Chapter 72: Five Sisters Change Cartridges!!

“This is Lin Ye’s part-time job, isn’t it, is it the place to be the leader? It’s so big. ”

Shi Yu had already imagined all possible situations on the way here, but she still underestimated Lin Ye.

This large research institute-like place in front of me can’t be said to be a small organization.

Megumi Kato watched quietly, and she found that she didn’t seem to know enough about Lin Ye.

“Please come over here and change your clothes.”

As they prepared to enter the core area of the CR, the staff at the door said to Yukinai.

“Change clothes?”

Yukino was a little puzzled, and then she looked at Asuka Naruto.

Asuka also shook her head at her, saying that she didn’t know it very well.

The staff saw the doubts of the girl’s group and explained.

“This is the dean’s new rule today, requiring everyone inside to change into a work uniform and look professional, your words, the dean said that the doctor’s uniform will do.”

“Oh~ I didn’t expect Lin Ye to have this kind of fetish, this is the legendary uniform control?”

Shi Xiyu said while looking at Xue Nai, she felt that Yi Xue Nai’s character should not be accepted.

“There’s a reason Lin Ye did this, so I agree.”

Xue Nai remembered the suspicious eyes of his parents that day, understood Lin Ye’s intentions, and left for the first to change after saying that.

The others also followed to their respective changing rooms, leaving behind a person’s Shiyu.

Shiyu is a little strange, did she miss something?

Shaking his head, after emptying his head of thoughts, he also walked in.

After a while, the white doctor, a girl with a uniform of white doctors, came to Lin Ye’s private area, where Asuna and Yuki rested and entertained when there were no patients.

As soon as he came inside, Yuki naturally changed to a dark elf form, although he looked good in a doctor’s uniform, but he still liked the current look more.

Because, this is Lin Ye personally made for himself, which means that the Yuki he likes should be like this.

Yuki then spread his wings and flew around the room to relieve the stress of the day.

The sight of the great change of life in front of them surprised Shi Yu and Kato Kei who saw this face for the first time, the latter was fine, he could not see anything on his expression, but Shi Yu’s words were so surprised that his mouth opened slightly.

“Yuki this is…”

“This is what Yuki used to look like now, because I’m a Bungen body.”

Before Shi Yu could finish asking, Yuki preemptively answered.

Crashing source?

Shi Xiyu and Xue Nai, the first impression that came to mind was the big yellow monster he saw that day, and he couldn’t get along with the cute little girl in front of him.

“Because Yuki is a humanoid metamorphosis of human transformation, unlike those infected by viruses.”

Seeing that Shiyu was very puzzled, Asuna explained, and then she told Shi Xiyu about Yuki and them.

“I didn’t expect Yuki to experience so many things.”

Yukinai also heard Yuki’s story for the first time, and it seemed that the setbacks she had experienced were nothing compared to her.

“Well, it is precisely because of the support of Yuki and Lin Ye that I can be honest with my mother and get the support of my family.”

Asuna said with a smile, since that day, she has decided that her life is different, with the support of her family, and Lin Ye, who has always been by her side, she has never been so happy.

Yukinai was silent, did she herself have the courage to confess to her mother and resist.

And Megumi Kato, her brain is a little confused now, what resurrection, collapse body, game disease, she seems to recognize these strange things for the first time.

On Lin Ye’s side, not long after Asuna and them arrived in the CR, he also came here with Yihua Erna.

“Please come over here and change your clothes.”

It was the staff member who spoke.

“Change of clothes?”

Yihua looked at Lin Ye suspiciously, from the moment he just came in, he felt very strange, is this a hospital, but in fact, it seems that it is not.

Lin Ye scratched his head awkwardly with his fingers, as if he had given this order, and now he was moving a stone to drop it on his foot.

“Ahem, the two of them are guests, so they won’t need it this time.”

Lin Ye spoke up, letting the staff realize himself.

“Dean! Sorry, I didn’t see the dean here just now. ”

The staff apologized one after another, if they angered Lin Ye, wouldn’t their work be gone.

Although I seem to be a janitor here, but the treatment is very good, the salary is several times that of the outside, and it is cool to make money by paddling every day.

“It doesn’t matter, I just didn’t stand in front, so let’s go in and bypass this staff, Lin Ye took Ichika and Ni Nai to another place.”

“Lin Yejun, now you can tell me what secrets you and Ernai Sanjiu have.”

Yihua looked up at the surrounding environment, and it was not difficult to see from the words of the staff just now that Lin Ye was the person in charge here.

Such a large research institute is probably not something that ordinary people can do.

Ichika was becoming more and more curious about Ernai’s affairs at this time.

“Ernai, I’ll leave it to you first, I still have some work to deal with now, so I’ll ask you to talk to Yihua before I come back.”

“I see, but…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll solve any problems when I come back, just be bold.”

Lin Ye gave Er Nai an encouraging look, and then slipped away, explaining something, saying too much will really get tired.

After Lin Ye left, Ernai was still immersed in Lin Ye’s expression just now, but he didn’t notice that Yihua was slowly approaching her.

“Okay, Ernai, let’s talk about it, Lin Yejun has long gone away.”

Ichihana hugged Erno from behind and said in her ear.

“Yihua, let go of me, I know!”

Lin Ye came to his exclusive research room and turned on the equipment and computer.

“Now, it’s time to put the ideas in my head into practice.”

“It’s terrible, my talent.”

Lin Ye crossed his hands over the bangs and revealed a mysterious smile.

When a person makes a game cassette tape, Lin Ye’s mood will always become like this, perhaps only in this way can he give full play to the talent of the gods.

Soon, under the rapid operation of Lin Ye’s fingers, according to the idea in his mind, a dress-up cassette was quickly made.

Pick up the cassettes that I just made, and the stickers on them are the Q-plate avatars of the five Nakano sisters.

The next step is to fine-tune it a little bit and add what you wanted to achieve when you first used it.

In this way, the bait is ready, and the next thing is to wait for the fish to take the bait.

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