Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter two hundred and forty-ninth extreme sun

"Holy Son, I said, how dare these people attack the police?"

While running, Yuan asked the Holy Son beside him.

Last night, there was a murder case here, and they followed the others in the bureau to investigate.

Later, after the case was solved by the "sleeping Kogoro", the police officer Mumu and Teng Shengzi divided the labor and cooperated. He took people back to make a transcript, and they dealt with the follow-up here.

When they were done, it was four in the morning.

The five people who ran for one day and one night couldn't hold it any longer, so they rested a little in the police car and planned to report back to the bureau in the morning.

Who knows, something happened to this sleep.

This morning, Yamada was the first to wake up, and then went out to buy breakfast. When he came back, he saw four or five men in black trying to pry open their police car.

Yamada also shouted "120", awakening the four people in the police car, and then the five people also entangled with each other.

At the beginning, there was still a back and forth, but when Yuan touched the bulging thing on the other side's waist, he broke out in a cold sweat.

At the same time, Fuji Seiko also saw five other people wearing the same clothes coming towards this side.

In desperation, the five people could only start running.

"how could I know."

Seiko Fuji is also very depressed, no one wants to be attacked when they wake up.

"Chuanhe, Mugao, speed up."

"Ah! I have to speed up. I can't run anymore. I haven't had a good meal or a good rest since last night.

And, wake up in the morning and run!

Dad, I want to quit my job!

Kawaii shouted in despair.

"If you have the strength to shout, why don't you use it for running? It's about to start accelerating." 9

After Fuji Seiko finished speaking, he raised his speed again and distanced himself from the people behind him.

"Mutation? Made the monster stronger?"

All the changes below are also taken into account by Gito.

"But fortunately, they haven't exceeded their capabilities, and no dragon-level monsters have appeared.

As long as no dragon-level monsters appear, there will be no danger to the lives of the following people.

"Is this what Da Jiongyan said, let's deal with people?"

The mid-mountain of Neodymium Peak was injured. At this time, several strange people appeared, and they were watching the battle below.

"It should be, after all, there is no one else here, it can't be those monsters, right?

said a strange man with a long horn on his head.

"But, now that gang is fighting with monsters, do we want to cooperate with monsters?

A weirdo whose head was a shower head asked randomly. When he said that he would cooperate with the monster, all the weirdos present subconsciously frowned.

Although they all have the word "weird", none of the guys from the Weird Association can see the monsters.

Even, I still feel that this group of people is a higher-level existence than them.

"Da Jiongyan just asked us to come and arrest these people, and he didn't say that we must cooperate with monsters.

Besides, looking at the strength of this group of people is not low, just let these brainless monsters consume their physical strength. "

A weirdo who looked like a radish made a mouthful at this time.

"Good idea, I think it can be done."

After hearing Muscle Radish's words, other people also agreed.

"Yes, I understand."

At the foot of Nanti Mountain, some distance from the battlefield in the valley, a man in casual clothes hung up the phone.

"Release all the demon dreams.

The man in casual clothes turned and said to the group of people behind him.

And the group of people behind him, after hearing his words, also took out some various things, such as bottles, boxes, gourds, etc., and opened them one after another.

After that, I saw dark shadows emerge from it.

After seeing the Demon Dreams being released, the one in the casual suit took out a small knife and cut a wound on his hand.

Afterwards, the blood from his hands was splattered on Yomeng, who was about to escape at this time.

After the blood came into contact with the demon dream, it disappeared instantly, and those demon dreams also froze in the air.

"Go ahead and destroy those humans!"

The casual clothes pointed to the location of the valley and said to the demons.

And those Yao Meng who originally wanted to escape, after hearing his order, were stunned for a moment, then their eyes became hollow, and then flew towards the position pointed by the man in casual clothes.

"Okay, let's go, the rest is not our job. 99

The man in casual clothes looked at the people behind him and said after seeing Yomeng's movements.


Then a group of people quickly left here, and some people even used their abilities to eliminate the traces of their presence here.

"Huh? This is... Yokai? 35

When Yao Meng appeared in Gito's perception range, he was the first to discover it.

"How come there are so many demon dreams all of a sudden here?

Gito looked at the woods behind Yukyo Nishizono, and Yomon came from this direction.


There is a Yaomeng flying very fast, it is the first to appear in Gito's perception, and it is also the first to come into contact with Nishiyuan Temple Yujing.

"Cola Nilo!


When Colinello heard Gito call him, he put the sniper rifle behind him in his hand, and then aimed at the Demon Dream below.

"Extreme Sun!"

A blue beam of light was emitted from the muzzle of Cola Niro and flew towards the position behind Nishiyuan Temple Yujing.


The beam of light hit the body of Yomeng, who was only planning to sneak attack on Yujing Nishiyuan Temple.


There was an explosion behind him, and it was impossible for Nishiyuanji Yukyo, who was in front, to not know, and then turned his head to look back.

Found nothing but a big pit.

Then 3.5 he looked up at the giant dragon in the sky, he knew that the blow just now came from above.

He doesn't think that the person the other party wants to hit is him, so it can only be that something happened that he doesn't know about.

"Quick fight, stop those demon dreams!"

Gito shouted loudly to Kuroba Kaito below.


After hearing Gito's words, the people below all looked towards the place where the explosion sound was made.

When they got the beam just now, they also saw it.

Then, everyone found out that there was a pile of things flying towards this side from the woods.

Haven't seen Yomeng's Hungry Wolf, Sonic and Si don't know what it is, but others do.

Especially Kuroba Kaito, you must know that during this period of time, in order to complete the task given to him by Gito, he hunted and killed Yaomeng a lot.

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