However, these once bright and proud civilizations have all turned to ashes at this time.

Those interstellar warships that once held high the light of civilization have long been rusted and drifted in the universe.

The port that used to be full of traffic and where countless civilized warships were parked has now turned into a ruin.

The capitals of those ancient civilizations were originally brilliant, and above the stars of countless lives, there were ancient powerhouses of all ages active.

However, this moment has become the past, and the thick dust nearly three or four meters high has witnessed the glory and decline of these civilizations.

Born from the end, from fighting to spaceflight, spreading the glory of civilization from spaceflight, and destroying all civilizations because of a disaster.

Countless civilizations among countless galaxies in this universe have all witnessed this ebb and flow.

This is the downfall of the ancient glorious civilization.

And in the center of this universe is a dead galaxy.

In this dead galaxy, there is not a trace of light at all.

At the same time, there are countless ancient and huge corpses floating in this galaxy.

Every one who goes outside is to be regarded as an invincible and strong existence.

Each one is spread among countless galaxies, and has once glorified the names of countless galaxies.

The ruler of the Nine Realms, Odin, the lord of Asgard, was thrust into his chest by his own gun of Gangnir.His wife, Thor, and Loki were all by his side, but even these brave Norse warriors had expressions of despair at this time.

This was originally a character that could be heard in the outside world, but their corpses were only worthy of appearing in the outermost periphery of this galaxy.

Those once desolate and ancient bodies are the corpses of the ancient powerhouses of the universe, the gods, and every person in the gods can cause a dark turmoil that sweeps through countless galaxies.

However, at this moment, their bodies are quietly floating in the universe.

Further inside, there is the ancient god who was once known as the five great creation gods of the universe, and the planet devourer who once devoured countless planets.

The source of all death in the universe, the source of life and soul - death.

The strange gods born during the Big Bang of the universe can manipulate the eternity of one-dimensional to ten-dimensional timelines at will.

The bizarre gods born during the Big Bang of the universe can manipulate the infinity of one-dimensional to ten-dimensional space at will.

The smallest and most terrifying annihilation born after the Big Bang.

Every outing can completely turn the universe upside down and restart the universe, but at this moment, their bodies are extraordinarily cold.

Going further inside, three faces calmly closed their eyes.Suspended in this cosmic space.

This is the supreme ruler of the Marvel world and the strongest symbol of the Marvel world, an extremely twisted, extremely powerful, and extremely terrifying god born before the birth of infinite space and time.

This is a being responsible for maintaining the balance of countless universes, a world that can restart, mend, and destroy everything.

In order to facilitate communication with outsiders, he gave birth to these three faces.The three faces symbolize justice, need, and revenge, while the fourth face is blank.

But at this moment his fourth face was an extremely twisted purple giant head.

This court of life, which maintains the balance of countless universes, is finally destroyed at this moment.

Because of excessive interference with this world, he was destroyed by the master of this galaxy.

If it is put into other parallel universes, it is certain that this news will be widely spread by countless universes.

Many strong people are quite afraid of this ancient court of life, and it is because they are worried that the court of life does not continue to destroy the city.

But now this life court is finally destroyed.

The corpses of the powerhouses floating in this galaxy are very strong.But now they are all destroyed.They were all thrown into this space like garbage.

And in the middle of this ancient and desolate galaxy, is a planet that is extremely dark.

The dark planet was empty, as if it were extremely silent.

But on this dark planet, the armored Thanos sat high on that gorgeous and dignified throne.

Thanos closed his eyes as if asleep, recalling the past.

In the past, he was infatuated with the goddess of death, but the goddess of death did not favor him.

Until the end, Thanos actually possessed the legendary heart of the universe.

What is the heart of the universe?That is the mysterious power second only to OAA in the comics world.

The source of all the metaphysical and metaphysical forces in nature.

Metaphysics refers to the phenomena of all time, space, energy, and material dimensions produced by all thinking in the process of thinking.

What is metaphysical is the manifestation of the physical dimension of practical space energy produced by all living beings in reality.

It transcends everything in nature and cannot be perceived by any living soul material in nature, but it can be perceived by nature and objects beyond nature.

This is the invincible heart of the universe.

It even crushed the existence of the Court of Life and the original transcendence, but such a powerful existence was merged into one by Thanos.

No wonder he was the last and only survivor of this universe.

"What a boring day!"

Thanos' purple eyes slowly opened, looking at the empty universe and sighing with some loneliness.

Since he destroyed the Tribunal of Life, this universe has become a forbidden place for all parallel universes.

And he naturally became the master of this forbidden land.

The long-term loneliness made him somewhat reluctant to give up, who was used to fighting and fighting.

Then he now somewhat misses the days when he fought with the five great creation gods and the court of life.

Today's days are somewhat empty and lonely.


Not knowing what to see, Thanos looked up in surprise.

An ancient space-time channel is spanning the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Comprehensive Universe, and is currently suspended above his universe.

Generally speaking, he would not notice this kind of space passage, but because of the particularity of the warships that shuttled through this space passage, he was surprised.

As he slowly got up, he gradually disappeared in place.


Thanos in the space channel is rushing forward with an ebony throat.

Under his command, there are many troops belonging to him.

Watching his own Chitarians on the live screen were losing ground, Thanos' expression was rather unsightly.

"What a waste, finding a space gem is so troublesome."

"Don't worry, adults. As long as there are adults around, the mere Infinity Stones will not come at the fingertips."

The subordinate's ebony throat said respectfully.

"Of course."

Thanos said with a frantic smile, but he was still secretly vigilant about Pluto and Keisha in that universe.

To know that there are two heavenly father-level powerhouses in Marvel Earth, he is quite afraid.

What's more, there are two Heavenly Father-level powerhouses directly in that world, who knows if there will be more.

Thanos, who was walking on this huge battleship, thought solemnly.

"Since you are afraid of these things, then let me solve it for you."

A voice suddenly sounded faintly beside him.


"come out faster!"

"Protect Thanos."

Many soldiers around him took out their weapons vigilantly.

You must know that this huge warship is the flagship of Thanos, how could it be so easily mixed up by outsiders.

This matter suddenly made them vigilant.

But to their surprise, no matter how much they searched, they couldn't find the mysterious man who spoke up.

"How long are you going to hide there?"

However, Thanos has been staring at a void, and his left hand has unconsciously grasped the sword.

"I really didn't expect that you would be able to detect my position, and even the Life Court is not qualified for this. Probably because of the different world isotype!"

The voice said in surprise, but the words were slow and still calm.

A purple figure slowly appeared on the other side.

Everyone present looked at the figure, their eyes widened in surprise, and even Thanos' military advisor, Ebony Mow, stammered.

"Master... Master?"

The figure that appeared there was none other than Thanos from the world of comics.

Due to the fact that the tyrant of the movie world crossed the world, the two of them accidentally met here.

"I really didn't expect it. To be able to see another me."

Thanos in the movie world didn't panic when he looked at the majestic figure, and said calmly.

"Yeah, I didn't even think about it. But I know what you think."

The comic Thanos said lightly while watching the movie Thanos.

"I'll take care of the rest for you myself."

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, the movie Thanos felt that something was wrong, and exclaimed quickly.

However, at this time, the comic Thanos has disappeared in this battleship.

The battleship also quickly turned into a gray fly and disappeared into the space tunnel.

Including the tyrant's strategist, Ebony Maw and his younger brothers.

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