At this moment, Erina and Feishako walked up to the two with food in their hands.

Remove the original food on the table and put the food in your hand.

"Erina, why do you call me Daiye God-kun?"

Yagami Sora asked Erina while lifting the lid over the food.

I wonder how she uses her words so accurately.

"No, I made a mistake!"

Erina blushed and explained.

She was originally going to be called a big bastard, but as soon as she said it, she felt that something was wrong, so she quickly changed her words.

“Who made the food and how does it feel good”

Ye Shenkong pointed to a medicinal meal in the middle and asked.

At the same time, pick up a piece of meat and put it into Feiyingli's bowl.

"Lord Yeshen, I made it, but is there anything that doesn't suit your taste?"

Feisha asked nervously.

“No, it was delicious!”

Ye Shenkong wondered in his heart whether he should let Feishazi give him a medicinal meal in the future.

“Really good and delicious!”

Concubine Yingri also praised with a reddish face.

"You try this!"

Seeing this, Erina next to him pushed another dish in front of Yagami Sora.

Ye Shenkong stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

Taste it carefully.

After a while, his expression changed, his brows furrowed, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction.

Erina, who had been watching the change in his expression, suddenly became nervous.

Her hands were tightly clenching the corners of her skirt, like an elementary school student waiting for her teacher's criticism.

I was afraid that I would hear bad words from Ye Shenkong's mouth.


A word came out of Ye Shenkong's mouth.

Erina's face suddenly turned white, and her eyes were slightly red.

"Stinky brother, when boys talk, don't hesitate, what are you talking about in one breath!"

Seeing this, Concubine Yingri gently twisted Ye Shenkong, how could she not see that Ye Shenkong was deliberately teasing Erina.

“I feel so blessed to have such delicious food!”

Ye Shenkong spoke in one breath.


Erina breathed a sigh of relief and stared at Ye Shenkong with a strange look in her eyes.

"This bastard still likes to make fun of himself!"

"Lord Yagami, this is what Erina-sama specially cooked for you. She is the best at cooking!"

Feisha said softly.

In a word, Erina blushed again and lowered her head.

And Concubine Yingli twisted Ye Shenkong lightly again, with a hint of sourness in her eyes.

"Thank you Erina, Hiisako for your hospitality!"

Yagami Sora was unable to express his suffering, and thanked Erina and Feishako.

Afterwards, the four of them sat together again and shared the dishes made by the two of them.


Halfway through the enjoyment, the harmonious atmosphere in the hall was suddenly broken by a violent sound.

Xunsheng looked around and saw that the door of the restaurant was pushed open by someone from outside.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in a suit led the group of men in black and walked in from outside.

At the moment of seeing the middle-aged man, Erina's face became: extremely pale.

The bamboo chopsticks in his hand trembled uncontrollably.

It was as if she saw something that terrified her.

The originally agile eyes were also empty and full of fear.

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