The commander widened his eyes.


This is Hong Kai's teammates in the dark? !Think about it, Hong Kai can say such things, obviously this Ouyang Yu is not a simple thing.

"I found it. In a villa area, I have sent you the address."

"it is good."

The flames rose from Hong Kai's body.

Evaporate a tiny batch of magnia again.

Take a look at the address on your phone.five eight seven

Go there immediately.

This thing is weird, and he really doesn't know what it is. Maybe Ouyang Yu, this mysterious existence, will have a solution to these little bugs.


Villa area.

The doorbell was rang.

Just finished eating Naomi's meal, Ouyang Yu, who was washing the pots and dishes, glanced at the direction of the door, a little surprised.

A few steps over.

Open the door.

Outside the door, Naomi raised her stiff face and said hoarsely, "Boss, can I stay at your house for one night?"

"You can, it can't."

Ouyang Yu smiled.

He guessed that the Gagura and Storm people would control Magnia to come and do things, but he didn't expect that these people actually manipulated Magnia to control Naomi.

Only use these dark little tricks.

"Who can't?"

Naomi asked.

Ouyang Yu smiled and said nothing.

Does this need to be said?

of course......

next moment.

Matsudo Mori and Morning Zenta, who were hiding on both sides of the door, each jumped out with sharp knives in hand, and raised their sharp knives over Naomi to stab Ouyang Yu.

Ouyang Yu had expected it.

Grab both people's wrists.

Easily drop them to the ground.

At the same time, he took out the Black Rhino Summoner.

The water flow appeared out of thin air, like a python, skipping the back of the necks of Matsudo Mori, Morning Zenta, and Naomi.

The creature on the back of their necks.

Automatically wither and turn into a pool of water.

The three fell unconscious.

Ouyang Yu shook his head.

Lost too much blood.

It is estimated that it will take some time to cultivate.

These three were really unlucky because they provoked themselves.

"Ouyang Yu!"

Hong Kai strode forward, breaking through the layers of obstacles in the fog and arriving at the door of the villa.

Look at the three people on the ground.

Confused expression.

"What did you come to do with me?"

As Ouyang Yu said, he squatted down and hugged Naomi who was unconscious, and headed for the interior of the room.

Hongkai winkingly brought up Matsudo Mori and Zenta Morning and followed behind Ouyang Yu.

"I want to know what this fog is, there is something dangerous in it."

"These fogs are emitted by a monster called Magnia. You see them as fog now, but they are actually countless tiny daughters of Magnia."

Ouyang Yu explained as he walked: "After these magnia daughters are aggregated, they will condense into larger daughters, and they can host and control humans."

Hong Kai's expression froze.

It reminded him of another monster, and a past he didn't want to recall.

Three thousand years ago.

Battle on Planet Ganon.

Baalzebubs, they can control other creatures.

"This thing is too dangerous and must be dealt with as soon as possible."

"solve quickly?"

Ouyang Yu put Naomi on the bed, turned to look at Hongkai, and pointed at him: "Are you going to solve it?"

Hongkai squeezed out a smile.

Just these few words.

Where did he go to find Magnia's mother?

"Of course you're the one to solve it."

"I can go, but I won't allow you to disclose my information to the government, if I get entangled by the Witt team!"

Ouyang Yu clenched his fists.

You know.

Beating you up is light.

Hong Kai swallowed and nodded hastily.

Can't beat it.

Really can't beat it.


in the mist.

A ball of fire was heading towards the Matrix of Magnia.

The center of the fireball.

But it was Huan Lin Shan Chi and Ouyang Yu and Hong Kai sitting on Huan Lin Shan Chi.

Sparks all the way.

Countless tiny magnias were burned to ashes.

Finally arrived on a mountain outside Tokyo.

The fog is thickest here.

And these mists also showed a dark red.


It's here.

When the fog saw Ouyang Yu and Hong Kai coming, it automatically separated a road.

at the same time.

mountain top.

Gagula and Storm left quickly.

Each is an enemy.

The three people under control did not solve Ouyang Yu. If Ouyang Yu reacted, would they still be able to run?

Huanlin flashed to the source completely.

in a deep pit.

A piece of Magnia the size of a house was expanding and contracting like a heart.

"It's here!"

Ouyang Yu and Hong Kai got off the bus.

in the deep pit.

Cracks appeared on the surface of Magnia's body, which continued to expand and began to absorb the emitted mist.

"This is?"

"It is recovering its own power and preparing for the last desperate effort."

Ouyang Yu explained, his eyes indifferent.

Gather strength?

I'm waiting for you.

Let you gather strength, if I hit you with the second move, I will lose!

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