"Then, close your eyes!"

Yuuki Asuna looked away, not looking at Ye Shenkong, and her voice was weak and unpleasant.

"Ding! Facing Yuuki Asuna's request to close her eyes, please choose!"

"Option [-]: beat her to tears, and kiss her forcibly, just kiss her, and keep your eyes closed! Rewards intermediate-level magic - intermediate-level fireball, [-] points of mental power!"

"Option 2 10: Promise her to close her eyes, enjoy the feeling of being kissed, and reward her with a bottle of spiritual strength potion, ten points and ten points of strength!"

"Option [-]: Open it when she kisses, then give her an impressive kiss, and reward her with three bottles of psychic strengthening potions and fifty points of strength!"

Although this option made Ye Shenkong empty some grooves, but seeing that the last one coincides with his own, he is too lazy to complain.

"You can close your eyes, but you have to kiss here!"

Ye Shenkong pointed to himself.

"Fortunately there is only one day, if this guy is a real boyfriend, then I will definitely be eaten by him!"

Facing the difficult Ye Shenkong, Asuna nodded helplessly.

I'm actually a little fortunate, but luckily there's only one day left.

Seeing Yuuki Asuna's answer, Yagami Sora closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Yuuki Asuna looked at Ye Shenkong with a calm face, recalling the scenes from when the two met until now, and suddenly blushed.

Then he leaned down and leaned his face against Ye Shenkong.

The moment the two of them touched their lips, Ye Shenkong suddenly opened his eyes and embraced Yuuki Asuna's waist.

Yuuki Asuna, who was frightened, opened her cherry lips lightly.



"Ding! Congratulations to the master for completing the selection, obtaining three bottles of spiritual power enhancement potions, [-] points of strength!"

Yagami Sora looked at Yuuki Asuna who disappeared in the door, looked at the row of teeth marks on his hand, and shook his head helplessly.

Saying that, Yuuki Asuna, who killed herself, finally spoke to him.

The next morning.

After breakfast, Yagami Sora sent Yuuki Asuna to the station.

Along the way, Yuuki Asuna turned her face sideways, puffed up, obviously still: Sheng Ye Shenkong.

She looked like she didn't want to talk to Ye Shenkong.

Only when I got into the car, Ye Shenkong said goodbye.

She replied, "Never see you again! After not seeing Ye Shenkong, Yuuki Asuna's inner tension was relieved, and at the same time, there was a faint sense of emptiness.

She didn't want to see Ye Shenkong, mainly because when she saw each other now, her mind would recall that scene involuntarily.

As for the night sky.

After watching Yuuki Asuna's train leave, he also returned to the comic exhibition garage, drove the car, and rushed home.

At home, Hiratsuka Shizu and Izumi Sagiri don't know what's going on right now.

But before he got home, he received a call from Fei Yingli.

Ask him if he has free time in the evening, prepare to invite him to dinner, and thank him well.

"Lawyer Feiyingli, I just came back from going out. I need to confirm the situation at home before I can give you an answer!"

After Ye Shenkong replied to Concubine Eri, he called Hiratsuka Shizuo.

The bell rang for a while, but no one answered, which made him a little confused.

Just as he was about to hang up, the phone was finally connected, and Hiratsuka's voice came from inside: "Stinky boy, what are you calling at this time?"

"Hiratsuka-sensei, are you and Sagiri studying at this time?"

Ye Shenkong was a little surprised.

"I'm teaching Sagiri Chinese!"

Hiratsuka Shizuo's voice was a little different from before.

It seems to be mixed with some disguised taste.

"Then I'm sorry for disturbing your study!"

Ye Shenkong was half-believing.

"Hurry up and tell me if you have anything, Sagiri is still waiting for me!"

Shizuo Hiratsuka urged.

"I just want to ask, I may not be back until late at night. Do you two have anything to do at home? If there is anything, I will try to come back as soon as possible!"

The doubts in Ye Shenkong's heart are even greater.

"No, come back later, come back later, nothing at home!"

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