
"Then this unfounded thing can be qualified for me"

Facing Erina's questioning, Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and said nothing.

Seeing this, Erina didn't stop and continued: "Or do you say that this service department is your one-word hall, and what you say means everything?"

"No, everything in the ministry is decided by our votes!"

Yuhihama Yui quickly helped to explain.

"Since it's a vote, what's your opinion?"

The corners of Erina's lips were slightly raised, and she looked at Yuihama Yui and Yagami Sora.

"I, can I abstain?"

Yukihama Yui looked at Erina, and then at Yukinoshita Yukino, said submissively.


"If you abstain, what if the two of them can't decide?"

Erina resolutely refused.

"Then I'll think about it!"

Yuihama Yui said she was thinking about it, but in fact, she turned her attention to Yagami Sora.

It is clear.

Follow Yagami so that you can win battles and have enough to eat! Seeing this scene, Erina seems to be even happier, and said to Yagami: "Yigami-kun, what's your opinion?"

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was next to him, also frowned and looked over.

"Ding! Facing Erina's decision to join the Ministry, please choose!"

"Option 10: Help her to join the service, increase the members of the service department, and make the life of the service department more colorful, reward a bottle of spiritual strength potion, ten points of strength" Option 2 [-]: refuse her to join, the triangle is The most stable form, a pure land of harmony, cannot be interfered with, and rewards twenty points of strength!"

"Option [-]: Let Erina and Yukino Yukino fight each other, the winner is the king, and the final decision will be made whether to join or not, and the advanced stick skills will be rewarded, with [-] points of strength! Erina joins, and she and Yukinoshita are now With Yukino's posture, it will definitely break out in a battle like the Shura field ahead of time.

Serve the Ministry in peace and quiet, and it will also become the land of Shura.

"This kind of life..."

Ye Shenkong thinks it is wonderful.

As for the two of them fighting each other.

Yagami Sora looked at Erina, and then at Yukinoshita Yukino, and the result seemed to be uncertain.

After all Erina is bigger than Yukinoshita Yukino, but Yukinoshita Yukino has learned Aikido.

So the two are fighting each other.

“Should be amazing!”

Thinking in his heart, Ye Shenkong asked tentatively, "Will you fight to win people to decide?"


The two snorted at the same time and glared at Ye Shenkong.


"Kongjun's idea is really curious!"

Yubihama Yui looked at Ye Shenkong with a look of astonishment.

"Lord Yeshen's thinking is really different from ordinary people!"

Feishako is the same as Yejinkong.

Her eyes were on Yukinoshita Yukino and her Erina-sama.

"If you really fight!"

In Feishazi's mind, a wonderful picture suddenly appeared.

Startled, her delicate body trembled, and quickly abandoned the idea.

After seeing that it was impossible for the two of them to make a move, Ye Shenkong shook his head and said, "I agree with Erina joining the service department!"

Hearing this, Erina's pretty face immediately showed a deep joy.

His eyes were even more provocative, and he looked at Yukinoshita Yukino.

"I agree too!"

Yui Hama Yui said weakly.

Now that he has decided to follow Ye Shenkong, he cannot change his mind.

"Two to one, what else do you have to say now?"

Erina received Dango's reply, and said arrogantly to Yukinoshita Yukino.

"I hope you can do it well, otherwise I have the same right to drive you out!"

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