There was a tingling pain in her hand, and when she looked down, her finger was accidentally scratched by a ceramic tile.

Blood had flowed out from the wound.

"Da da!"

At this time, there were bursts of footsteps at the door.

Hiratsuka Shizu quickly put the debris into the trash can, and kicked the trash can back into place with another kick.

Finally, he hid his hands behind his back.

The next moment, Ye Shenkong's figure appeared at the door.

"Stinky boy, didn't I let you stay in the living room? What are you doing in the kitchen again?"

Shizuo Hiratsuka was afraid that Yagami Sora would look at the ground, but also preemptively tried to attract his attention.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, I just heard that"

"What do you hear, there must be noise in the kitchen cooking, make a fuss, go out quickly, don't disturb me!"

Before Yagami Sora could ask, Shizuo Hiratsuka urged him to leave again.

"My teacher Hiratsuka, do you need to be so embarrassed to break a plate?"

Hearing her urgent urging, Ye Shenkong was a little speechless, and was also ready to turn around and leave.

PS: Sorry, it may be because of exams and other things. The state has not been very good recently. The last chapter also caused a mental explosion. Of course, this is the author's own work, which affects everyone's reading experience. I'm really sorry.

In addition, I would like to thank some book friends for their encouragement and support, thank you for your flowers and monthly tickets, thank you!

Chapter [-]: What's so fierce, I didn't cut myself

But at this moment, he vaguely heard a "click".

It's like the sound of water droplets falling on the ground.

Since the strengthening of his spiritual power, Ye Shenkong has found that he has undergone significant changes in all aspects.

For example, hearing becomes more sensitive.

As long as you concentrate your mental strength, you can hear sounds from farther away.

So hearing this voice, Ye Shenkong also glanced in the direction of the tap.

It was found that Shizuo Hiratsuka hadn't moved at all.


At this time, another slight sound entered Ye Shenkong's mind.

This time, Ye Shenkong's gaze was locked directly on Hiratsuka Shizuo.

Seeing her hands hidden behind her, she instantly understood in her mind.

Then he stepped forward quickly, grabbed Shizuka Hiratsuka's arm, and wanted to take out her hand to check.

And Hiratsuka Shizu resisted instinctively, not wanting Yagami to see it.

"Hiratsuka Shizuo, are you an idiot?" Ye Shenkong scolded angrily.

After being yelled at by Yagami Sora, Hiratsuka Shizu was suddenly in a trance, and his hand was also brought to the front by Yagami Sky.

The blood flowing from the injured finger was reflected in Ye Shenkong's eyes.

"Is the wound deep?"

At the same time as he opened his mouth to ask, Ye Shenkong also pulled Hiratsuka Shizuo towards the water source.

"I don't know, you came in before I had time to see it!" Hiratsuka replied in a low voice when he saw Ye Shenkong's cold face.

She didn't know why she was a little scared.

"Are you an idiot?" Ye Shenkong scolded mercilessly.

"Be patient!"

Then, regardless of whether Hiratsuka Shizuo was ready or not, he turned on the faucet to wash off her blood.

Under the flushing of water, the wound was also revealed, and it was not serious.



Shizuka Hiratsuka sucked in the cold air from the pain and wanted to withdraw his hand, but was tightly held by Ye Shenkong.

"You know the pain now? Why didn't you cry about the pain just now?" Ye Shenkong said coldly.

After speaking, I suddenly realized that this sentence seemed familiar.

It seems that just now, Shizuo Hiratsuka told him.

"Do you have a medical kit at home?"

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