"These beasts of calamity, they just found an opportunity to harvest a wave, and there is no comparison with the real center point."

"Then where is the real center?" Fujimaru Rika asked immediately, she couldn't wait to cut off the entire Lost Belt!

Without that power, destroying the center point would be the same.

Ye Fei smiled, then looked into the distance, walked through the woods, and reached the farther end.

"The abnormal node in the Lost Belt this time is the Tsar, so the center point... is naturally the Tsar's Palace."

"That's where our goal is.".

Chapter [*]: Crazy Empire

Pasasi's movements are very quick, but he has already prepared everything for his old lady in two days.

All the materials are placed, and the traps are arranged to be airtight. He even prepared enough firewood for his mother, and put it not far from the bed, so that she can add firewood as soon as she reaches out and continue to ensure the warmth of the house. .

After checking back and forth several times, he followed Ye Fei and the others with confidence and left.

As a heroic spirit, Matthew has long forgotten the so-called mother-son relationship, but Fujimaru Rika always looked at it in a trance, as if thinking of her parents far away in the correct human history.

"What, remembering my relatives?" Looking at Fujimaru Rika's expression, Ye Fei quickly realized what was wrong with her, so he touched her head and asked in a low voice.

"Yeah," Fujimaru Rika replied in a low voice, her always firm eyes dimmed, "I really miss them."

She is the master of Chaldea, an organization that guarantees the survival of human rights, and has been given the crown designation of "guardian human rights". She can only return to the real human history after the task of saving the world is completed. Dragged in the Lostbelt.

Compared to Mash who is an assistant and Ye Fei who is relaxed and calm, Fujimaru Rika is the one who is most anxious to solve everything.

Soon, Patzisi, who had solved all the problems, put on a backpack and set off with them.

At the beginning, they still had the mind to find villages nearby to see the specific situation.

But after passing one village after another, several people were silent.

Some villages have been visited by Goyanskaya, and here are crazy and vigilant people.

They would never be allowed in anyway.

Some are simply deserted, looking like gunpowder is everywhere, and I don't know how long ago they were empty.

They are all traces of trying their best to survive in the permafrost.

There is not even life here.

When passing through the villages, even Jacob, who had long been accustomed to living in the permafrost, couldn't help feeling surprised and angry.

Before the last time Raising Skaya came to the village, their life was very difficult, but there was never a time to kill each other.

Even to the point of destroying entire villages and leaving no one alive.

If he hadn't welcomed the three magicians back to his home at that time, let alone his old mother, I'm afraid he would have suffered an accident himself.

Therefore, his heart was full of anger towards the villages he passed by.

He was even ready to wait until the tsar was in front of him and directly questioned the great emperor why he condoned existences like Goyanskaya in his own country.

When he said this to Ye Fei and the three of them indignantly, Matthew immediately expressed his support. As a heroic spirit, he was also very angry and wanted to ask the tsar, is this how he protects his people?

Ye Fei was noncommittal about this.

He glanced at Fujimaru Rika who was beside him, and found that she was thinking about something with a thoughtful face, and she was a little lost for a while.

"What's the matter, what are you thinking?" Ye Fei patted her on the shoulder, interrupting her contemplation.

"It's nothing, senior." Fujimaru Rika snapped back to her senses and replied subconsciously. She noticed that not only Ye Fei, but even Patzsi and Matthew stopped to look back at her, and immediately knew that her performance just now made They are worried.

"I was just thinking, as the owner of the Tsar's Palace at the center of the Lostbelt, will the Tsar's current state not be very good? And we may not only be facing the Tsar, but also the killings under his command. The hunters, and those court magicians." Fujimaru Rika originally just casually mentioned the problems in what they said just to divert the topic.

However, the more she talked, the more she felt that it was possible.

"Loss Belt? What Loss Belt?" Patzixi asked blankly, this was a word he had never heard of before, but when he said it, his beast-like intuition seemed to warn him, Don't mention it, don't say it, it's dangerous!

But he still said it.

"That's not something you should know." Matthew replied, although she was a bit dumb, she was more vigilant than Ye Fei and Fujimaru Rika about this matter.

Especially at night.

Matthew looked at his seemingly indifferent expression, and extremely doubted that Ye Fei would really have spoken out about the Lostbelt if he hadn't said so.

Talking about these things with Yaga in the Lostbelt doesn't make sense, and most likely will cause some unknown change.

Now just go to the Tsar's Palace, there is no need for extravagance.

"Okay, then I won't ask." Patzsi shrugged. He originally asked curiously, and he didn't expect these arrogant old magicians to really answer him.

In order to avoid embarrassment, he returned to the topic just now: "All the way, these villages seem to have their own suffering. I don't know why our country has become like this."

Patzsi was also a little sad. In the past, although their country was not the most powerful, it was still well-fed.

until the end.

In order to survive, they can only be injected into a new species at the request of the state.

Even new species, it is extremely difficult to survive in such a permafrost-like empire. They can only gather together and hug each other for warmth. The old people who have no ability to hunt or survive are abandoned in the wilderness.

There are also malicious traders eyeing Tiger 980, ready to destroy villages and towns at any time.

"Our empire seems to be going crazy." Patzsi sighed casually.

Ye Fei, Fujimaru Rika, and Mash suddenly all stopped.

"What's wrong?" Patzsi turned around and was startled by the three of them. He stammered and asked while looking around vigilantly.

"No," Ye Fei showed a smile of admiration and encouragement, motioning him to continue, "I just think what you said is reasonable, and if you want to question and admonish the tsar, you need more comprehensive examples and logical words. , right? Come on, try to speak your mind."

Patzsi felt that what he said was right, although he always felt that something was wrong, but he still mustered the courage to continue: "I just think that the situation along the way is too tragic, even if we say that we are only in a straight line. If you go forward, you can see so many devastated villages."

"Although we have obtained food, we can continue to develop, but under the bewitchment of businessmen, the population in the village has decreased, and the money has also decreased, the living environment has become even worse, and the village itself will be torn apart. "

"In such an environment as permafrost, we ordinary people can survive, in most cases, relying on group living and teamwork.".

Chapter four hundred and sixty eight: left and right hug

"But that old-fashioned businessman has fundamentally ruined everything! From then on, there is no longer any trust between Jacobs, and he has to live in fear all the time."

"This is forcing us ordinary people to a dead end!"

The more Patzsi said, the more indignant he became. When he said this, he almost yelled at him.

"Well, in that case, I really want to question the tsar, why didn't he arrest that vendor." Ye Fei gave Mashu and Fujimaru Rika a look and said calmly. "We foreigners, we thought we could get some help from the tsar, but I didn't expect him to be such a person..."

"Our tsar is wise and talented, and he must enable all the powerful magicians to exert their strengths and bring better changes to our country!" Patzisi said with a look of longing, obviously still having illusions in his heart.

Neither Mash and Fujimaru Tachika's almost blatant reminders nor Ye Fei's meaningful words could change his love and affirmation for the tsar and the country in his heart.

"Even though he suffered the destruction of his village and saw those sights on the way, Patzsi did not give up his love for the tsar and the country." Fujimaru Rika was very emotional, "He really has absolute confidence and identification with his country. It seems that this country used to be really a very good country."

Ye Fei glanced at the two of them, hesitated for a while, and finally failed to tell the two ignorant girls in front of the anecdote that "after Japan's defeat in the war, under the careful care of the Iron and Steel Alliance, the prisoners of war were raised directly from hundreds of thousands to [*]".

After walking for seven or eight days, they finally reached Moscow.

Mash and Fujimaru Rika couldn't wait to go to the Tsar's Palace and sneak in directly.

Still Ye Fei stopped them with a helpless expression.

"It's daytime, how are you two going to enter the Tsar's Palace? It's not really the reason why you plan to recommend yourself to be a court magician, right?"

At this point Patzcy took them into a hotel.As the capital and the location of the Tsar's Palace, Mo City is still relatively prosperous, and there are still places to live.

After Patzsi let them settle down, he went to work on the arrangements. The two girls couldn't sit still, and the scene just now appeared.

"Isn't that a good reason?" Matthew raised his shield and vowed, "I will definitely show that tsar my strength."

"Don't," Ye Fei rejected her ruthlessly, "Isn't a magician like you, do you have a magic circuit?"

"I don't have one, but can't I draw one?" Matthew didn't think it was a big problem.

Ye Fei was even more helpless.

He was already thinking, without his words, how the two girls would have faced the czar who was obviously problematic.

According to his estimation, even if there are no casualties between these two girls, there will definitely be other people's sacrifices as the price for their innocence.

It's just that Ye Fei remembered again, if there wasn't a strong guy like him, these two girls probably wouldn't be so brave, and they wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

"We subservients can't make any magic circuit out."

"Would you like me to try it?" Fujimaru Rika was eager to try, "I'm a master, so I should be able to do it, right?"

"Forget it, I suggest you don't try it." Ye Fei ruthlessly rejected her.

Although he doesn't think it's a bad thing to dare to try, the premise is that he is not used as a test object.

In the end, the possibility of entering the Tsar's Palace as a genuine magician was cut off.

Ye Fei can do it, but the two girls really can't.

One is a heroic spirit with a shield, and the other is a guardian who has no means of attack for the time being.

Although the Tsar is now likely to be crazy and out of his mind, that doesn't mean he has no brains.

Even if he doesn't, others will.

And he was really worried that the two girls would meet the Tsar alone.

It took a lot of trials and temptations to meet the Tsar, and most likely under the protection of a large number of slaughtered hunters.

This was not the meeting scene they had hoped for.

If you can, it's best to have just the three of them and the Tsar.

A three-on-one situation can be won no matter what.

But even Matthew knew that such a good thing could never happen.

Even if the tsar is sleeping, there will be a lot of people to protect him.

When it was almost evening, Patzsi came back with a happy face. As soon as he saw everyone, he couldn't wait to announce a good news.

"The Tsar's personal bodyguard said that the Tsar is willing to give us ten minutes to meet His Majesty and tell our grievances!"

When hearing this sentence, Ye Fei, Mash, and Fujimaru Rika looked at each other, and what they felt was not the "kindness and tolerance" of the tsar as Patzsi said, but full of malice.

There must be a trap ahead for them to step into.

But they could only go there step by step.

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