Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 117 \"No, I'm Not Enough\"

"Undocumented knight, if you still can't feel it, fight with the determination to die."

Gito sees that the undocumented knight has been unable to get to the point, and he can only change his method.

"A mortal determination to fight?"

The undocumented knight who was running suddenly stopped when he heard Gito's words.

After that, he quickly rushed towards the monster's position.

He may not understand what you are going to say about "the body's own reactions and fighting instincts".

But if you want to say "to fight with the determination to die", he is very familiar with this.

Because before, he always fought with the determination to die.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

The octopus weirdo laughed again when he saw the undocumented knight rushing towards him.

Then this time, he directly waved two tentacles to attack him.

He was already tired of being tortured by this little bug and wanted to shoot him directly.

The undocumented knight looked at the two tentacles waving over, indifferent, and 25 still rushed straight to the monster.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The two tentacles carried the strong wind and quickly drew towards the undocumented knight.

Just after many people thought that the undocumented knight would be knocked down again, his actions shocked many people on the court.

I saw the undocumented knight, when his tentacles were about to touch him, kicked his feet hard on the ground, and his whole body jumped to the left.

In this way, he avoided the monster's attack directly.

The surprise of the undocumented knight is not over yet.

After he landed, he rolled on the ground a bit, then knelt down on one knee, exerted force on his feet again, and charged towards the monster.

"Death to me!"

The octopus monster originally wanted to kill the opponent with the previous blow, but he did not expect that he would be avoided by the opponent.

And after dodging, he dared to rush towards himself.

He waved his two tentacles again and hit him.

And the next action of the undocumented knight just repeated what he had just done.

Jump sideways, land, roll, get up, and charge forward again.

"Justice Clashes!

The undocumented knight shouted, using his body as a weapon, and slammed into the octopus monster.

It's just a pity that his attack did not cause any damage to the octopus monster.

Although no harm was done physically, the Octopus Freak felt mentally insulted.

This little bug dares to attack him, the great octopus monster, he must die!!


The octopus monster shouted, and all the tentacles on his body quickly waved.

Several tentacles surrounded his body into an airtight cage, and then he rushed towards the position of the undocumented knight.

He wanted to directly run over the undocumented knight in this way.

"Saitama, I remember that C-class heroes have to do weekly quests, right? Otherwise, they will be disqualified as heroes."

Gito said to Saitama who was beside him after seeing the octopus monster's actions.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Saitama looked at Gito, the Hero Association did have this rule.

However, the regulations are only for C-level heroes, and there is no such regulation when they are upgraded to B-level heroes.

"Well, that's your assignment this week.

Ji pointed to the octopus monster in front of him and said.

"The performance of the undocumented knight just now is enough, and now he can't handle it like this, it's up to you to take action.

As far as the unlicensed knight's two dodges and one hit just now are concerned, he has done enough.

As for more, he can't do it now, he can only train slowly.

"Then I'll do it."

Saitama stomped lightly on the ground after hearing Gito's words.


A gust of wind passed, and Saitama's figure disappeared beside Gito. King's whole body was almost blown down by the hurricane brought by Saitama.


The next second, Saitama appeared beside the undocumented knight.

"Saitama? Why are you here? Didn't Gito say that this monster was given to me?"

The undocumented knight has not forgotten the task that Gito gave him.

"You can do what you want, leave the rest to me."

Saitama patted the undocumented knight on the shoulder, then took two steps forward and stood in front of him.

Seeing the octopus monster rushing over like a chariot at the moment, Saitama simply clenched his fist, raised his hand, and waved it.

"Whoo! Year


After that, several C-rank heroes present saw that half of the body of the octopus monster waving tentacles was now gone.

There was only half of his body and the blood scattered around him.

"Crack. 35

An octopus tentacle landed at Saitama's feet.

"This is... dead?"

This is a sentence many heroes want to ask.

Saitama, on the other hand, looked at the tentacle beside his feet.

"Can I use it to make takoyaki?


On the broken wall next to it, a person suddenly appeared.

"C-class heroes, where are the weirdos? 35'

He is a B-level hero, and he has been rushing here after hearing that there is a strange person here.

But, what's the situation now? Why are the C-level heroes standing still?

Also, what is that half? And who are the scattered blood? Could it be a hero?

And the weirdo? Did he run away?

"Is this a hero who is heroic and righteous? Also, what about the weirdo? Did he run away? 99

Thinking of these, the B-rank hero asked loudly, looking very anxious.

" a weirdo."

At this time, a hero pointed to the half and said.

"I know he's a weirdo, so I ask, which hero died heroically? Wait, you say, that's a weirdo?"

The B-rank hero also reacted when he was halfway through speaking.

That half of the thing turned out to be a weirdo, not a hero.

Fortunately, no hero dies heroically.

However, he was also a little dumbfounded at this time. He remembered that the intelligence said that the person here was a tiger-level eccentric.

It stands to reason that it is very reluctant for the C-level heroes present to be able to temporarily intercept them. How can they beat the monsters like this?

His doubts will be answered by someone, but by no means Gito, Saitama and the others.

"Undocumented knight, well done."

When Gito saw Saitama and the undocumented knight approaching, he also encouraged him aloud.

"No, I haven't done enough. 99

After seeing Saitama's blow, he realized that he was much worse.

Gito heard the words of the undocumented knight and didn't say anything. It was a good thing that he had the motivation and self-knowledge to move forward.

(ps: Naztu has been released),

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