“That’s nice.”

On the street, Luo Qiu, who was holding a fried lamb kebab, let out a sigh of surprise.

Hearing that this mutton was not mutton, but meat dropped by a unique mutton-shaped monster from the dungeon, Luo Qiu did not believe it at first, thinking that it was just a statement to trick customers into consumption, but now he saw that this may be true.

Although it costs 1000 farleys, it is expensive and worth the money for food.

As for Luo Qiu, where did this money come from.

Of course, it was obtained from those three robbers, but as for Black Eating Black Luoqiu, there was no psychological pressure, after all, it should be done like this in the Ghost Destruction World.

The only regret is that these three people have a little money and are poor ghosts.

Together, there are only 50,000 fars, which is a huge amount of money for ordinary people, but it is not even a fraction for adventurers with the favor of God.

Remember Lante of Artemis’s family, although he is only thirteen years old, his assets are already millions, and these three are not even poor ghosts compared to Lanty.

Of course, if these three people have money, they will not do robbery.

Forget it, Luo Qiu was too lazy to think about the bad thing just now, and after hurrying while eating snacks, Luo Qiu soon came to the north block where the Loki family was located.

And outside the bustling street of the North Street there is a plot of land facing the street.

There is a huge mansion that rises taller than the surrounding buildings, and it is very conspicuously built here as a landmark of this neighborhood.

Judging from the several towers standing, this mansion looks like a forest of guns, and when you look at the copper appearance, it looks like a burning flame.

In the center of the tower, the spire of the tallest central tower, guarded by seven minarets, is a flag with a funny clown pattern, fluttering in the wind.

This is the [House of Dusk], the base camp of one of Oralie’s strongest dependents, the Loki family.

“Please stop, this is the territory of the Loki clan, if there is no valid reason, please leave.”

An armored doorman stopped Luo Qiu, who was about to approach, and felt his momentum, which should be an LV2 level adventurer.

It is worthy of being a Loki family, and even those who guard the gate are the superior adventurers of LV2.

Luo Qiu sighed inwardly, and then took out the letter of recommendation given by Artemis.

“I was recommended by Lord Artemis to join the Loki clan, don’t worry.”

“Lord Artemis… Recommend? ”

The gatekeeper frowned a little after hearing this.

Goddess Artemis as one of the three virgin goddesses, still has some fame in Eulalie, at least as long as you are an adventurer, almost all of them know, but because of the understanding, it is more confusing, after all, Artemis is famous for not fake colors for men, but now there is a man who says that he was recommended by Lord Artemis, how is this not suspicious.

But suspicious is suspicious, the gatekeeper did not say anything, as for the mentally retarded behavior of driving people away because of suspiciousness, it simply cannot appear in reality.

Seeing this, the gatekeeper took the recommendation letter in Luo Qiu’s hand to check it, of course, he did not open it to check it, after all, it was not within his scope of responsibility.

Later, when he saw the unique seal of Artemis’s family, the gatekeeper had confirmed the authenticity of Luoqiu’s words in his heart, but he didn’t know why Lord Artemis, who had always been uninterested in men, would suddenly recommend a man.

It won’t be a relationship.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, and if it is really a lover, it is impossible to recommend your lover to other dependents.

“Well, I should be able to go in.”

“Ah, yes, please follow me.”

Luo Qiu called out softly to the big brother who guarded the door, and after the gatekeeper came back to his senses, he also quickly returned the recommendation letter to Luo Qiu and opened the door to enter the Dusk Pavilion.

Entering the Dusk Hall from the main entrance, the huge mansion occupies almost seventy percent of the area of the Dusk Hall.

And this headquarters, which is built on a limited area, seems to feel that since it cannot extend to the side, then extend to the top, so the existence of the central tower is very prominent.

After entering the gate, the courtyard in front of it does not seem very spacious, and the place between the gate and the door is really only a small manor.

A few plants and flowers swayed under the caress of the wind.

It’s just that what makes Luo Qiu strange is that there don’t seem to be many people in the entire Luo Qiu, at least the few people he met during Luo Qiu’s journey in.

The gatekeeper seemed to see Luo Qiu’s doubts and took the initiative to explain: “Most of the dependents go on expeditions, so they will seem to be very few, but if you count the days, you will probably be back soon.” ”

Luo Qiu suddenly realized that he had heard about the expedition.

After all, this is a necessary activity for all the powerful clans in Eulari.

Because the more powerful the clans, the more money they need to spend on all sides, so they need to organize manpower to raid the dungeon every once in a while.

Then bring back magic stones or dropped rare items for resource conversion to keep the clan running.

Although expeditions have always been accompanied by certain dangers, they also bring rich rewards, such as material resources, experience points required for family members to upgrade, great deeds, etc.

And the Loki clan is the most authentic exploration family, and the positioning of the dependents is to raid the dungeon and develop unknown territory, so as to profit or gain fame.

Therefore, whether for fame or profit, the expedition is essential for the Loki family.

Immediately, Luo Qiu chatted with the gatekeeper about the current situation of the dependents, and the gatekeeper was also very enthusiastic, and seemed to have regarded himself as a part of the dependents.

And this is one of the reasons why Luo Qiu chose the Loki family, although the main god here is not flattering, but the atmosphere here is definitely the best of all the dependents.

There is no discrimination, involvement, etc., everyone gets along like a family, and they will support each other when they have difficulties, which is simply heaven for people like Luo Qiu who are bent on becoming stronger.

After all, Luo Qiu didn’t want to test the intrigues within the Void Clan when he became stronger, so he would rather choose some slightly weaker dependents.

The two of them talked and came to the top floor of the central tower of the Dusk Hall, where Loki’s divine chamber was located.

The big brother who guarded the door knocked on the door quietly, and said softly with a hint of respect in his tone.

“Lord Loki, are you there?”

“Who, what’s the matter?”

Soon a somewhat impatient voice came from inside the house, and the gatekeeper quickly said.

“That’s right, Lord Loki.”

“Just now, a young man from outside said that he was recommended by Lord Artemis to join our family.”

“Recommended by Artemis?!”

There was a surprised sound inside, and then with a sound of footsteps, the door was opened, and a woman came into view.

No, it should be said that it is a goddess.

It was a goddess with vermilion hair, with the inherent beauty of a god, wearing a sweatshirt separated by blue and black stripes, and a combination of ultra-shorts and black silk on the lower body.

Although she is a goddess, she looks like a male god.

Especially her chest, like a child, does not seem to have even the slightest ups and downs, and even Kotoko Iwanaga will shout “I won” when she sees it.

And according to the name of the gatekeeper before, Luo Qiu knew that this was the main god of this dependent, the evil god who caused Ragnarok in Norse mythology



Who honestly I actually like Loki as a woman who can be treated as a buddy, I just don’t know if you like it? And Loki should be a chu girl too.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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