Chapter 62 decides that it is you Gray Plain Mourning!!


“Brother Lin Ye, how am I behaving!”

As soon as the game field was closed, Yuki came to Lin Ye and looked like he was quick to praise me.

Looking at Yuki’s cute appearance, Lin Ye couldn’t help but reach out and touch her head.

“Well behaved, qualified as an intern.”


Yuki squinted his eyes slightly, accepting Lin Ye’s praise, and was in a very good mood.

“What about me?”

Asuna’s voice came, obviously dissatisfied with Lin Ye’s eccentric behavior Lin Ye’s actions were more direct, since you asked for it, then don’t blame me for being unkind.

Walk up to Asuna,… He also reached out and touched her head.

“Asuka is also great!”

Asuka blushed and took a few steps back, she just wanted a few words of appreciation, in terms of action, she was not a child like Yuki.

Not to mention that there is still snow now, if there is no one else, it is not impossible…

Xue Nai watched the jokes and fights of the three people, and he was like an outsider, and he was even more sullen.

Lin Ye was very keenly aware of Xue Nai’s strange appearance, and for the sake of harmony, he leaned over to Xue Nai’s ear and whispered.

“Don’t forget the gift, I’m looking forward to it!”


Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Xue Nai nodded shyly, and sure enough, he was still very important in Lin Ye’s heart.

Lin Ye calmed the wings, and the little girl on the bed also woke up wanderingly.

Walked up to the little girl and observed.

“Looks like it’s okay, the game sickness has been treated.”

Asuna and Yuki high-fived to celebrate, and the first patient’s removal operation was perfectly successful, Lin Ye and his party pushed the little girl who was still in the lake out of the ward.

The parents who had been waiting in the hall for a long time saw the little girl come out and rushed up.

“Is my daughter okay, how does her body feel, is she still dizzy?”

The parents asked anxiously, just after being pulled away, they lost contact with their daughter, if the staff had not been persuading themselves, otherwise they were really worried about death.

“Mom, I feel good now.”

The little girl replied that the bad feelings that had existed from today were gone.

“The patient’s surgery was successful, and now that the game disease is cured, please come back.”

Lin Ye said lightly, by the way, he issued an eviction order, since the people are well, they should leave quickly so as not to be upset to watch.

The parents looked at the girl who was bouncing alive intact, knew that they had misunderstood Lin Ye, stood up and bowed and apologized.

“I’m sorry, I just saw your clothes and didn’t trust you, in short, thank you for curing my daughter.”


Lin Ye looked down at his school uniform, and the water uniforms of the three girls behind him, which was indeed strange in the hospital.

Maybe I should get a white coat uniform here.

At school is K Uniform Play, here is White Coat Uniform Pay.

Eh, I accidentally thought crookedly.

After the patient left, after lunch, Lin Ye wanted to take Xue Nai and them back to school.

At this time, a staff member handed Lin Ye a list, saying that this was an ordinary employee who was about to join the company, and asked the leader to take a look.

Lin Ye swept around, and there was no problem.

Suddenly, he found a familiar name.

Akemi Miyano.

Looking at the avatar next to the name, Lin Ye determined that she was Gray Yuan’s sister Lin Ye frowned and pondered, what is she here for?

Xue Nai was getting up and preparing to leave, looking at Lin Ye, who was still in the same place, and couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“What’s wrong, if you don’t leave again, you won’t be able to catch up with the class.”

“Xue Nai, you can help me take a vacation, there is still something here, I may not be able to come to the first class in the afternoon.”

Lin Ye decided to meet this woman first to see what purpose she was really holding in.


In the end, Yuki and Asuka and Yuki go first, leaving Lin Ye in the CR.

“Tell this new guy to come to the office and meet me.”

Lin Ye threw the roster to the staff next to him and pointed to Akemi Miyano’s name above.

In the office, Lin Ye propped his hands on the desktop, thinking with ten fingers crossed.

Since Akemi Miyano exists in this world, then her sister Shiho Miyano is also Ai Haibara, and she will definitely exist as well.

Haibara is a female scientist of the Black Organization and the inventor of the body reduction drug.

To be honest, Lin Ye is quite interested in this medicine, if it can be perfected and there is no limit to the number of times, wouldn’t it be equivalent to immortality.

If this one thing can be mastered in your hands, it will be of great use.

And Haiyuan is also quite smart, in addition to biochemistry can develop more of this miracle drug, it also has good applications for mathematics and physics.

After thinking about it, Lin Ye decided to turn Gray Yuan Wei from the side of the black-clothed organization, a cute girl who could be big or small, and could also do research in the CR for herself, how could she not accept it.

“Knock knock.”

A knock on the door interrupted Lin Ye’s thinking.

“Come in.”

When the door opened, a woman with long straight hair and black hair and a beautiful appearance walked in.

“May I ask the dean, is there something wrong with me?”

Miyano Akemi asked uneasily, she didn’t know why Lin Ye found her on the first day.

The mission given to her by the organization is to go undercover here to gain Lin Ye’s trust and obtain secret information here.

After the fact, the organization promised to release her and her sister from the organization, and the thought of leaving that hell made Akemi Miyano decide to take on the task.

Lin Ye stared at Akemi Miyano, his fingers tapping lightly on the desktop, making the latter more and more nervous.

“It’s nothing, I just want to see why you, who were originally a bank employee, gave up the lucrative conditions over there to come here as a grassroots employee.”

“Can you tell me why?”

Lin Ye’s eyes emitted a cold light, and he finally opened his mouth to inquire.


Miyano Akimi was a bit distraught, she didn’t expect Lin Ye to be so stressed by a high school student.

“I’ve always been interested in doctors, but I don’t have a professional license, so I want to come here to make my dreams come true.”

“That’s it.”

Miyano Akimi breathed a sigh of relief, just when she thought she had passed the level of confusion, Lin Ye’s next sentence made her hang her heart again.

“Miss Miyano, do you like to drink, I think vodka is very good, very suitable for tons of tons in winter.”

Hearing the word vodka, Miyano Akemi’s pupils shrank, and she immediately retracted her expression, but this subtle expression was clearly caught by Lin Ye.

Sure enough, she in this world is an undercover agent of the black-clad organization like the original play.

“Well, I don’t like drinking very much.”

“That’s a shame, I still have a gin here that I wanted to recommend to you, do you say, Miss Miyano, or should I call you Miss Undercover?”

Lin Ye’s flat expression said words containing murderous intentions.

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