Neon Earthly Day, which is what we call Saturday.

Early in the morning, Lin Ye woke up from his sleep.

Today is the day to go on a date with Yukino, so you have to prepare yourself.

Lin Ye got up and put on his clothes, began to wash, and then went out to the morning exercise and stopped by the supermarket to buy ingredients and come back to make breakfast.

Even if you have great strength, you can’t leave it down with your daily exercise.

Because it is Saturday, pedestrians are sparse, and it seems relaxed and comfortable to walk on the road in the early morning.

Walking to a traffic light intersection, Lin Ye stopped and waited for the green light to pass.

Suddenly a dog barking attracted Lin Ye’s attention, and he turned his head to see a pink-haired girl holding a dog.

The person who came was Yui Hihama, who was wearing casual clothes at this time pulling her Sabré puppy, apparently also out for a walk.

“Lin Ye-san? Good morning! ”

Why did Yui Hihama know Lin Ye, it was because Lin Ye was a celebrity from Hidechiin School, and it would be difficult for the students in the school not to know him.

“Yubihama-san, good morning.”

Hearing Lin Ye shout out his name, Jie Yi was a little surprised, and did not expect that Lin Ye, a big celebrity, could still know himself.

“It was a surprise that Lin Ye actually knew me.”

Isn’t it natural that I have to go on a date with Xue Nai, how can I not know you, the only good friend of Xue Nai in the original work.

Of course, Lin Ye can’t say that I saw you on TV here, a little thought, Lin Ye explained.

“When I was looking at the school’s roster before, I saw Yubihama-san, and such a cute girl made people remember it at a glance.”

Thank you Xuenai, borrow a line, your reason is really useful.

Hearing Lin Ye’s words, Yubi Bin Yui was a little shy, and did not expect Lin Ye to attack with such a direct straight ball.

“Yes. yes, thanks for the compliment, hehe. ”

At this time, a car sped by, interrupting the conversation between the two, and a small thing fell from the car.

When Sabree, the dog held in Yui’s hand, saw it, she instinctively rushed forward to get it back, but Yui didn’t hold the rope for a while, and let the dog run to the middle of the road.

Seeing this, Yui did not pay attention to the red light, and hurriedly stepped forward to try to pull Sabrage back.

But at this moment, a large truck is speeding on the other side of the road.

After Yui picked up the escaped Sabree, she looked up at the big truck in front of her and froze, the distance was no more than ten meters, and there was no time to dodge.

At this time, even Lin Ye could not walk over to save them at the first time, and in a hurry, Lin Ye quickly took out the play cartridge and expanded the game field.


The space generation device activates, instantly bringing Lin Ye and Yui Hihama and the dog in her arms to a special space.

Only large trucks were left on the road speeding by.

After hurriedly braking, the truck driver got out of the car to see the situation, but found that the street was empty at this time.

The driver, who felt a little weird in his heart, immediately got into the car and drove, and secretly decided that even if no one was there in the future, he couldn’t drive so fast, otherwise it would really be hell.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Lin Ye closed the game field and brought Yui back to the traffic light.

“Yubihama-san, it’s okay now.” Lin Ye opened his mouth to remind Yui, who was still closing her eyes.

Hearing Lin Ye’s words, Yui Hihama slowly opened her eyes.

What came into view was Lin Ye’s handsome face in front of him, and after feeling that he was intact, Yui was a little puzzled.

Didn’t I just finally see a big truck driving in front of me, I was so scared that I closed my eyes and arrived here, it was hard to believe that Lin Ye saved me, but I didn’t feel anything.

“Classmate Lin Ye, what just happened?”

Lin Ye looked at the ball on the head of the knot coat, at this time, why are you smart, confused in the past.

“Have you forgotten, I just pulled you back in the end, it’s so dangerous, next time remember not to do it.”

“It turned out to be so, thank you Lin Ye, I will pay attention to it in the future.”

But what Yui was thinking in his heart was that he just didn’t seem to have any physical contact, and faintly, he seemed to have arrived at another place, and then returned here.

But since Lin Ye said this, it was not easy for Jie Yi to pursue the question, after all, he was his own savior, so he buried this secret in his heart.

Lin Ye looked at the time and delayed this meeting, at this time it was time to go back to make breakfast.

“Yubihama-san, I’ll go first.”

“Well, goodbye, Lin Ye-san.”

Looking at Lin Ye’s departing back, Yui understood why Lin Ye was so popular with girls at school.

What a handsome and considerate person.

Back home, after taking a simple shower to wash off the sweat of morning exercise, Lin Ye walked into the kitchen.

Today’s breakfast is mainly sandwiches with milk.

Beat two eggs and fry until golden brown on both sides, then cut the ham and toast.

Spread a layer of ham and cucumber slices on the bottom of the toast slices, top with fried eggs, squeeze with salad dressing, then put cucumber slices, ham slices, and finally another slice of toast.

Then take out the knife and cut it into two triangles from the middle of the diagonal, so that the two sandwiches are ready.

Although the cuisine is very simple, as long as you are attentive, you can eat it satisfactorily.

Lin Ye made breakfast and went upstairs to shout at the little buried who was still sleeping.

Open the door, well, it’s daytime now, it’s still dark in Xiaoburi’s room, thick curtains block the sunlight, and the comics and handhelds scattered all over the room represent that Xiaoburi stayed up late playing games again last night.

Alas, Lin Ye began to wonder if he was too spoiled for this sister.

Opening the curtains, the mild sunlight of the early morning penetrated, Lin Ye turned his head and saw that Xiao Buri had woken up, rubbing his eyes, like a cat’s cute and confused.

“Woke up?” Lin Ye commanded, “Go wash your face and brush your teeth, breakfast is ready.” ”

“Well, Ernie.”

Xiao Bury replied in a daze, stretched out his legs from the quilt, and made contact with the cold morning air, and his round and cute toes suddenly curled up.

“Oh, it’s so cold, I decided, I want Oni-chan to carry me over.”

Xiao buried his eyes on Lin Ye’s warm embrace and jumped up directly.

Lin Ye was helpless, so he had to let his willful sister just think about not being too spoiled.

After breakfast, it was time to go out, and it was still an hour before the agreed time with Yukino.

Dating, as a man, you can usually be on time or arrive a minute or two early, but don’t be late and let the woman wait.

Lin Ye changed into a more handsome casual clothes, arranged his hairstyle a little, and went out after telling Xiao Bury not to run around.

Behind the door, Xiao Buri saw Lin Ye dressed up like this and went out, he must have gone on a date.

So Xiao Buri also changed his outfit, put on his hat and transformed into a genius player U.M.R., secretly following Lin Ye.

She will not let her brother be snatched away by other women!


PS: Meng new author, ask for a wave of support!!

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