
Mai-senpai's thoughts coincided with Yagami Sora's thoughts.

After all, the back garden with unstable foundations needs more time to build.

After returning to school.

Yashin Sora was called into the office by Shizuo Hiratsuka.

Just now after Yagami Sora left, it was... Hiratsuka was on top of the pot, thinking about her makes her feel angry.

"Classmate Ye Shen, do you find it exciting and romantic to confess in front of so many people?"

No, even the name has changed.

"Nothing, Hiratsuka-sensei, I'm not that kind of person!"

Yagami Sora walked behind Hiratsuka Shizuo and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Then you are the kind of person who caused a lot of trouble by yourself, and let me, a teacher, take the blame for you, but I still want to recognize you as a godfather. Now it seems that you are an unscrupulous bastard!"

Shizuo Hiratsuka shrugged slightly, as if thinking about Yagami Sora expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, I was wrong!"

"But this time, it's really not what you think!"

Ye Shenkong squeezed her shoulders and explained.

"Tell me, what's it like?"

Shizuo Hiratsuka looks like I just watched you make it up.

"Mai-senpai, you should be familiar with the teacher. After she quit the showbiz, she suffered from puberty syndrome because she didn't want to be observed."

"The direct manifestation of this symptom is... - people around you can't be aware of her existence, even standing in front of them, you can't be seen!"

"I accidentally met Mai-senpai in the library and learned the details of this matter!"

"As time goes by, more and more people forget the existence of Mai-senpai and can no longer observe her. If things go on like this, she will be forgotten by everyone and cannot be seen!"

"Therefore, completely disappear from this world!"

At this point, Shizuo Hiratsuka has fallen into the story he told.

Seeing him stop, he also asked aloud: "So you confessed on the stage... do you want more people to notice her?"


"It's mainly because I found out that the root cause of Mai-senpai's disappearance is the atmosphere of this school, so I did this kind of behavior to break the atmosphere and let everyone observe Mai-senpai again!"

Ye Shenkong nodded.

"I believe you in this matter for the time being, but you should have many ways to make people focus on her when you are on stage. Why did you choose to confess?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo turned his head and looked at Ye Shenkong with a half-smile.

"At that time, I didn't think about it so much, so I just found a reason!"

Ye Shenkong made a perfunctory sentence. Seeing that Hiratsuka Jing had a tendency to speak again, he quickly said: "If it was Hiratsuka-sensei, I would do the same, even if you think, teacher, when I take the final exam, I can still take the stage. How would I tell you then?"

After speaking, Hiratsuka Shizuo's face suddenly turned: crimson.

At the same time, he whispered to Ye Shenkong, "Go, go, go!"

"Stop making fun of the teacher here!"

After returning to normal, he opened his mouth and said: "This matter will be counted on you for the time being, but teacher, I'm taking the blame for you, how do you want to compensate me?"

"Ding! In the face of Hiratsuka's request for compensation, please choose!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-]? The dumpling who took the initiative to be beaten was slapped... (Subscription required)

"Option 10: Scratch her nose to make her feel pampered and reward her with a bottle of spiritual strength potion, ten points and ten points of strength!"

"Option 2 10: Give her a hug, let her feel your firm support, and reward a bottle of strength-enhancing potion, [-]:[-] infuriating!"

"Option 10: Give her a head slaying, let her feel the warmth falling from the sky, and reward her with a bottle of infuriating potion, and her mental power is [-]:[-]!"

Dog Day's System.

These...for... Hiratsuka Shizuo, are all high-risk actions, and the reward is so small, which does not meet the principle of high-risk and high-return at all.

"Hiratsuka-sensei can compensate for whatever he wants!"

When Hiratsuka Shizuo was expecting an answer, Yagami stretched out his empty hand like lightning, and his index finger was hooked, and lightly scratched on her nose.

"Compensation or something, Hiratsuka-sensei will come back to me after thinking about it, goodbye!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Shenkong disappeared into the office with the wind.

"Stinky boy, stop for me!"

It wasn't until the sound of Yagami Kong closing the door that Shizuo Hiratsuka came back to his senses, his face flushed, and he shouted at the door.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for completing the selection and obtaining a bottle of spiritual strength potion, ten points and ten points of strength!"

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