 187 Our Creator, Our God!

Shalltear's dry-skinned but viscous body like a sea snake fell from the high school and hit the ground.

Her body was struggling in the mud, and the gray skin was stained with a muddy filth.

In Shalltear's mouth full of sharp teeth, she spat out countless pieces of internal organs, turning the ground under her feet into a swamp of flesh.

Gradually, Shalltear's monster-like body became weak, as if he had lost most of his strength.

If it weren't for the fact that her skin was still shaking slightly, no matter who saw Shalltear's current appearance, she would have thought she was dead.

Xixiang's body fell from the air and stepped on the ground under his feet.

The twelve huge bone wings behind it gradually gathered, and in his right hand he was still holding Shalltear's tongue, which was just pulled down. The tongue was several meters long, and the nerves on it had not died, and it trembled slightly in Xixiang's hand. on.

"Shalltear, can you still speak?"

Saigo slowly walked in front of Shalltear, looked down at her lamprey-like twisted body, and said coldly.


Because of the loss of the tongue, the monster could only utter an inarticulate whimper, and her ferocious scarlet pupils showed a little bit of fear.

You must know that Shalltear, who is in the blood madness, is irrational, but even such a lunatic who has no self-awareness will show fear, and you can imagine how strong the fear that Xixiang brought to Shalltear.


What else Shalltear wanted to say, Saigo listened carefully, as if Shalltear was about to activate the 'rewind time' magic again.

This magic Shalltear can be used three times a day. She was severely injured by Saigo just now. She used it once. Now Shalltear wants to activate the second skill to restore herself.

Seeing this, Saigo raised his hand and whipped Shalltear's tongue like a whip.

The scarlet tongue was still burning with pitch-black flames, and as the whip beat on Shalltear's writhing body like a sea snake and a maggot, the monster made a painful cry again and wriggled in the soil.

The jet-black flame on the whip burned the magic power that Shalltear had mobilized, and withered under the will of aging.

And without magic, naturally no skills can be activated.

Xixiang whipped Shalltear with a whip, leaving only Shalltear's pained screams on the empty land.

After being beaten for an unknown period of time, Xixiang kicked hard at the foot, kicking Shalltear, who was already blurred and unable to see clearly, in front of the many guardians.

Saigo seems to be saying that this is the end of the "betrayer". As the guardians, you must be loyal, otherwise you will become Shalltear.

Of course, this idea was Momonga's own imagination and dubbing. He kicked Shalltear's broken body in front of Albedo and the others with a kick from Saigo, imagining that it was his power over the guardian.

Momonga's heart was relieved, and his expression was joyous. It was not only the excitement brought by Xixiang's easy victory over Shalltear, but also his heartfelt temporary reassurance for the guardians.

‘Presumably being abused by Zaratul, those guardians will be afraid and dare not give birth to a rebel heart. ’

'...As expected of Zarath, when executing traitors, he also killed chickens and monkeys for other guardians. ’

Momonga admired Xixiang's method in his heart, but was also shocked by his strength.

Such terrifying power is simply beyond the limits of the World Tree game.

To know that Shalltear is the strongest guardian, even if another world champion Takimi wears a divine weapon, he will have to fight hard to defeat.

But when Xixiang faced Shalltear, it was like a father beating his daughter. He was abusing him from beginning to end, and Shalltear had no resistance at all.

According to Momonga's analogy, it's as simple and easy as a full-level boss taking a novice to the village gate to brush goblins.

In the World Tree game, there are some bosses that require the cooperation of dozens of players to overcome.

Momonga felt that with the power of Xixiang today, he could definitely beat those world-class bosses with ease, and he was no longer in the same dimension as the players.

Even the strength of Xixiang's performance made Momonga feel that the game limited Xixiang in the past, so that he could only show the same strength as other players.

Momonga was thinking wildly, and the other guardians were kneeling on the ground at this time, looking up at Xixiang with fanatical expressions, and respectfully shouted: "...Supreme Supreme, what should Shalltear do?"

This is the power of the Supreme Being, it is so great, so incredible!

All the guardians were shocked and inexplicable.

As guardians, of course they knew how strong Shalltear was.

She is the strongest guardian at full strength, so Shalltear is the only one who guards the three-story tomb, and the others will only guard the first floor at most.

But even in this way, it is also the most powerful existence among the guardians. In the eyes of the Supreme Being, it is no different from other ants, but it is just a little bug that can be trampled to death between its feet.

This is the Supreme who created us, the Supreme Supreme, the Great Supreme, our Creator, our God!

Contrary to what Momonga thought, they didn't have any feeling of killing the chickens and setting an example for Xixiang's actions, because the guardians never had the idea of ​​betrayal.

"Zaratul, what should Shalltear do?"

"...Since she has been hit with the world item 'Alluring the Country', theoretically only other world items can cancel this effect."

"When facing this kind of world props in the game, there is another way to kill them directly. You only need to drop 5 levels at most."

"...But in reality now, I don't know if the resurrection mechanism of the Great Tomb can still be used."

Momonga walked towards Xixiang at this time, he said worriedly.

As the strongest guardian, Shalltear was a useful item. It would be too wasteful to throw away such an item. That was Momonga's idea.

'Alluring the country and alluring the city' is not a particularly powerful world item, and suicide can remove the control.

If it is the kind of 'twenty' level item, there are some effects that can even force the player to delete the account, that is really scary.

But even so, 'Alluring the Country and Alluring City' cannot be removed with the skills in the game, it is the effect of the world item after all.

"It seems that this period of experience has made you grow a lot, Momonga..."

"...I can feel that your heart is no longer as flustered as when you came here in 170, and even you are not as timid and indecisive as you were at first."

"In a word you can understand, if you were just an ordinary company animal in the past, then you are now a small leader of a company."

"...This change of mentality is invaluable, Momonga."

"If it is still in our world now, I can already give you some powers and positions, and let you lead a group of people."

Xixiang looked at Momonga carefully and said with a smile.

He still likes Momonga, a good guy who pays great attention to friendship.

Momonga smiled shyly, touched his big bald head, and sighed in his heart that Zarath was indeed a leader in the past, and this leadership style is really not something ordinary people can learn.

"You can even see this, it's amazing, and it's really reassuring to be able to come into this world with you."

Momonga praised.

These words are from the heart, whether it is Xixiang's strategizing wisdom, calm and decisive maturity, or even the absolute strength he is showing now, Momonga has a huge sense of security.

"Returning to the topic just now, it just so happens that I want to use Shalltear as an experiment to try the new art I have mastered that I am not yet proficient in."

Saigo stared at Shalltear, who was writhing on the ground.

Since the world item involves the power of two digits and a corner, if you use the power of the same level as the holy annihilation, can you dispel the effect?

This will bring a lot of important experience for Xixiang to get acquainted with and master the power of the full power field.

Chapter 188: The Broken Universe Truth

Momonga didn't know how Xixiang was going to remove the effect of 'Breaking the Country and Falling the City'.

In Momonga's cognition, the effects of world items can only be removed if they are also world items.

In the World Tree game, many players have complained about the exaggeration of this thing, but because of the limited number of world props and the only way to use them, in the end, they will be gone.

Under Momonga's curious gaze, Saigo walked up to Shalltear.

Seeing Shalltear, who was twitching like a rag lying on the ground, Xixiang's eyes were cold.

There are many incredible graphics sketched in his mind. Every symbol in these graphics is mysterious and vast, and these symbols are densely packed, seemingly telling the truth of the universe.

This is the power of Sheng Jie.

In the bloodthirsty world, Saigo got all the materials he studied about Shengjian from Cain, and Shengjian's ceremonial venue was under the door of the cornerstone of Itogami Island.

This allows Xixiang to have sufficient experimental props to study Shengjian.

Although the time is short so far, Xixiang has not been able to fully grasp the holy annihilation, but he has also studied some methods of use.

In the brief communication with Cain, Xixiang also knew the true origin of Shengjian.

Sheng Jie was researched by Cain, but not by him.

According to Cain, about 10,000 years ago in the bloodthirsty world, when he was still the chief researcher of Tianbu, he accidentally got a stone tablet.

The stone tablet has no substance and does not really exist. It is like the cosmic truth condensed, and there are countless lines and mysteries written on it.

As a researcher, Cain was naturally happy to see what was on the stele. After a long period of research, he used the stele to develop a technique called 'Sacred Sword'.

It can be said that Cain did not research the power of the holy annihilation by himself. He was just a user. After getting the technical principle first, he turned it into reality after a long time.

This also lifted a doubt in Xixiang at that time.

That is how a four-digit number in Cain's district studies the power of two-digit numbers. Even if Sheng Jie is a trivial corner of the real two-digit number, the essence of power is also in the domain of full authority.

Cain's ability to study the holy annihilation across two gaps like a moat is not something that can be explained by genius.

It was not until he communicated with Cain that Xixiang suddenly realized that this power did not belong to Cain, and he was also picking up people's teeth.

As for the materials that Cain handed over to Xixiang, in addition to the experience gained from his own research on Sheng Jie, they also contained the contents of the stele itself.

At that time, Saigo felt that the Shenao recorded in the stone tablet was somewhat familiar, as if it had the same origin as himself, and was similar to "Avista".

Now after a period of research on Shengjian, Xixiang can finally try to clear his doubts.

Countless graphics sketched in my mind eventually turned into countless mysteries.

In fact, compared to the power of Lingge, Xixiang believes that the power of the holy annihilation is not too strong.

The power of Lingge was directly inherited by Xixiang, and he also belonged to a use-it-yourselfist.

However, the power of this holy sword is Xixiang's research from scratch, and it is based on his own wisdom to walk on the road of predecessors and turn it into his own power.

He understands all the principles in it, and knows the meaning and mystery of every mysterious symbol that he can grasp.

It is precisely to be able to fully grasp it, in Xixiang's view, this is his own power!

The clear sky turned dark.

Not only the sky above Xixiang, but all parts of the world, the night has replaced the day.

Above the endless cosmic sky, countless stars shine, turning into bright rays of light, as if using the universe as a curtain to form a manifestation of the truth of the world.

Every star exudes an unchanging atmosphere of vicissitudes. They have changed their revolution path under some unknown force, and they have just come to a suitable angle.

According to legend, the highest state of astrology has the power to change the sky and change the sun.

If each star represents the fate of a person, and many stars constitute the fate of the world, then such power is undoubtedly the power to change the world.

At this moment, Xixiang has already felt this incredible power, which is enough to distort the law of heaven and stir the fate of thousands of worlds.

At the same time, this Saint Zhan, activated by Saigo's aging spirit, somehow had a connection with the 'world item' in Shalltear's body that distorted her will.

They seem to be one, once a complete figure, but they are broken for unknown reasons, and finally they are like lost children scattered in the endless universe, trying to find their way home.

When he discovered that Shengjian and the world item were actually the same source of power, and found that they were originally one, Xixiang suddenly realized.

After thinking of what Cain said that he had acquired knowledge from a non-existent stele, and thus researched Shengjian, with Xixiang's wisdom and some logical reasoning and association, he generally knew that this was what happened.

The power of this omnipotent realm, the power to distort the endless world, is fundamentally broken from the mother of evil gods.

The spirit of the Mother of Evil Gods mastered by Saigo is where most of the power of the Mother of Evil Gods lies.

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