“Are you serious?”

“Of course, as long as Lord Artemis is in love, he will naturally stop caring about us, so won’t we be relieved?”

What the hell is this logic?

In order to be in love, he sold his goddess, which is also too filial piety.

Luo Qiu instantly had a groove and didn’t know how to vomit.

Of course, Luo Qiu will not take Lanty’s nonsense seriously, after all, Luo Qiu came to this world to become stronger, but there is no effort to fall in love.

Even for a goddess who is very beautiful, gentle, and responsible, Luo Qiu will not be moved in the slightest…

Well, actually, there are.

After all, who would not like a beautiful, gentle, and responsible goddess, even Luo Qiu.

And the reason why Luo Qiu did not take Lanty’s words was because he saw Artemis walking in this direction with great momentum. Apparently he had heard Lanty’s rebellious words.

Luo Qiu wanted to say something to remind him, but it was obviously too late.

Just as Lan Ti was talking more and more, and even planned to gather everyone to overthrow the tyranny of the goddess, a delicate hand had already pressed on Lan Ti’s small head bag melon.

“So, Landy, are you very dissatisfied with your goddess?”

“Of course… Huh? ”

Instantly, Lang Titon felt bad, not only because of the voice that was so familiar to her, but also because of the strange eyes of the other companions who seemed to be looking at a dead person.

She looked back a little stiffly, and it was her goddess-sama who came into view, although the goddess was not angry and smiling, but it made people feel a chill.

“Lord Artemis… Why are you here? ”

“Why am I here? If I don’t come, how can I know that you have such a big grudge against me. ”

Artemis still said with a smile, but at this time, except for Luo Qiu, the girls of the other dependents did not even come out of the atmosphere, and they were scared one by one.

After all, they knew that the angry their goddess was, the calmer she was.

“Wow, Landy, I didn’t even know you had such a big opinion of me. Well, if you have an opinion, come and tell me, I’m not the kind of unreasonable god, if you think I have something I didn’t do well, I’ll try to change it. ”

“This… Lord Artemis… I wouldn’t dare. ”

Lante naturally did not take Artemis’s angry words seriously, and whispered with some fear.

Artemis sneered when he heard this.

“Don’t dare?”

“Then how did you arrange me to choreograph so joyfully just now, and what else did you say [overthrow the tyranny of the gods, love belongs to yourself], why don’t you dare now?”


Lante is now like a child who has done something wrong and is discovered by a parent, seeing that Artemis may be really angry, he raises his hand to the sides of his cheek and makes a cute expression.

“I’m sorry, Lord Artemis… I was wrong. ”

“It’s too late.” Artemis turned a blind eye to Lanty’s deliberate selling.

“Come to me before you go to bed.”

The goddess with aqua blue hair and shawl had a very serious expression, and gently opened her lips in an undoubted tone to judge Lanty’s final ending.

“Yes… I know. ”

In the eyes of the other girls gloating, Landy left Luo Qiu’s side aggrievedly, obviously it was not a good thing to be called by the goddess alone.


Artemis was a little angry when he looked at Lanty’s gloomy departing figure, if he usually talked about it within the family, he could still turn a blind eye, how could he say such things in front of an outsider now.

Then he looked at Luo Qiu and said apologetically.

“Sorry, this kid has always been a little naughty, don’t take those words to heart before.”

“It’s okay, I think Lante is cute.”

After all, for Iwanaga Kotoko, who has always spoken about yellow jokes, Landi is really an innocent and cute little angel.


Artemis thanked Luo Qiu for his reasonableness, and then naturally sat next to Luo Qiu, in addition to chatting with Luo Qiu, but also to deter those girls who were eager to move Luo Qiu.

“By the way, Your Excellency Luo Qiu.”

“Have you ever thought about which clan you want to join when you get to Olali?”

Seeing that most of the girls had settled down, Artemis did not pay too much attention, and then looked at Luo Qiu and suddenly asked with some curiosity.

“Which clan to join? For this question, Luo Qiu thought for a moment and said, “I think I should join the Loki family.” ”

This is also the decision that Luo Qiu made before coming to this world.

You must know that Luo Qiu came to this world to become stronger quickly, and the stronger the naturally selected dependents, the better, so that they can obtain enough resources to become stronger, and the Loki family is the top family of King’s Landing Olali, which perfectly meets the conditions proposed by Luo Qiu.

As for the heroine of the original work, Hestia is not within Luoqiu’s choice.

After all, Luo Qiu is here to become stronger and not to fall in love, there is no need to choose a drag bottle to increase the difficulty of the game, even if the goddess has a proud mountain far beyond most women, but Luo Qiu is not such a superficial person.

After all… Flat also has the benefit of flat! (Tremor).

“Loki dependents?” Artemis nodded when he heard this. “It is indeed a good choice, not only is the family strong, but she herself is also the kind of personality without a godly frame, which is easy to get close to.”

Artemis also knows something about Loki.

Although it is not flattering in terms of personality, it is still very good to treat his own family, and he is very short-guarded, and ordinary people dare not hit the idea of Loki’s family.

As for why Luo Qiu joined the Loki family, will it fail?

It’s just a joke.

An existence that has lv2 strength without accepting favors and has a heroic weapon is definitely a fragrant existence in the eyes of any god.

If other gods knew about it, they would definitely try to dig it up by any means.

And this is also the strength for Luo Qiu to join the Loki family, the world’s top dependents.

If it weren’t for the fact that his clan only accepted women, Artemis wanted to accept Lochu into his clan.

“It’s a shame.” Artemis, thinking like this, sighed and shook his head.

Then Luo Qiu and Artemis had a word-by-sentence chat, and used his social skills to make Artemis laugh frequently.

That look shocked the girls of the dependents.

After all, they had never seen their Lord God so kind to a man.


I wrote this a little time in front of the original work, so the original heroine has not yet appeared, of course, I will not let go of the original heroine!

Kneeling for everyone’s flowers, monthly passes, collections, recommended various gifts, everyone’s support is my motivation to update!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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