After she remembered it again, Ye Shenkong had already walked out of another cinema, returned to her side and sat down:.

Of course, the excuse for Miyazono Kaoru was also that he was not feeling well.


"Senpai, take it easy!"

As soon as Yagami Sora sat down, Mai Sakurajima took his hand and pinched it hard.

"Smelly junior, let you send that kind of information!"

Mai Sakurajima leaned into Yagami Sora's ear and whispered softly.

"Sister, next time"

"How dare you have a next time"

Mai Sakurajima exerted a little force again.

"Ding! Facing the accountability of Mai Sakurajima, please choose!"

"Option [-]: Change your past mistakes, bow your head and admit your mistakes, be a new person, and reward you with two bottles of spiritual strengthening potions, [-] points of strength!"

"Option 2 10: Kiss her, every inch of kiss is worth an inch of gold, use your true feelings to touch her, and reward the primary magic copying technique, [-]:[-] mental power!"

"Option [-]: Pick her up, slap her from behind, let her know how good you are, and reward the primary magician with [-] points of infuriating energy!"

It's a pity that the manifestation technique is humiliating to the gentleman in the public! At this moment.

On the screen, the male and female protagonists are in the climax of their emotions, and the aphrodisiac background music is playing.

The figures of the two gradually overlapped.

In the movie hall, there are already many couples, putting their heads together.



Seeing this, Yashin Sora gestured to Mai Sakurajima, who was staring at him, and asked her to look at the screen.

Mai Sakurajima turned her head and found that the male and female protagonists were kissing together.

Pretty blushed, turned her head, was about to stare at Ye Shenkong, but in the next second, Ye Shenkong kissed her.



"Ding! Congratulations to the master for completing the selection, obtaining the primary magic copying technique, and the spiritual power of ten points and 10!"

After the kiss, Mai Sakurajima really forgot to question Yagami Sora.

However, her attention turned to the matter of being kissed by Ye Shenkong.

She squeezed his hand, puffed up, as if she didn't want to pay attention to him.

Time passed slowly.

The show at Kaoru Miyazono's side is drawing to a close.

Ye Shenkong looked at Mai Sakurajima next to him, revealing a touch of pain.

"Sister, I'll go again!"

"You deserve it, let you do bad things!"

Mai Sakurajima replied angrily.

However, his eyes were filled with concern, and he pretended not to care and asked, "Do you need me to accompany you to see the doctor?"

"Sister, it's trivial, you don't need to see a doctor, I'm in good health and can withstand it!"

Ye Shenkong bowed his body and prepared to leave.

"Don't be too strong, there's something wrong.

Call me and I won't laugh at you!"

Mai Sakurajima gave him a strange look.

If she hadn't known that Ye Shenkong had her own measure, she would have been anxious for him to see a doctor.

Besides, she always felt that Ye Shenkong was a little strange today, so she did not continue to investigate further.

0... "Senior, how is your health? Why don't we go to the doctor and ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine for you?"

On the other side, Miyazono Kaoru carefully supported Ye Shenkong and asked with concern.

By this time, the two had already left the cinema.

"It's okay, the senior is in good health, just... a little repulsion to popcorn!"

Ye Shenkong waved his hand.

Immediately, he took Kaoru Miyanoen and walked towards a special restaurant in the shopping mall.

It's nearly twelve o'clock now, and there are already a lot of people in the restaurant, but fortunately, Ye Shenkong has a reservation.

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