Chapter 195 Prepare for a Surprise Gift!!

Lin Ye looked at Alan in front of her, her special white gold CR-IT was called Pancragun, how to say it, compared with another person named Pancragun, her armor was very understanding.

As the saying goes, the less you wear in the second dimension, the higher the defense, although the world can use random fields to hard round, but this armor exposes a large area of snow-white skin and decoration that emphasizes the figure.

So much so that after Lin Ye plans to recover the display device, he must design his wings to be conservative, handsome, astringent or something.

After Allen heard Lin Ye’s words, he was stunned for a moment, a little unsure.

“How do you know my name and what gift you are talking about?”

“Your little fangirls told me, as for the gift, it’s you!”

Lin Ye pointed to the AST members lying on the ground next to him, and finally pointed to Allen.

“Can I understand it as a provocation? Forget it, these are not important, you just need to know that I came to take you away, as for whether it is complete or missing arms and legs, it depends on your attitude. ”

Alan’s expression did not change, because she had come to hunt Lin Ye, and words could not affect her anything.

On the way to Hua, she heard the message from the DEM side in the communication, and Lin Yehu easily defeated the ‘princess’ and asked her to consider whether to retreat.

With pride, she didn’t care, because her strength, even if it was an ordinary elf, would not be her opponent, so facing Lin Ye, she didn’t try how to know which was stronger or weaker.

“How come the people on the DEM side have come, and the impact is so great, so how will our plan be carried out?”

Kotori looked a little anxious.

On the Ratatosk just now, they were all shocked by Lin Ye’s strength to defeat Shika lightly, especially Kotosa, she knew that Shika’s Sword Angel was very powerful, if even her full attack could not react, then others were estimated to be the same.

Kotori asked, “Where is Shiori now?” ”

“Commander, Shiori Gokawa has just been forcibly put far away by the origami paper of the AST, and is now on the ‘way to come on horseback’.”

Monitor the report of Shiori’s staff.

Qin Li took a bite of the lollipop, and she knew that this time the plan was completely ruined, first of all, the loss of the ‘princess’ target communication, and now even the situation was confused.

“Who is that man?”

Qin Li was very dissatisfied with Lin Ye who had ruined their good deeds.

Inside the DEM club, Viscott was looking forward to the upcoming battle between Alan and Lin Ye on the screen.

“How many more surprises can you bring me?”

The smile on Viscott’s face gradually became happy, especially after seeing Lin Ye defeating the elf with power head-on, he still looked like he was still strong.

His desire for Lin Ye now exceeded that of the elves, and he felt that as long as he obtained the power of sending, then his desire to take revenge on the humans of this world could also be fulfilled.

Lin Ye’s side, after hearing Allen’s words, frowned, this is the confidence of the world’s number one magician.

I’m too confident.

“These words have often been heard in front of my enemies during this time, but unfortunately they did not have the opportunity later…”


Before Lin Ye finished speaking, Alan slashed with the lightsaber in his hand, and sure enough, there were not many cruel words, and Lin Ye reacted quickly, picking up the keyboard sword in his hand to block this blow.

“Sure enough, you’re kind of yourself.”

Alan faded back, and then increased the energy output of the random field, flexibly bypassing the front of Lin Ye, flying above Lin Ye with the advantage of size, the lightsaber in his hand accurately hit the billion armor of Lin Ye’s big fat man, and then a letter judgment appeared on the left shoulder of the billion armor.


Alan stood firm, looking at this special effects light curtain is a little strange, although the blow just now hit, but his hand was also a little numb, the final reaction is this strange thing?

In fact, this is a function modified by Lin Ye himself, because the enemies he faces are generally not gamers, so he added a normal person who can be the same as gamers, and after the attack value reaches the boundary point, he can make an attack judgment, which can also be regarded as a reminder to himself.

Lin Ye glanced at the attack decision letter on his left shoulder and silently modified the defense power from 100 tons to more than 10,000 tons.

This Alan on the opposite side is indeed worthy of the title of the strongest magician, this kind of skill, no wonder those elves who are not the main battle will be easily killed in seconds.

But the interesting point is that don’t look at Allen as strong as she is now, but after taking off the CR-UNIT tactical display unit, she will become a little natural and silly.

At the same time, the physical fitness is not good, the motor nerves are extremely poor, the swimming is hard, and the flat ground will fall, and even the female high school student Linen Mei trio.

But now I still can’t treat her as that natural stay, this kind of attack and top reaction speed, if you are not careful, it is estimated that it will not be handsome enough.

Although Lin Ye will not be broken when he stands there and beats her, it is not too embarrassing! How could the power of Kami only come to play this role.

“What can you do, just take it out!”

Alan said to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye heard this kind of request for the first time, so let’s satisfy her a little.

“Send it, but you said it!”

Lin Ye smiled.

Then, in Allen’s wary eyes, Lin Ye silently put down the keyboard sword, and just when she was strange, Lin Ye’s fist pointed at the sky.

To deal with this kind of agile people, of course, it is the power of light, and the scene is also cool and in line with your own style.

The sky of Tiangong City was suddenly controlled by Lin Ye’s cosmic chronicle, and the power of the sun was used by him.

Allen noticed something bad in his heart, and quickly increased the energy of the random realm to the maximum, and quickly retreated, and sure enough, in the place where he had just stayed, a sun ray tens of meters wide shone down, leaving a burning mark on the ground.

She looked up at the sky, and at this moment, the original sky, densely covered with large convex mirrors, gathered the sun’s rays and began to attack her.

“Hide well, but just that is just a small test knife, the next is together, friendly reminder, it is oil tracking Oh.”

Alan gritted his teeth and continued to maximize the random realm output, trying to dodge the next attack.

It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought of flying up and chopping off that convex mirror, but that number, before she could solve one by herself, had already been solved by the rest of them…

Alan tried her best to dodge, like a cat catching a mouse, and suddenly she thought of a way.

“Then I’ll get close to you so you can’t attack with this range.”

Alan sped up again and came to Lin Ye’s side, wanting to use Lin Ye’s mentality of being jealous of himself to crack this trick.

“The strongest magician, have you ever thought that in fact, my side is the most dangerous?”

Lin Ye smiled slightly.

The reason why she used the sun’s light is to deal with those flexible people, let her enter her own attack range, and face the more powerful attack of her own body.

“Okay, let me obediently change back to nature!”

Lin Ye raised his fist and launched an attack on Alan in front of him, and when Alan wanted to dodge like just now, he found that his body was very heavy at this time, which was because Lin Ye attached a gravity field to the physical properties around him, and the God Limit Cassette could embody the function of the shapeshifter from idea.

“Why, I’m also affected in the casual realm.”

Alan was unwilling, she thought that she would not be affected in the casual realm, so she came with confidence.

Lin Ye did not pay attention to her, but hit the armor on Alan’s body with his fist, and activated his ability to disarm the ability to disarm the CR-UNIT on her body.

Lin Ye carried the fainting Alan and put her and the origami paper just now, and then he looked at the place where Allen flew to the beginning, that is, the headquarters of the DEM club.

Since they sent such a big gift over, there should be a gift for the sake of politeness.

So Lin Ye decided to give them a very surprising gift in return, believing that they would not receive any bad reviews.

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