Chapter Seventy Hidden Benefits of Transformation!!

“They didn’t tell you? Also, doesn’t it seem strange to ask me about this? ”

Lin Ye had some doubts, although he didn’t know why Sanjiu was hiding a flower and four leaves, but according to the situation, it was difficult to guess that it was related to himself.

“No way, Ernai they said that everything was in order, so they had to come to ask Tolin to night you, after all, only you are the most familiar in the school now.”

“Then how did you find me?”

If it was in the past, I would have been staying in the laboratory with Futaba at noon, but today because Futaba took leave, I came to the library for the first time.

So normally you should not be able to find yourself.

“Hehe, just find a girl to ask about that kind of thing, besides, the school’s forum is also written.”

After speaking, Yihua opened her mobile phone and showed Lin Ye a few posts, all of which were all about the various situations of school celebrities.


It seems that it is also a mistake to be too famous, and I did not walk on the main road with a hidden figure, and people along the way will naturally see and spread it.

“Okay, I’ll answer your question too, it’s time to talk about me.”

Yihua poked Lin Ye with her elbow, telling him not to go around in circles and say quickly.

“Actually, I don’t know.”

Lin Ye got up, put the books back on the bookshelf in turn, left this sentence for Yihua, and turned around to leave.

“Wait a minute.”

Yihua grabbed Lin Ye’s hand, and due to a little excitement, the voice movements were a little loud.

“Shh, it’s still in the library.”

Lin Ye stretched out a finger and put it to her mouth to make Yihua whisper, while signaling her to pay attention to the surroundings.

When Yihua saw that the people around him were curious to look over because of the voice just now, her face turned red, and she obediently followed Lin Ye out of the library first.

Looking at Yihua who followed him like a little daughter-in-law behind, Lin Ye couldn’t help but be a little handsome, and it seemed that he was still embarrassed because he had just disturbed others inside.

In fact, Lin Ye didn’t want to tease Yihua, but he probably guessed the reason why they didn’t say it.

That is, this kind of thing is not easy to explain!

You said that it was because Sanjiu was infected with a strange computer virus, and then a bunch of monsters came out, Lin Ye transformed into a Kamen Rider and defeated the monster, and then Sanjiu was fine with this kind of thing.

Do you think anyone will believe it?

Lin Ye thought of this that he wanted to fool the past, and the matter of the five sisters was solved by the five sisters themselves.

“Lin Ye, if you tell me, my sister can tell you what color is in today’s school uniform~”

Yihua leaned into Lin Ye’s ear and whispered, her words full of temptation.

“It’s really a good condition, but it’s a pity that I’m not interested in Yihua really puffing out her pink cheeks like Xue Sanjiu at this time to express her dissatisfaction, this guy really can’t get into the oil.”

【Drip~Task triggered】

【Please get information about the color that a flower wears today】

【Reward: All required information for Kamen Rider Kronos】

The sound of the system sounded for many days, but Lin Ye frowned.

Kronoska with this kind of thing, in Lin Ye’s eyes, is almost a must, but it only takes a long time, after all, it only needs the Bugster information of 1 game to make the Kamen Rider Chronicle.

The trouble is only the transformation conditions, you need to be immune to all kinds of collapse virus to transform, Lin Ye has been stuck here so he got a CR and planned to collect information all the time.

That is to say, the system came out at this time to help me push forward the progress, do you think I am doing it too slowly? Or do you have something else to do?

Out of this cautious consideration, Lin Ye decided to take on this task, and his intuition told the system that it should be to help him come out at this time.

And the strength of this cassette, it is also good to be able to obtain it in advance, but this task condition is too pitiful, and I just refused Yihua’s invitation.

“Lin Ye? Did something happen? ”

Yihua stretched out her hand and waved in front of Lin Ye’s eyes, why did she suddenly stop.

Lin Ye looked at Yihua and opened his mouth to say anything.

“System, can you pay the mission reward in advance.”

“This kind of thing makes me pause (the game) for a moment, and I can just sneak it up and see if I can’t get it.”


If Lao Tan knew that the first time Lin Ye wanted to use Pause was in such a place, he would definitely be eager to crawl out and teach him a lesson.

“It’s okay, I’ll go back to the classroom first.”

Lin Ye feels that it is too damaging to his image now, and he has to think in the long run, at least there must be a way.

Looking at Lin Yetou turned around and left without looking back,… Yihua pursed her pink lips, and she definitely wouldn’t let him run away again next time.

Back in the classroom, the students are basically there at this time, because the class is about to start.

Coming to sit down in front of his throne, Lin Ye suddenly remembered something, and whispered to Megumi Kato next to him.

“Kato, I want to ask you if you wear safety pants if you wear a school skirt.”

Megumi Kato heard Lin Ye’s question, a little strange, usually Lin Ye doesn’t seem to ask this kind of question.

“So does Lin Yejun want me to wear it or not?”

Kato replied with a calm expression that she would not have big mood swings at this level, because Lin Ye would have been different for her for a long time.

Lin Ye seriously thought about this question and glanced at Kato Hui’s snow white and delicate absolute field.

Well, such a short skirt, for their safety, or wear it, of course, when you are alone with yourself, you don’t need it.

“I think Kato should wear it at school, be safe.”

“That’s my answer.”

Kato Hui smiled at Lin Ye, she knew that Lin Ye would definitely answer from Kato Hui to get the answer she wanted, although Lin Ye was very happy that Hui trusted herself, but from this point of view, her other plan was also in vain, Lin Ye’s plan was to use some special power to secretly create a little strange wind in a no-man’s land.

So that he can pass the mission without injury, but now that he looks at it, he will fly up, and he will only see the evil invention.

Do you really want to go out by yourself?

Lin Ye looked at the teacher who was in class bored, a little irritable.

If the boring uniform can be replaced with a little more temptation, maybe it can soothe your depressed heart, and you won’t not listen to the lecture every day.

Wait a minute… Change!

Lin Ye’s mind moved, and he had a brilliant idea in his heart.

Since Yihua wants to know what happened to Sanjiu, he might as well use this to make a special cassette to achieve his own goals.

In Lin Ye’s mind, Kamen Rider Saber appeared! Inside, the transformation of the smoke sword wolf smoke.

Or the picture of Sailor Moon when she transforms.

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