"Ding! Facing the invitation of Yuuki Asuna, please choose!"

"Option 2: Follow the mobile phone signal and beat her to tears. It's not fragrant or it's a game. You don't like it, but you have to go to some comic exhibition, and reward five bottles of mental strength potions and [-] points of strength" Option [-] [-]: Promise her Invitation, reward twenty spiritual power!"

"Option [-]: Refuse her invitation, pretend not to understand, and reward her with [-] points of strength!"

Follow the mobile phone signal to beat her dog day's system, when I am a Teletubbies Ye Shenkong: "If you send me another cool photo, then go!"


Yuuki Asuna felt that if Yashin Sora stood in front of him now, he would definitely not be able to resist the urge to beat him.

Immediately edited the message and sent it: "There are no cool photos, love will not go!"

Then select a cool photo from the album and send it to Ye Shenkong.

Almost at the same time, Ye Shenkong's message came: "Asuna, in fact, I will go even if you don't send a photo. After all, I want to experience what it's like to be Asuna's boyfriend!"

Yuuki Asuna: "I'm going to bring a sword to the comic exhibition, you can do it yourself!"

After the message was sent, Yuuki Asuna turned off her phone and fell asleep with her head covered.

After sending the message to Asuna, Ye Shenkong suddenly became suspicious of his own behavior.

Such lovely girls, shouldn't they take good care of them and not let them be wronged? But why do they feel so good when they are bullied by themselves? "The system, yes, it must be the reason of the system!"

Ye Shenkong nodded, confirming his own guess.

He lowered his head again, admiring another photo sent by Ben Zina...

Mine no Hara High School.

On the school's track and field, all the teachers and students of the high school were in a uniform battle formation.

Today is... the high school, the mid-term test summary and commendation meeting.

in the lounge.

"What will you say later, are you ready?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo looked at the indifferent Ye Shenkong, and for some reason, his eyelids kept twitching.

"Teacher, don't worry, you are ready!"

Ye Shenkong pointed to his head and said.

"Then tell me first, I'll see if there's anything... I'm wrong, I'll correct it for you"

Shizuo Hiratsuka now feels that the uncertainty of Yagami Sora is a little big.

After all, this guy doesn't care at all.

Ask for fresh "OK!"

Ye Shenkong nodded to reassure her.

Immediately, he repeated the standard speech of Tianchao Middle School's acceptance speech to Shizuo Hiratsuka.

In short, thank you, thank you, thank you again! After listening, the expression on Hiratsuka Shizuo's face was a little relieved.

But he still couldn't help saying: "You kid, don't talk nonsense!"

"Otherwise, don't blame the teacher for being ruthless!"

"An An!"

Ye Shenkong made a cute expression.

Secretly, there was inexplicable doubts, whether Hiratsuka Shizuo had a telepathic connection with himself, and actually guessed that he was going to talk nonsense, probably because the school deliberately promoted the deeds of Ye Shenkong, so he deliberately put his testimonials in the last place.

After going through the foreshadowing of the first two, it was finally Ye Shenkong's turn to appear.

In the introduction of the host, Ye Shenkong walked slowly to the podium.

The students and teachers at the bottom did not consciously concentrate on it.

After all, on the day the grades came down, almost all teachers were using Ye Shenkong as a comparison...  

So no matter...  

Whether it is a senior student or a junior student, they all have a strong interest in this legendary figure who has a perfect score in Keke and is the first in the grade.

Now that Ye Shenkong is on the stage, how can he not pay attention to "So handsome!"

"God! With such good grades and so handsome, I decided that Senior Ye Shen will be my male god in the future!"

"Why, God gave him such a handsome face, but also gave him wisdom and wisdom"

For a moment, most of the students below couldn't help but talk softly.

"Smelly junior, after today, I'm afraid there will be another group of little fans!"

Mai Sakurajima, who was standing in the corner of the stage, muttered softly.

"However, I am really looking forward to what inspirational stories he will tell."

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Mai Sakurajima's face.

She always felt that, with Ye Shenkong's detached character, she would definitely say something amazing.

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