Under the snow, Yang sat upright.

"What kind of person is he and how do you feel about him"

Yukino's attention shifted from Yukinoshita Yukino to Yang Nao.

"From my impression of him, he..."

Yukinoshita Yang Nai fell into memory, and said his evaluation of Ye Shenkong word by word.

After listening to Xue Mu, her brows furrowed even deeper...

In the evening two days later.

The moon is sparse, in a secluded park.

Ye Shenkong sits on a bench like a wooden clay sculpture.

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful summoning of the master contract!"

After a while, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in my mind.

Immediately afterwards, little ripples flashed across the space in front of Ye Shenkong.

A figure suddenly appeared where the ripples were.

Blonde hair, coiled on the head, a little on the sides of the cheeks, fluttering gently in the wind.

The emerald green pupils, quiet and deep, and the skin as white as jade, seemed to be covered with layers of milky white halo under the reflection of the moonlight.

The delicate facial features are naturally formed, making people unconsciously keep their eyes on them.

He was wearing a medieval western aristocratic knight's suit, and his hands were clenched, as if there was something in his hands.


The most striking thing about Ye Shenkong was the golden hair that stood up on the girl's head.

It adds a little bit of cuteness to her temperament.

"Golden Legend!"

Ye Shenkong muttered to himself.

The beautiful blond girl he summoned was exactly the one he envisioned—my king.

When Ye Shenkong looked at it, he was also observing the surrounding environment.

And the night sky in front of him.

After a while.

She released her clenched hands, hanging down by her side, staring at Ye Shenkong, her cherry lips lightly opened, and a melodious voice came out: "Just ask!"

"Are you mine?"

Ye Shenkong raised his left hand and found that there was a blood-colored Command Spell on the back of his hand.

Looking back again, he smiled and said, "If this isn't fake, I'm yours!"

"Follow the call!"

",Please advise!"

Face God seriously.

"From now on, my sword is with you, and your destiny is with me!"

"Here, the contract is completed!"

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]? Saber, do you need to replenish the magic? (please subscribe)

"Do you need to make up?"

Ye Shenkong stared at her beautiful face as bright as jade, and asked with a strange expression.


"The magic you provide is very abundant!"

Doubtful and somewhat incomprehensible, Ye Shenkong asked why.

The magic power in her body is enough to support the battle she doesn't know how many times.

"Cough cough!"

"If you need to replenish the magic in the future, remember to tell me!"

Ye Shenkong coughed twice, slightly disappointed in his heart.

Then he added: "By the way, my name is Ye Shenkong, you can call me Kong in the future!"


Whisper softly.

In this way, the two who signed the contract are officially acquainted.

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