Not only the students who answered the questions, but also the teachers above were shocked.

These questions are not...the ones in the midterm test...simple things, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Ye Shenkong was able to answer so quickly, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

The teacher who sent the papers just now came down and took away the papers on Ye Shenkong's table.

When they came to the stage, a group of teachers formed a group to check the test papers.

The first question, yes! The second question, yes! The third question, yes!... The seventeenth question, yes! After checking the last question, these teachers showed incredible expressions on their faces.

“All right!!!”

Ye Shenkong's test paper was actually a perfect score again.

Moreover, the time and speed of this answer is completely unimaginable.

"Is this guy really a sophomore in high school?"

The teachers looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes and understood what they were thinking.

Most of the students below are no longer in the mood to continue doing the questions.

He stared at the stage with burning eyes, paying attention to the reactions of the teachers.

When I saw the expressions on their faces, from surprise to shock to extremely exaggerated shock, a trace of suspicion flashed in my mind.

"This guy, is it all right again?"

However this time.

The teacher holding the paper above suddenly raised his head and looked at the students below.

When they found that they were all looking up, they couldn't help but scolded: "One by one, what are you looking at, and you don't take the questions seriously, the Yeshen classmates have already submitted their papers, and they are still full marks!"

"Look at some of you, you haven't even done the first question yet, I really don't know what you're thinking about watching the fun!"

Really full marks!!! All the students are now full of these three words.

Look at your own test paper again, the first question has not been done yet, and all thoughts are lost for a while.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-]? Date with Yuki Asuna (Subscribe)

"Teacher, I hand in the papers!"

When everyone had no love in life, Liyang Futaba raised his hand again and said.

Sure enough, for such a thing as a crit, it is still happier to have to double it.


After the examination of the test paper, Futaba Liyang and Ye Shenkong got full marks.

The two people who finished the papers were taken outside by Shizuo Hiratsuka, while the rest continued to answer the questions.

"The school is preparing to form a team to participate in the upcoming National Physics Competition for Middle School Students!"

Hiratsuka Shizuo looked at the two of them.

"With your grades, you will definitely be selected, so now I am here to ask your opinions, if you are willing to participate!"

After speaking, Futaba Liyang unconsciously looked at Ye Shenkong, as if waiting for his decision.

"Ding! Trigger Event - National Physics Competition for Middle School Students, Please Choose!"

"Option [-]: Form a team with Liyang Futaba, participate in the competition, and lead the team to the first place, reward five bottles of spiritual power enhancement potions, and [-] points of strength!"

"Option 2 [-]: Refuse to participate, I won't do anything that is not beneficial, and reward [-] points of spiritual power!"

Looking at the options, Ye Shenkong knows that it is definitely an old serial choice.

But to get the first place, if it's just him and Liyang Futaba, it's... no problem, but with the group of people inside, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, how many people are in the team"

"Two in a team of 1!"

"Then what else are they testing?"

"Why, you are amazing, don't you allow others to test it?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo glared at him and said helplessly.

"When will the competition start"

Ye Shenkong is getting more and more... I feel that there is not enough time.

A week later, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Comic Con and Yuuki Asuna's appointment, Kaoru Miyazono, who does not know what to expect, and Mai Sakurajima, who is preparing to make a comeback, and the current national physics competition for middle school students.

But if these people get together, if they find that they have thoughts about them, I am afraid they will become a hell-level Shura field.

It might be the tragedy of Brother Cheng.

"It's still early, there's still a month left!"

Hiratsuka said quietly.

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