The center of the 37th floor.

There is a very dark hall here.

The roar of the monster was barely audible, and it didn’t mean to approach the room at all, and unnatural dead silence filled the place.

The air surrounding here is also exceptionally cold, the ceiling overhead is tens of meters high, and the lack of phosphorescence in this room emits a dangerous smell that is terrifying.

And this is where the 37th floor lord Udeos was born.

It was also the place where it took Luo Qiu and Ace three days to arrive.

After all, this is already a deep area of the dungeon, and it is normal to spend three days.

But when Luo Qiu and Ace arrived at the door of the stone room, they did not enter immediately, because Luo Qiu needed to make a final confirmation.

“Ace, have you really thought about it?”

In fact, before entering, Luo Qiu felt the main powerful aura of the floor.

At the same time, he also knew that he might have underestimated the strength of the floor master.

So to put it mildly, Luo Qiu does not think that Ace can challenge success.

It’s just that Ace didn’t answer this question, but looked at Luo Qiu fixedly, his eyes full of persistence, and said.

“You can only surpass your limits by defeating opponents who are far stronger than yourself, and this is what 23 I learned from you.”


Luo Qiu, who originally wanted to persuade a few more words, didn’t know what to say for a moment.

After all, Ace is right, so far, there are few opponents he has faced who are weaker than him, and he has been looking to fight stronger opponents and break through his own limits so that he can be regarded as growing.

That’s how he came here, so there’s no reason to stop Ace.

Even though Ace was a little paranoid, her stronger heart was the same as his.

“I’ll make it, Luo Qiu.” Ace looked at him seriously, with a strong will in her eyes.

“I will prove that I am no worse than you!”

This is the first time that Ace has revealed her strength to not admit defeat.

After all, she has always been called a genius by the world, how can she be willing to live under others.

In this regard, Luo Qiu smiled, after all, Ace had already expressed her will in words.

So Luo Qiu didn’t say anything more.

“Well, let’s go inside.”

Then, Luo Qiu and Ace opened the door to the stone chamber.

What came into view was an empty field, but neither Luo Qiu nor Ace dared to take it lightly.

Because they all felt a thick atmosphere of slaughter in the air.

Soon, Luo Qiu stopped in the corner of the room.

Because of [Tongming], he could clearly feel the earth trembling slightly.

And in the waiting with bated breath, the tremor became more and more quiet, and even the ground in the center of the room suddenly and unnaturally bulged, making a “click” cracking sound.


“Boom ——!”

With a loud roar, the cracks gradually bulged, the earth rolled around, the rocks shattered, and the sand and dust filled the air.

A pitch-black giant broke through the ground, scattering the rocks and sand stuck on the huge body, making the earth and rocks roll down and the cave sway.

“——!Roar, oo

Then, a roar that seemed to be both crying and howling resounded from the mouth of the huge monster that broke through the ground, turning into a wave of sound and rolling in all directions.

The monster resembles a gigantic skeleton, pitch black, with sharp thorns protruding from all corners of the skeleton, and the thorns shimmer with a strange and dangerous sharp luster, which is terrifying.

Its lower body is still buried under the ground, but the part above the bone disk alone is already nearly ten meters high, and two devil-like horns have grown on its head, and there is a vermilion strange fire swaying in the depths of the huge eye socket, seeping out people.

In the center of such a huge monster, inside the chest cavity, an extraordinarily large magic stone is embedded there like a heart, protected by a thick sternum and ribs.

And this is the master of the 37th floor – Udayos!

However, there are no constraints.

With the roar of the huge skeleton monster unearthed, it was like receiving the order of the mother and fetus, and under its violent roar, the miscellaneous soldiers guarding the king tore through the ground from the ground and came to the rear of Luo Qiu and Ace.

In this regard, Luo Qiu’s eyes froze.

Because of these skeleton warriors summoned by Udyos, each of them is 1v.5, and there are twenty in total. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This battle is comparable to the worm swarm encountered in the 50th layer before.

“Good thing I’m here.”

Luo Qiu thought that if Ace was alone, facing this situation of being caught in 1v.5 and 1v.6 monsters, it would almost be certain death.

“Ace, go! The rest of these mobs will be left to me, and you will deal with the floor master. ”


Ace nodded, and then chanted aloud the chant of her own magic.


There is wind forming.

There is a gathering wind.

The flow of the atmosphere that could be recognized by the naked eye was like a dance, and the mischievous goblin suddenly blew here from all directions, entangled in Ace.

In this visible wind, the girl’s blonde hair wrapped in the gentle wind bloomed like sand gold, and flew and undulated.


“Bang ——!”

With the sound of feet shattering the ground, Ace rushed towards Udayos like an arrow entangled in a strong wind, and its speed even turned over the sonic storm.

And this figure naturally attracted the attention of Udyos and those skeleton warriors.

Udaios roared and swung his long arms to attack Ace, while the skeleton warriors seemed to want to punish Ace, who had offended the king of 043.

For Udaios Luo Chu naturally will not care, after all, it is Ace’s battlefield, but these bone warriors, Luo Qiu naturally cannot let them interfere with the battle between Ace and Udaios.

Therefore, the [Night Sun] in his hand clenched and swung violently, and a wall of fire blocked Luo Qiu and Ace, and also blocked Udaius and these dice warriors.

“Where are you all looking, your opponents are here.”

Perhaps understanding Luo Qiu’s provocation, these skeleton warriors gave up the idea of supporting Udayos and set their eyes on Luo Qiu in the rear.

Then, they all raised the bone swords, bone axes, and bone shields in their hands and charged towards Luo Qiu silently.

And the [Night Yang] fire in Luo Qiu’s hand also appeared, accompanied by endless Yang Yan facing these bone warriors, and rushed forward in big strides.

In an instant, fire and wind swept through the two battlefields.

And this also represents the beginning of the crusade against the lord of the 37th floor.

About the world of the sword, I thought for a while, it seems that I can’t write it as a world alone, so I changed it to Shana, of course, I will also write about the sword, but I will write it in the main world, readers who like this world can rest assured! .

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