Ye Shenkong stopped aloud.

"Little brother really lied to me!"

Feiyingli felt a little lost in her heart.

If it's like what he said, he will definitely let himself cut "one-one-zero"


At this time, Ye Shenkong said again: "Attorney Feiyingli, I just reflected on it and found that there is a problem with my teaching method. Let's try another method!"

Concubine Yingri's heart was suddenly warmed.

She felt that Ye Shenkong probably didn't want to embarrass herself.

"I will teach you personally, so the effect should be better!"

"Do you think it is okay"

"Because when I was studying in the past, it was also taught by the master, and it was very easy to learn!"

Ye Shenkong looked at Fei Yingli with a thoughtful look on his face, with a question in his eyes.


In Fei Yingli's mind, the scene of teaching like this suddenly appeared, the front, the left, and the right are all unacceptable.

Only from behind.

In this way, the posture of the two people will become: more intimate.

However, when her eyes fell on Ye Shenkong, she couldn't help berating herself.

"Concubine Yingri, what are you thinking, Ye Shen's younger brother is only a middle school student!"

"Besides, he is clearly... ... wanting to help you learn cooking better, yet you still think of him like that!"

Thinking of this, Fei Yingli, the... Queen of Law, once again showed a guilty look.

At the same time, he said to Ye Shenkong: "Mr. Ye Shen, then please again!"

With the approval of Concubine Yingli, Ye Shenkong walked behind her, holding both hands on hers.

"When holding the knife, don't hold it too tightly, press: the hand of the vegetable must also move with the kitchen knife, otherwise it will be easily cut. Now let's cut the first knife..."

Ye Shenkong's height is slightly taller than Concubine Yingri who doesn't wear high heels.

It's almost......the mouth is flush with the tip of her ear, so when she opens her mouth, the hot air blows to Fei Yingri's ear.

It made her face blushed, and her heart beat with some high frequency.


Under Ye Shenkong's personal instruction, a square radish appeared on the cutting board.

Seeing this piece of radish, Fei Yingli's eyes were full of happy smiles.

He almost forgot that he had almost leaned into Ye Shenkong's arms.

"Lawyer Feiyingli, look, I'll say, your talent is actually pretty good!"

Ye Shenkong also praised at the right time.

The smile on the corner of Fei Yingli's mouth became even more obvious. She felt that she had never been so happy when she fought a lawsuit and won a victory.

Although she also knew that Ye Shen had half the credit here, but thinking that she also had a share, she couldn't help but feel happy.

Because I don't know what kind of cruel blows her concubine Yingri and Yi have suffered.

"It's mainly because of Ye Shen's little brother, you teach well!"

Concubine Yingli accidentally spoke out the name of Ye Shenkong in her heart.

When he reacted, he hurriedly wanted to explain.

However, Ye Shenkong replied with a smile: "It's weird for lawyer Fei Yingli to call out, why don't I call you Sister Yingli?"

"Of course, although I don't mind Sister Yingri when you call me my little brother, I still hope that you can get rid of the former little brother!"

"Little devil, you know a lot!"

Concubine Yingli's mood suddenly changed: she was very happy, but she couldn't help but let out a small snort.

As the imperial sister's concubine Yingri, although she is obsessed with legal affairs, her knowledge in this area is not lacking.

"Sister Yingri, are you still going to cut?"

Ye Shenkong likes to chat with such a royal sister.

Humorous and funny, you can also adjust the color, and the other party will not be angry.


Feiyingli nodded.

It is not easy to realize the joy of cooking, to ignite the confidence in my heart, and naturally I have to experience it more.

After half an hour.

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