As soon as the words fell, most of the students in the class looked in the direction of Ye Shenkong and Yamamoto Jianhao.

Obviously, these two are regulars.

"Now, let me tell you, the two classmates who ranked first and second in the grade this time are the students!"

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In an instant, everyone's attention was focused on Hiratsuka Shizuo.

Compared with Yashensky and Yamamoto Kenhao, what they are looking forward to more is who is the second in this grade.

"In this Chinese midterm test, the second place in the grade is—"


"One hundred and forty-one points!"

Before he finished speaking, there was an uproar underneath.

"Under what circumstances Yukinoshita is actually second!"

"How is it possible that Yukinoshita is not number one!"

"One hundred and forty-one points, this is not the first, how high is the score of the one who ranks first?"

For... Hiratsuka Shizuo announced the news, the first reaction of most students was...—impossible, unbelievable.

Because they couldn't think of anyone in the class who could surpass Yukinoshita.

"keep quiet!"

Shizuo Hiratsuka reiterated.

Everyone immediately shut up and looked forward to it.

Since the second place is Yukinoshita, who is the first place? "In this mid-term test of Chinese language, the first place in the grade, and the first place in our class is—"

The mood of a group of people fluctuated with Hiratsuka's voice.

"Classmate Ye Shenkong!"

"The total score for Chinese is [-] points, and the score is [-] points, and one point is not lost!"

After Shizuka Hiratsuka uttered the name Yashin Sora, most of the people in the class were already in a state of confusion.

There was a humming in the brain.

"Ye Shenkong, this is impossible!"

If this news was not what Hiratsuka said, they would probably refute it immediately.

But right now, they can't help but believe it.

"One hundred and fifty points, is this guy still human?"

"How the hell did he do it"

"Did he pretend to count down the grades before?"

A string of question marks appeared in their minds.

Accompanied by shock, it showed on his face, his mouth was wide open, and he was astonished.

"Everyone should learn a lot from Ye Shen's classmates!"

Shizuo Hiratsuka made the final conclusion.

But people don't really listen to it now.

All I can think about is the [-] points in the Yeshen Kong exam, ranking first in the grade.

No wonder though.

After all, anyone who has experienced this kind of thing will probably be surprised.

A person who has been at the bottom of the bottom all the year round suddenly jumps to the first place. The sense of gap in this is worth savoring.

Of course, this indirectly makes the attention of the penultimate place drop exponentially.

Yamamoto swordsman, so he escaped.


As the get out of class bell rang, Shizuo Hiratsuka left the classroom.

The discussions in the class finally boiled over, without exception, they were all about Ye Shenkong's perfect score and the first grade in the grade.

Some people say that he plagiarized, some people say that he is lucky, and some people say that he is secretive... In short, there are all kinds of topics.

But these... , did not affect the mood of Ye Shenkong reading the book.

Because, the good show has just begun! The second class is mathematics, and the teacher also walked in with a stack of test papers.

And the opening remarks he said were no different from Hirazukazu.

Report grades and comment on exam papers.

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