Now that Liyue Port is newly built, all the residents live in such thatched houses with difficulty.

The old man surnamed Su burned a porcelain pot with firewood in his house, and the water in the pot was bubbling.

After the water in the pot was completely boiled, she carefully took out a porcelain jar from the corner, which was filled with some fine powder like tea leaves.

After staying in Liyuegang for half a month, Xixiang also knew that these teas were actually the fruits of some plants.

Under normal circumstances, it should also be fried, so that the taste is more fragrant.

Before the outbreak of the Demon God War in the past, drinking and selling tea was also a business.

But now the people of Liyue are living in hardships, and they don't have so much time to enjoy this kind of enjoyment.

Ordinary people just brew these picked tea leaves and drink it. Although it is bitter, it can also give the tongue a little taste.

"The house is shabby, and only some tea brought from Guili Ji can entertain guests. I hope you don't mind."

The old man brought two bowls of tea and said with a smile.

"Everyone is living a hard life these days, and it would be nice to have such a cup of tea."

Xixiang smiled, he picked up the tea and blew on the floating mousse on it, and then took a sip.

Tea was hard to drink, and in the bloodthirsty world, he was delicious and delicious with Nangong's allowance of 183 that month.

In the World Tree game, Xixiang even had everything, and as long as he wanted, his subordinates would give everything to him.

It's just that although this weak tea tastes bad, it has the tenacity and determination of the people of Limin to overcome difficulties and create a civilization in order to build their homeland.

Therefore, although the tea is bitter, it has an endless aftertaste.

Gan Yu looked at Xixiang nervously, thinking that the Lord Demon God was not used to the things of these common people.

But seeing Xixiang's face as usual, she was finally relieved.

"My Xiaomei has been taken care of by you, the elderly, I am very grateful."

Xixiang said casually, looking for a topic with this old man, and it was considered to be able to integrate himself into Liyue Harbor as much as possible.

Saigo doesn't like to just stare indifferently like an outsider after coming to a new world, he prefers to integrate himself into it.

Hearing that Xixiang called herself 'Wang Xiaomei', Gan Yu hesitated, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Where is it, Xiaomei has been taking care of the old lady."

The old man said with a smile, and began to talk about the past, while Xixiang was drinking the bad tea and listening with a smile.

It may be that they are old, and the elderly just like to be long-winded.

She said a lot in one go, probably her own story.

The old lady's son was a member of the Thousand Rocks Corps and died fighting against other demons' retinues in the Demon God's War.

The daughter-in-law became seriously ill from heartbreak and passed away soon after.

She raised her grandson by herself, and when her grandson grew up, she also joined the Qianyan Group, and finally sacrificed on the battlefield like her father.

This is also full of loyalty.

There was only the old lady left in the whole family. It can be said that after she was completely exhausted, Qian Yantuan also took good care of her, and she did not lack food and clothing.

However, as people get older, they don't have much requirements for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but they become more and more lonely.

It was also at this time that the old man met Gan Yu, and Gan Yu often came here to help her with some housework or chat with her.

"Hey, this man likes to tell these old stories when he is very old, but it makes you laugh."

"...Little beauty is kind-hearted and beautiful, and I don't know how to approve it? I have an old friend who has a good relationship. Her great-grandson Junxiu is now a reserve member of the Qianyan Regiment."

"If Xiaomei doesn't promise her, I can match the old lady."

The old man probably likes to be a matchmaker, and the old lady is full of excitement when she talks about the matchmaker.

Xixiang smiled and said, "...My daughter is still young, and it's not yet time to get married."

Gan Yu's face flushed, and she quickly said, "...Grandma Su, I, I don't want to get married... I only have my father in my family, and I want to take care of him for the rest of my life."

Under the urgency, Gan Yu's mind turned fast, and immediately thought of a good excuse.

Although the old lady was regretful, she didn't say anything, just smiled: "...Xiaomei is a filial girl."

"...Hey, the old lady doesn't really care about anything, she just doesn't know when this war will end."

Gan Yu somehow thought of what Xixiang said not long ago (ahfi) that the war is about to end, she said, "...I think the war should be over soon."

"...The emperor found his old friend. The Lord Demon God is powerful, and he will definitely bless Liyue and lead Liyue to victory."

With that said, Gan Yu secretly glanced at Xixiang.

The old lady smiled and said, "...Yes, Xiaomei, what you said is that the war is almost over, it must be over soon."

The old man didn't know if the war was really over, but she hoped that the war would end soon.

The two sides chatted for a while, and Xixiang found an excuse to leave.

The old man sent Xixiang and Gan Yu out of the hut, and kept telling Gan Yu to come and see her when she was free.

After leaving the thatched hut and walking in the hot Liyue Harbor, Gan Yu was too embarrassed to speak out.

On the other hand, Xixiang glanced at her and laughed, "...Wang Xiaomei?"

Gan Yuqiao blushed slightly, and murmured: "...This is just an expedient measure, the name I said casually at that time, Lord Zarath, please don't laugh at me."

"Don't worry, I won't laugh at others casually, Wang Xiaomei."

Xixiang couldn't help laughing out loud.


Gan Yu felt embarrassed for a while, and the hair on the top of his head between the horns trembled.

"It seems that you are still willing to contact humans, but you are hesitant to be half-human and half-immortal, and you dare not use your real face to contact humans. That's why you used an incarnation and a pseudonym, right or not?"

Xixiang said with a smile.

Gan Yu nodded slightly and said, "...The emperor said that as a bridge between humans and immortals, I should enter human society."

"...It's just... It's just that I still don't dare, because I'm afraid that my appearance will not be accepted by people, so I mustered up the courage to try this method and get in touch with everyone first."

Xixiang smiled and said, "...You always say what the emperor said, and the emperor says... Forget it, it is estimated that the habit since childhood will not be changed in a short time."

"...But you are willing to admit that part of yourself, and you are willing to contact human beings. This is already progress. You are much braver than you imagined, Gan Yu."

Gan Yu was a little embarrassed, but when Xixiang praised her, a shy and soft smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing her hesitating to speak, Xixiang asked, "...What do you want to say to me?"

Gan Yu took a deep breath and said, "...Sir, you are much gentler than I thought."

Xixiang snorted: "...Am I that scary?"

Gan Yu wanted to nod and say yes. As a demon of chaos, Xixiang's existence is the enemy of all living beings. Even if he does not show malice, it is daunting.

But Gan Yu still didn't dare to say it.

"The devil loves people. Morax and I are both devil gods, and naturally we also love people."

Saying so, Xixiang slandered in his heart.

He is one of the ultimate trials of mankind, and his love is estimated to be waiting for mankind to overcome his trial, or to be destroyed under his trial.

Although this love is twisted, it is also love.

At this moment, a tall and mature figure appeared in front. After seeing her, Gan Yu said happily: "...It's the True Monarch of Gechenlang City!".

Chapter 12 "Salt Demon God"

The one who came to Xixiang and Gan Yu was a slender woman with blue hair and a graceful appearance.

She is valiant, with a bell hanging around her waist, jingling as she walks, looking beautiful and gentle.

"Gan Yu!"

When Zhenjun Gechenlang saw Gan Yu, a smile appeared on his pretty face, like a mature big sister~.

However, after seeing Xixiang next to Gan Yu, the True Monarch Gechenlang was startled for a moment. She hurriedly arranged her clothes and respectfully said: "...Sir!"

Xixiang nodded slightly, he looked at Zhenjun Gechenlang City for a while, and then said to Gan Yu who was snuggling beside him: "...Since an acquaintance is here, you can go back with her - let's go."

"...I know that you are still not used to life in this world for the time being, so you can return to nature and go to the fairy family first."

Seeing that Xixiang seemed to be leaving, Gan Yu felt a little reluctant and couldn't help but ask, "...Where are you going?"

"Me? I'm going to see this piece of Liyue land and look for other demon gods. If I can meet one or two of them, I'll kill them."

Xixiang's tone was light, but his attitude was arrogant, and he regarded the devil as nothing.

He does have such power, even his current chaotic spirit is enough to make him compete with any demon **** in this world.

If he borrows the power of other demons, he doesn't need an existence like the Mother of Evil Gods, but with the help of the already perfected spirituality of the "aging demon", it is enough for him to crush all the demon gods.

"Then Gan Yu will be handed over to you, Gechenlang City..."

Xixiang nodded slightly to True Monarch Gechenlang City, and then he took a step forward, the space control technique was activated, and Xixiang disappeared in the eyes of Gan Yu and True Monarch Gechenlang City.

Seeing Xixiang leave, the serious expression on Gechenlang City's face faded, revealing a few smiles.

She took a few steps forward, took Gan Yu's hand, and said with a smile, "...This Lord Demon God really likes you, Xiao Ganyu."

"... This lord always gives us immortals a sense of terror that is difficult to approach. Even if I just talked to him, it still makes me terrified."

Immortals are both respectful and awe-inspiring in the face of demons.

Demon gods such as Morax are very friendly to the immortals, but there are also many demon gods who don't care about the thoughts of these immortal beasts and are cruel to them.

"The lord is very gentle, like... just like the lord in the end."

Gan Yu couldn't help saying at this time.

True Monarch Gechenlang City was stunned for a moment, she never thought that Gan Yu would compare Xixiang to the end.

If it is really like the final adult, it is also very good.

After all, there are not too many demon gods who are friendly to immortals and beasts like Morax and Endgame.

"It's just... I didn't seem to be respectful enough just now. I don't know if Lord Zarath will hate me."

Gan Yu said dully and cute, with a worried tone.

Seeing Gan Yu's expression, True Monarch Gechenlang City covered his mouth and smiled.

She fiddled with the bell at her waist and said, "...Gan Yu don't have to worry too much, the lord just entrusted you to me when he left, and I know he cares about you."

"...When I was young, I was ignorant. At that time, I loved beauty. When I saw this bell was beautiful, I begged the emperor to give it to me."

"The emperor couldn't beat me, and he thought I was annoying, so he gave me the bell, but the emperor never hated me."

When Gan Yu heard the words of the True Monarch Gechenlang City, she blinked her beautiful amethyst-like eyes and said dumbly, "...Really?"

"of course it's true."

True Monarch Gechenlang City couldn't help but stroked the unicorn horn on Gan Yu's head, and said warmly, "...Gan Yu, you are half-human and half-immortal, and this is actually your advantage."

"...You have the long lifespan of an immortal beast, and learning the magic of the immortal family is also twice the result with half the effort. At the same time, you are also different from other immortals, and you can integrate well into the human race."

"Look, even the Lord Demon God, who made us immortals fear, takes care of you and likes you. It can be seen that the Demon God loves people, and he also loves you."

The words of True Monarch Gechenlang City made Gan Yuyin feel worried, and she said again: "...But True Monarch Gechenlang City, aren't you different from True Monarch Liuyun and the others, do you like to be in contact with humans?"

"That's why I am an extraordinary immortal."

True Monarch Gechenlang City said rather proudly.

Then she took Gan Yu's hand and said, "...Let's go, that lord is right, you may not be ready to come into contact with humans right now."

"...In that case, let's go back to the cave."

Gan Yu nodded knowingly, but under the magic of the fairy family, the two also disappeared in Liyue Harbor in a dense fog.


Xixiang temporarily left Liyue Port and came to this land called Liyue.


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