The terrain of the 13th floor is one rocky passage after another.

The nodes that serve as these passages exist are the rock chambers located on this level.

At this time, Luo Qiu and Lephia were sitting on the ground in a rock chamber.

It’s just that the atmosphere on both sides is not quite right.

Somewhat depressing.

The petite and cute fairy girl was kneeling in front of Luo Qiu trembling at this time, and at the same time bowed her head with an expression that seemed to be about to cry.

I don’t know, I thought that Luo Qiu was bullying innocent girls.

However, even Luo Qiu broke his mind for a moment after seeing Lephia’s expression that seemed to be about to cry the next moment, and he didn’t know what to say.

In the end, he could only give up the prepared words of reproach and sighed helplessly.

“Well, I’m not going to blame you, don’t keep putting on such an expression.”

But Luo Qiu’s words actually had the opposite effect, making the already sad Lephia blame herself even more for her uselessness, and crystal tears suddenly flowed.

Luo Qiu is also helpless in this regard, and as I said before, the most unseemly thing for Luo Qiu is human tears, whether male or female, the previous Yuan Yi is like this, and now Lephia is even more so.

So Luo Qiu could only hand over the prepared tissues while comforting Lephia.

Fortunately, girls’ emotions come and go quickly.

It didn’t take long for Refia’s crying to stop, but she was still very depressed.

Whether it was because of her previous bad performance, but just now she cried like a coward, it made Lephia feel disgusted with her useless self.

In the end, she couldn’t bear her uselessness and Lephia stood up and bowed to Luo Qiu.

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t use this.”

For Lephia’s apology, Luo Qiu did not care too much, after all, she did not bring much trouble to herself along the way.

But not caring doesn’t mean it’s not important, and not having much trouble doesn’t mean there’s no trouble.

For Luo Qiu, who needs to hurry up and become stronger, Lephia’s problem is particularly serious.

So Luo Qiu looked at Lephia and said sharply.

“Since you know your own problems, why don’t you think about how to correct them, a single apology can’t change anything.”

“Even if you apologize now, you will still be in the same situation as you are now, and if you do, it will be difficult for us to venture out in the dungeon.”

Luo Qiu knows that his words may be a little more difficult to hear, but some things will harm the other party if they are not said directly, and the comfort and persuasion of the word have no effect, and the appropriate words of the other party’s problems can make the other party face better.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do it…”

For Luo Qiu’s sharp evaluation, Lefia didn’t know what to say except to say sorry.

Didn’t she know her problem?

No, of course she knew, and knew her problems very well.

Unlike the rest of the clan cadres who debuted as adventurers from the beginning, used to fighting monsters, and even more fierce deathmatches.

Lefia is from the school district, to put it bluntly, she was an honor student who once grew up in an ivory tower, and her thinking and consciousness are very different from her adventurer predecessors who were born into death.

So Lephia, who became an adventurer, was actually very uncomfortable with the fierce battle.

Panick when faced with the unexpected.

Fear in the face of danger.

Many times when encountering dangerous situations, they are often unable to calm down, are dominated by fear, and their limbs are immobile as if they were filled with mercury.

“Can’t do it?” Luo Qiu frowned a little. “Have you tried? Have you made up your mind to change? ”

“Of course I tried, but it didn’t work at all!”

It’s not that she didn’t think about change.

But just as people can’t go days without food, the fear of danger seems to be imprinted in their hearts, and it is not something that can be solved simply by making up their minds.

However, in the face of Lephia’s words, Luo Qiu shook his head as if disapproving. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“No, you didn’t make up your mind to change at all.”

“Decisions represent unwavering will, represent the belief of never giving up, and if you are really determined to change, even if you do not overcome it now, you must be on the way to overcome your inner fear now, instead of apologizing to me as you are now, but you have not taken the slightest action.”

Luo Qiu never thought that the world had the determination to do something that could not be done.

Even if there are, most of them are due to external factors, or the goals set are too unrealistic and have exceeded the scope of their own efforts.

But is Lefia’s question hard?

The answer, of course, is no.

Because this is a problem that almost all adventurers encounter, and even many 1v1 low-level adventurers handle this problem better than Refia.

So you told me you made up your mind?

Not only Luo Qiu will not believe it, I am afraid that many 1v1 low-level adventurers will not believe it.


Lefia was silent.

Because she knew that Luo Qiu was right, was she really determined to change?

If you really made up your mind, then why did you give up because of a few setbacks?

Also. Xu didn’t want to change in his heart.

Maybe I just want to escape in my heart.

Maybe I’m really just cowardly in my heart.

Refia, who thought she wanted to understand, began to fall into a deep self-loathing.

“Sure enough, people like me are only dragging their feet wherever they go.” Lephia lowered her head and said extremely frustrated, “Mr. Luo Qiu should find a more powerful family companion to form a team so that he will not be dragged down.” ”

Speaking of this, Lephia’s tone is not only depressed, but also carries a little masochism and inferiority tendency.

And this is Luoqiu’s purpose.

If you want a person to change her problems, let her face the problems head-on.

The comfort of her companions will give her an excuse to escape, making her think that there is nothing wrong even if she does.

Of course, he will not be disparaged vigorously, after getting along with Iwanaga Kotoko for so long, he is also proficient in some words, and Luo Qiu still has his own set of methods for this kind of person who often has low self-esteem.

In the final analysis, low self-esteem is just a lack of self-confidence and lack of just the right guidance.


“Lephia, what kind of person do you think I am?”

Luo Qiu intends to use his black history as a topic to guide Lephia’s courage and confidence.

Damn, thinking about it this way, my own sacrifice is so great.

In order to prevent the reader from saying that the protagonist is like a nanny, I will first explain why I wrote it this way,

First, of course, it is for the strategy, and second, this is to prepare for a piece of equipment in the future, after all, Guang Yue good fate, Fang Yue good fruit, I will not write fragments that are completely absent, everyone rest assured pill! .

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