"Depend on!"

Although he had long guessed that his pistol might not work, but when he really saw it, Jin Jiu couldn't help but scolded secretly.

He is a killer. For him, the gun in his hand is his life. With it, he has a sense of security.

But now, his sense of security is gone.

Jin Jiu wanted to drop the gun in his hand, but after thinking about it, he still put it in his arms.

Then he picked up the metal baseball bat in his other hand.

The weapons he came into contact with, except guns, were guns, but after coming here, he found that guns didn't work on most monsters.

So he went back to his car and found the baseball bat from the trunk.

In the past, he would only use it when it was not suitable for shooting, but now, he had to rely on the baseball bat in his hand.

Gin looked at the hedgehog on his shoulder, he remembered Gito had said that its name was Xiaojuan.

"What ability do you have?

Gin looked at the small scroll and asked.

And Xiaojuan didn't speak, just looked at Gin quietly like that.

Gin also looked at it like that, one person and one beast looked at each other for a few seconds, but there was no spark of love.

25 "Fuck!"

Gin couldn't help but curse again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just when Jin Jiu was thinking about communicating with his pet, the monster had already approached him.

Gin was helpless, so he could only temporarily dispel the idea of ​​communicating with the pet, or deal with the vodka-like monster in front of him first.


The monster ran to the front of Gin, and then punched him directly.

Gin's original skills are very good (only relative to ordinary people), looking at the fist like a boulder, Gin is also moving quickly to the left.


The boulder-like fist smashed to the ground, smashing the originally flat street into a big hole.

And Jin Jiu jumped up when he saw that his fist was about to land.

Dodging the vibration of the ground, it landed lightly on a piece of gravel on the side.


Looking at a rock that was shaken, Gin brandished a baseball bat and slapped the rock hard, hitting the rock towards the monster's position.


The stone accurately landed on the monster's thick arm, but did not cause any damage.

"Gah! 35

And the monster that received the attack looked at Jinjiu, as if wondering, was it an attack just now?

Why isn't even tickling it enough.

"Depend on!"

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the monster, Jin Jiu couldn't help but squeak again.

"What monster did this dog leader choose, how can I fight it?

Gin now feels that it was a mistake to join the group.

Aren't you a killer? Isn't the killer a murderer? But why do you want to fight monsters now?

Isn't that what a hero should do?

Gin thought a lot, but the monster didn't, and the monster attacked Gin again.

Only this time, instead of a fist, the other party just stretched out a finger and poked towards his position.

When the monster thinks about it, such a weak bug can be crushed to death with one finger.

Gin looked at the poking fingers, and he felt insulted.

But the strength is not as good as others, and there is no way to receive insults, he can only temporarily avoid it.

"The property of the cloud-type Death Qi flame is to multiply, and it can multiply the amount of substances. You can rely on this to defeat it. Cola.

I don't know when, Cola Nilo flew to Gin's side and reminded aloud.


Gin glanced sideways at Coke Nilo, thinking about what he said.

"Yes, multiply."

Cola Nello nodded.

"Besides, the small rolls are also very useful, you should not underestimate them. Coke. 99

Colaniello said something Gito had said several times.

After he finished speaking, he didn't stop and flew away.

"Proliferate, little roll?"

Gin didn't take care of the flying Coke Nilo, but thought about what he said.

He took Xiaojuan off his shoulders, and sent the flame of death energy into its body.

He remembered what Gito had done before, sending the flames of death to Natsu.

The small volume that received the flame of death sent by the gin also began to gradually increase.

"Is that so?"


Before Gin could continue to study the changes of Komaki, the monster poked a finger again.

Looking at the monster's attack, Jin Jiu could only dodge again. While dodging, he did not forget to send the flame of death to Xiaojuan.

The small volume also gradually increased from a small one, from 30cm to the current 60cm, and has been able to escape from the embrace of gin and float by his side.

"What strength do you have? Let me see. More

Gin looked at Xiaojuan and said.


Komaki let out a soft cry, then turned his back to the monster.

"Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo! 99

The needle that originally grew on the back actually broke away from the body and shot towards the monster, stabbing all the fingers that the monster stretched out.


The monster felt as if it had been stabbed by something. Although it didn't pierce its skin, 000 was a little painful.


The monster that felt a little pain did not retract it, but continued to fight forward.

However, the fingers retracted into a fist shape and hit the gin.

Jin Jiu looked at the punching fist, and the figure that fled forward instantly changed direction, running towards the fist of the attacking monster. While running, he still sent the flame of death to Xiaojuan.


The fist fell, but the gin was still not hit.

As for the small roll beside Jinjiu, the body did not continue to grow at this time, but it changed from one small roll to four small rolls.

"Oh? Gin finally knows the characteristics of using the flame of death, and the role of Komaki.

Gito, who was standing in the same place and watching the battle, also noticed the changes on the gin side for the first time.

If it was said that the small rolls became bigger before, it was just the gin and the cats and the tigers,

Then, at this time, Xiaojuan changed from one to four, that is, he began to truly understand the flame of death.

It is also the correct way to use the cloud attribute Death Qi flame.

Cloud attribute Death Qi's characteristic: Proliferation.

The cloud attribute can multiply the amount of matter, and can open the cloud attribute box weapon.

"I just don't know, can he discover the next form of Xiaojuan?"

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