"Ding! Facing Miyazono Kaoru's initiative to help, please choose!"

"Option [-]: I can't help but beat and cry, the patient should look like a patient, and reward the intermediate magic - Frost Arrow, [-] points of strength!"

"Option 2 [-]: Assign her a task, the husband and wife are of one mind, their profits are cut, and cooperation is the taste of love, reward a bottle of spiritual strength potion, [-] points of strength!"

"Option [-]: Reject her, let her stay quietly in the living room, and reward her with [-] points of infuriating energy!"

Do yourself a favor and choose Ye Shenkong. Suddenly, Ye Shenkong has a terrible idea. If you do that thing with others in the future, the system will also pop up and choose it.


He couldn't help taking a deep breath of cold air, and quickly got the idea out of his mind.

"Then help me wash the dishes!"

Ye Shenkong pointed to the fungi beside him.


Miyazono Kaoru seems to be recognized and full of energy.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for completing the selection, and obtaining a bottle of spiritual power enhancement potion, with [-] points of strength."

Ye Shenkong, who received the reward, smiled slightly as he looked at Kaoru Miyazono who rolled up his sleeves and started to dry.

Turned around and handled the chicken with a brush.

He was going to make a medicinal meal, make up for Kaoru Gongyuan, and then give him drugs.

Seeing the serious Ye Shenkong, Kaoru Miyayuan picked up a 1 mushroom and put it under the faucet.

Then find the switch for the faucet and flip it.


In an instant, a turbulent stream of water spewed out from the opening.

And Kaoru Miyayuan just happened to be holding the mushroom, less than three centimeters away from the water outlet.

A powerful stream of water rushed into her hands.

The water splashed in all directions, and Kaoru Miyanoen, who bowed down, had a friendly face-to-face.

The splashed water splashed directly on her face and body.


Miyazono Kaoru exclaimed and hurriedly backed away.

After the hand leaves, the blocked water flow can be regarded as flowing into the pool.

However, Miyazono Kaoru's face, in front of him, was already soaked in water.


At this moment.

Miyazono Kaoru felt ashamed in his heart, and felt a little ashamed.

She didn't expect to be so embarrassed by washing dishes by herself.

On the other hand, Ye Shenkong, with a slight surprise on his face, walked over to turn off the faucet, and turned to look at Kaoru Miyazono.

Reached out his hand, wiped the water droplets from her face, dragged her to the bathroom, took out his towel and wiped her face and head.

Miyazono Kaoru, who was speechless because of shame, let Yashinaku do what he did.

"Sagiri's clothes don't fit you, I'll change it for you with one of my own short sleeves!"

After saying that, Ye Shenkong walked out of the bathroom and went to his room to get his clothes.

Now, Miyazono Kaoru was finally back to his senses, looking at himself in the mirror in embarrassment, his face was blushing.

"Miyazono Kaoru, why are you so useless, you can do it like this when washing dishes!"


"What a shame!"

Miyazono Kaoru, who was wailing inwardly, became more and more... afraid to look directly at himself.

But when she lowered her head, she found something that made her even more ashamed.

Looking at the soaked clothes in front of her, she couldn't wait to find a seam and burrow into it immediately.

"Da da!"

Outside, the sound of Ye Shenkong's footsteps came.

Miyazono Kaoru hurriedly turned around, not daring to let her see his own face again.

He bent his hand and waved at Ye Shenkong.

"Sister Kaoru, the senior is someone who has seen such a big scene with turbulent waves. He has reached the point where he is not shocked by the mountains, forests and ravines, so you don't have to be shy!"

Ye Shenkong handed the clothes to her and said meaningfully.

Then he turned around and went out to the kitchen.

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