Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 18 Girl, You Understand Too Well


Just when Gito was still thinking about the identity of Tong's grandfather, Kuriyama Miku's consciousness had begun to blur.

"No, give her some food right away."

When Gito saw Miku's appearance, Kuriyama knew she couldn't hold it anymore.

"Tonggu-kun, Kuri Shan-kun needs to eat some food immediately, why don't you go with us."

Gito said while carrying Kuriyama Miku on his back.

Then quickly ran outside.

"Ah? Oh...I" Before Kazuto Kiritani could say anything, Gito had already run far away, "We're at the self-service barbecue restaurant outside, so please follow along, classmate Kiritani."

Gito's voice came through from not far away.

"I...I want to say, I don't want to go."

Tonggu Kazuo doesn't really like to communicate with people, especially strangers.

For Gito's invitation, he also refused, but Gito did not give him a chance to refuse at all.

There is no other way but to follow through. It is very rude to miss an appointment without expressly rejecting it.

"I just went to the kebab shop to say goodbye to them. I will never eat."

Tonggu-san made up his mind secretly. He went by himself to say goodbye to the two of them, and then went home and had dinner with strangers. That was impossible.


Kiritani Kazuto knew that the barbecue restaurant Gito was talking about was near the school.

Twenty minutes later, Kiritani Kazuto found Gito and Kuriyama Miku.

At this time, Miku Kuriyama was already eating a lot. He was holding a piece of barbecue with chopsticks in his right hand, and two grapes in his left hand, and his mouth was full.

As for Gito, it's just a barbecue machine with no emotions.

"Oh, Tonggu-san, you're here, come, sit here."

Gito beckons Kiritani to come and sit down.

"Gito-senpai, Kuriyama-san, I'm here..." Kiritani walked over to Gito and said goodbye.

"Of course I came here to eat. Come here, Tonggu classmate, sit down. You can see that I have everything ready for you. Now, I will also give you this piece of meat."

Gito didn't give Kiritani a chance to finish his sentence at all.

He is very aware of Tonggu and Ren's character. To put it nicely, he is indifferent to others, but he is actually an autistic teenager with mild autism.


Tonggu Kazuto looked at the already placed dinner plate and the meat inside, he didn't know what to say.

"Hurry up and eat, if you don't eat, you'll have to let Kuri Shan-kun eat."

Gito was still greeting Kiritani.

"Not at all."

Miku Kuriyama argued that it was just her appearance that made her argument seem a little ridiculous.

"Ah yes yes yes, you are right."

Gito should reconcile.

"Unpleasant です!"

Miku Kuriyama looked at Gito and said, she felt that Gito was perfunctory to her.

"Not happy, aren't you, here to eat a piece of meat."

Gito ordered some meat, animal livers, lychees, grapes and other blood-boosting foods and fruits in order to replenish the blood for the future.

"Are you happy now?"

Gito looked at the happy result and asked Miku Kuriyama.

"I am not happy!"

Well, that's the same sentence, just a little excited in his tone.

"Student Tonggu, don't stand stupidly, come and sit down, the barbecue will be cold."

Gito sees Kiritani still standing there and greets him.

"Uh... well, I'm sorry to bother you."

Tong Gu was helpless and could only sit next to Gito.

It has to be said that Kuriyama's future "combat power" is indeed strong, especially in the case of excessive blood loss.

Both Gito and Tonggu ate more than she ate alone.

So that when Gito was paying the bill, Kuriyama-san was blushing.

When the three came out of the barbecue shop, the sun was about to set.

"Okay, now it's time for us to deal with this thing."

Gito took out the Dream Stone again.

"Kuriyama-kun, where is the Yokai Club? I need to hand over this stone, and then let them handle the aftermath."

Changing money is a trivial matter, mostly aftercare.

"Yomengbu? Let me think about it..."

Because I haven't been to the Yaomeng club for many years, I can't remember where the Yaomeng club is.

Gito watched the girl stand there thinking hard, as if she had guessed something.

"You haven't been to the Demon Dream Club for so long, have you forgotten where they are?"

"It's not, it's not, I just can't remember it for a while, it's not because I've only been there once and forgot it."

The girl said in a panic.

Gito watched Miku Kuriyama nervously wipe his glasses, and knew he was right.

‘Young girl, you are too understanding. ’

"That said, we can't go today."

Gito still really wants to see the Yomengbu.

"Well, Gito-senpai, Kuriyama-san, it's getting late, I'm going home too, let's see you another day."

Tonggu Kazuto said aloud at this time.

"Oh, it's really getting late, classmate Tonggu, let's see you another day, bye."

Gito looked at the time, it was seven o'clock.

"Then Gito-senpai, Kuriyama-san, goodbye."

Tonggu Kazuo waved his hand.

"Goodbye." X2

Gito and Kuriyama-san also waved at Kiritani-san.

‘Grandpa Tong, may also be a good candidate. ’

Gito looked at Kazuto Etonggu's back, thinking about whether to recruit him into the family.

In his opinion, Kiritani classmate also has the potential to become the guardian of the family.

It's just that this thing needs to be taken slowly and not in a hurry.

"Okay, it's time for us to go home."

Gito retracted his gaze and said to Miku Kuriyama.

"Senior Gito, let's go first. I think the starry sky is too beautiful tonight. I have to watch the starry sky outside for a while and go back."

Miku Kuriyama looked up at the night sky with only a few scattered stars and said.

"Uh...are you sure?"

Gito didn't expose the girl's lies.


Kuriyama Miku nodded vigorously to add some persuasiveness to his words.

Gito looked at the girl who was still stubbornly looking at the night sky, and suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be that there is a demon dream in your home, so you dare not go back?"

"That's right, it's not."

Kuriyama-san started cleaning his glasses again.

Gito didn't think about the real thing, man, I've come across everything, I'm the real protagonist.

Gito remembered that in the original book, Qiu Ren asked Kuriyama to solve the demon dream by himself, which also broke Kuriyama's future fear of the demon.

But today, Kuriyama lost a lot of blood in the future. Although he made up for it by eating, it is not suitable for him to take action. He can only talk about it after two days of complete recovery.

"Oh, I also think the night sky is very beautiful tonight. I don't want to go home so early. Why don't you come with me, Kuri Shan-kun."

With that, Gito stepped forward.

Miku Kuriyama looked at Gito's back and didn't know what he was thinking, but after being stunned for a while, he took two quick steps to catch up.

"I'm just with you."

"Yes, I don't want to go home, you just stay with me."

Gito responded perfunctorily to the girl.

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