Ye Shenkong asked a question.

"Why do you need to know how to drive? Bumper cars are just for people who can't drive. How can you touch them if you can drive?"

Miyazono Kaoru's words gave Yashenkong another... new understanding of this game.

People who know how to drive, generally don't want to drive. The game of bumper cars is... specially designed to touch them, so they don't know how to drive.

Logical full marks.

"Sister Kaoru, you are such a clever little ghost!"

Ye Shenkong poked Miyazono Kaoru between the eyebrows and said.

"Senior, go buy a ticket, I'll crush you in a while!"

The same pride and ambition made Ye Shenkong couldn't help thinking of the previous three times.

In my heart, Kaoru Miyazono didn't know what new tricks she would play this time.


Tickets are in hand, I have bumper cars.

Sitting on the bumper car, Ye Shenkong looked at Kaoru Miyazono who was showing off his might, and could already imagine how she would cry for a while.

"Senior, see if I don't make you cry!"

The vehicle started, and Kaoru Miyazona drove the vehicle and headed straight for the night sky.

Just when she was about to hit the Yeshen Kong car, Ye Shen Kong turned sideways to avoid her impact.

Miyazono Kaoru, who was stunned, collided, but before he could react, the front of the car slammed into the wall.

When she reacted, she was about to reverse the car, but she only retreated a short distance.


Ye Shenkong's car collided with the rear of her car, making Kaoru Miyanoen just leave the front of the wall, and cling to the wall again.

The car with Ye Shenkong was behind her, and she didn't know how to turn left or right.

He could only turn his head and shouted to Ye Shenkong: "Senior, this time, I won't count, you let me out first, and we'll decide the outcome!"

Ye Shenkong chuckled lightly and reversed the vehicle.

Losing the persecution of Yagami Sky's vehicle, Miyazono Kaoru only has room to move.

Continue the same set of operations just now, reverse the steering.


As soon as he backed out, Ye Shenkong drove the car into it again.


Miyazono Kaoru's efforts just now were in vain, her car was once again stuck between the wall and Yagami's car.

In desperation, she had to talk to Ye Shenkong again: "Senior, don't hit me behind, you've hit me on the wall!"


Ye Shenkong was speechless and stepped back.

This time, he did not continue to hit Miyazono Kaoru with his car while she was reversing.

Not long after 0.

Miyazono Kaoru finally sees the sun again, and once again faces Ye Shenkong at a distance.

"Senior, you are not allowed to hide!"

After shouting these words, Miyazono Kaoru drove the car and collided with Ye Shenkong.


The heads of the two men collided.


Miyazono Kaoru is not very healthy, and is a little dizzy.

And just at this gap, Ye Shenkong reversed the car again, and then rushed over again.


The two cars collided again, making Kaoru Miyazono, who was not very awake, a little confused.

Seeing that Ye Shenkong was about to hit him again, he hurriedly shouted: "Senior, don't hit me in front of me, my head was knocked out by you!"

Hearing this, Ye Shenkong didn't say much, and continued to turn.


"Senior, don't bump into me!"

"Senior, don't hit me!"

"Senior, don't move, I'll hit you!"

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