Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter three hundred and thirty nine

"where is he!

Gito looked at Belmod and asked, when he said this sentence, Gito unconsciously stimulated the flame of his own death, and at the same time released his own momentum.

The moment Gito released his aura, Violet, Li Baoen and the others in the room, Hungry Wolf, Si and the others in the apartment building next to them all woke up instantly.

They all thought that the enemy had come to the house, so they rushed towards the living room.


As the only person who felt this momentum positively, Belmod felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

She felt like the only leaf left on the tree in the autumn wind, which could be blown away at any time.


Ribone also came to Gito's side at this time, reminding him.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper, but "Zero Jiuqi" still wants to trouble you to tell me where you saw the gin, and how he is now.


Gito withdrew his momentum, looked at Belmod, and asked the other person calmly.

And Belmod, looking at Gito at this time, inexplicably thought of what Gin said to her.

'Perhaps, he can really destroy the organization and become the silver bullet that cuts through the darkness.

If Gito knew that Belmode thought so, he would definitely laugh out loud. As an organization like a winery, to be honest, Gito really didn't take him seriously.

It's just because there are not enough manpower, and some things from Verdi's side have not come out, otherwise, he would have killed the winery long ago.

"I saw Gin on Saturday, no, it should be said on Friday. At that time, I was ordered by the organization to cooperate with those who pursued Gin, blocked Gin's forward path, and prevented him and vodka from returning City J.""

Belmod also directly stated some of the news that he knew.

"Later, on Saturday, I had a chat with him, and it was he who asked me to come here to find you.

Gito and Ribone and others only thought that Gin might be being hunted down.

And now, Belmod's words have also verified their ideas.

"Where did you meet him? 39

Gito now wants to know where Gin is so he can rescue him.

"Near the mountains between J City and Limu County, but they shouldn't be there now.

After feeling Gito's momentum, Belmod was very well behaved at this time, she would answer whatever Gito asked.

However, she was originally there to inform Gito about the gin.

"Where is it not? Where would it be?"

"In Neodymium Mountain and Nanti Mountain, this is the news I heard yesterday, where Jinjiu has been driven to, and at the same time, they are also planning to arrest Jinjiu there.

This is the news that Belmod heard in the tavern yesterday, and it is precisely because of this news that she rushed over so early today.

And Gito, when hearing these two names, suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of danger.

"That should be here.

Gito also determined the location of Gin at this time, and at the same time, also knew the venue of this battle, and the place that Yuni saw at the beginning.

"Ribon, Lal, and Koranilo, notify Tonggu, Kuaidou and the unlicensed knight, and let them come over as soon as possible.

Gito ordered quickly.

"Got it!" X3

The three also knew that the time was urgent and immediately started making calls.

"Also, let Feng and Mamon not follow, and protect Tonggu's family and Kuidou's childhood sweetheart.

Both sides also need to be guarded to avoid any accidents.

Then Gito looked at Miyano Akimi.

"Mingmei, go ask Verdi and see if he has anything good over there?"


Miyano Akemi answered quickly, and then ran outside.

In fact, what Belmod didn't know was that when she returned to J City, her every move was being watched.

Although Belmod is also a top killer, with strong tracking and anti-tracking capabilities, it is aimed at ordinary people, and neither she nor Gin know about it. There are some things within the organization that they don't know.

"Boss, you guessed right, Belmod really went there.

Rum, who received the news in the tavern, was on the phone with the boss of the winery.

"Just go, you continue to observe the movement over there, if you find anything, report it to me in time... 99

An old voice came from the other end of the phone.

After saying this, the other side also hung up the phone directly.

And Rum, after confirming that the phone was hung up, also turned off his mobile phone.

"First Gin, and then Belmod, are you all betraying the organization? Hehe, this is just right, you can do it once and for all.

In fact, the reason why Belmod was able to hear yesterday that Jinjiu was surrounded by Neodymium Mountain and Nantai Mountain today, and that the organization was going to do something, was actually deliberately spread by him and the BOSS.

Otherwise, everyone is also a top killer, why do you think that another person would make such a low-level mistake of being eavesdropped on the phone.

Even if they are the same organization and the same "high-level", even if you have an extraordinary relationship with the BOSS.

"What a terrible person. 35

Rum didn't know what to think, and suddenly sighed.

At the same time, he squinted his eyes, as if he had inadvertently glanced at the entire tavern, especially in a few particularly hidden places, as well as the two waiters who were cleaning.

At this time, Belmod, who was at Gito's house, didn't know that she had already been transferred into the set that BOSS personally ordered.

At this time, she was sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast with Gito and the others.

That's right, just for breakfast.

3.5 people are iron rice or steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. The emperor is not bad for hungry soldiers.

The war is about to take place. If the people who participate in the war are not fed, should they be allowed to fight on an empty stomach?

"Qianwuhuan, for a while, you don't have to go with us, just stay here.

Gito looked at the light mist and said.

The guardian of the fog is not good at this, and cannot be converted into combat power immediately.

Because people in this world, except Mamon and Kuroba Kuito, can't do illusions.

The guardian of the fog who does not know magic is not the guardian of the fog at all.

So, Gito can only let Shimizuan stay at home temporarily, and when he comes back, let him and Kuroba Kuito learn illusion by Mamon's side.

Come to think of it, his talent should not be bad.

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