Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 295 Arrangements for Misaka Sisters

"This institute is quite big.""

Kiritani looked at the research institute in front of him. He felt that the research institute was a little bigger than the school's football field.

Now they have entered the research institute in Neodymium Mountain.

"This mountain, no, there is another mountain, these two mountains, which should have been hollowed out by them. 99'

Miyano Shiho looked up at the top of the research institute, which was very high.

"It's obviously not a small project, and it can be hollowed out without being discovered by anyone. It seems that the upper management or the media has intercepted relevant news."

Gito looked around the facility.

It can't help but be big, and the facilities are complete.

"All treatments are gone and computers have been destroyed.

Depending on the situation, it should be destroyed soon. "

Ribone and Colonello flew out from the inside at this time, and they went inside to check it just now.

"What about other things? Can those research facilities still be used?"

Gito doesn't care about those materials, he cares about whether the facilities here can be used.

Verdi also said before that their "laboratory" was too small, so Gito had to figure out a way.

This is good, there are two research institutes in vain, and 25 is a large research institute with complete facilities.

"Okay, Verdi checked it, and it can be used, as long as you place some computer things.

Moreover, the water, electricity, ventilation and other facilities here are also very complete and can be used at any time. 99

It wasn't just Koraniello and Ribone who entered just now, but also Verdi and Shishen Qiankong.

Gito and the others watched as they continued to walk inside.

As for Ribone, Lal, and Cola Nilo, they checked the entire institute to see if there were any hidden cameras or other surveillance objects.

Before coming in, Gito said that if it can still be used, he will put the income here in the name of Vongola Family.

As for the issue of safety, and whether it will be found by those who came before.

Gito has also thought about it.

After he plans to go back, let Mamon sit here with a light mist.

With Mamon, even if the other party came, he would not be able to see what was abnormal here.

And the reason for the light fog illusion is to let Mamon teach him illusion.

Kuroba Kuito's strength in illusion is slightly inferior to many people in the original book.

However, in this world, with the addition of Wu Xiao, he is already very powerful.

Besides, after that, I don't want to leave him alone, I can let him come here once a week, or once a month, to ask Mamon for advice.

If it really doesn't work, keeping Kuroba Kaito here will increase the security force here, and it will also prevent these two guys from running out to make trouble one day if they are not careful.

"Yuni, put the Misaka sisters here too.""

Gito turned his head to Yuni and said.

Now the base of the family is his home.

There were already many people living there before, and at this time, it was no longer possible to entertain two hundred Misaka sisters.

However, it would be nice to have these two institutes now.

The Misaka sisters can be arranged here, and at the same time, they can be used as Verdi's assistants to accomplish some things.

Gito has already thought about it, and if Misaka sister comes over in the future, I will arrange a part here first.

It can be used both as an assistant and as a security force.

At the same time, Verdi can also study it to see if he can strengthen the strength of the Misaka sisters.

If it is possible, then they will not worry about the manpower problem in a short time.

"Is it here?"

Yuni looked at the research institute, then turned his head and looked at the two hundred Misaka sisters behind him.

"Misaka, can you live here?

Yuni considered that they lived in the research institute before, and now let them live here, what is the difference from before.

"Missaka sisters, we really don't have a place for you to live now, so we can only arrange you here temporarily.

However, don't worry, I will soon choose another place as our family's permanent base, and I will bring you there too. "

Gito is only temporarily borrowed here.

When the family is rich, they will definitely choose a family residence. At that time, the Misaka sisters can be taken over.

Speaking of which, right now, there seems to be nowhere for the family to choose.

‘If there are several dragon-level monsters, it would be nice to destroy a city, so that we can learn from the Hero Association and build our headquarters on the ruins of that city. Dream

Gito thought evilly in his heart.

Of course, he just thought about it casually. If there were really a few dragon-level monsters, he would definitely rush over there as soon as possible.

Now, the Vongola Family will enter a stage of rapid development. At this time, the reputation of the general public is also very important.

Although Gito intends to make the Vongola Family a special extremist organization, this does not mean that they do not need the approval of the masses.

He doesn't want the future Vongola Family to become an organization that everyone shouts and beats.


At this time, the two hundred Misaka sisters also answered at the same time.

In fact, it doesn't matter where they live.

No one of them has yet developed an autonomous consciousness. Compared with people, they are more like a machine than Violet before.

After Gito and the others visited the research institute of Neodymium Mountain, they went to the research institute of Nanti Mountain and also visited.

At the same time, it is also checked to see if there is something hidden.

As a result, nothing was found, and the other party withdrew very thoroughly.

However, during this period, Ji 173 Tuo discovered a new use for the Misaka sisters, that is, repairing computers.

Gito looked at the Misaka sisters who were repairing the mainframe computer at this time, and always felt that their skill tree was a little crooked.

The real subject, Misaka Mikoto, has the ability to hack, but you sisters Misaka are "a little bit inferior", and degenerate the ability of hacking into repairing computers, right?

Eh, it seems, it can't be said to be crooked, after all, it's all related to computers.

Crooked, but not completely crooked.

"Wildi, Qiankong, you won't go back with us?"

Gito looked at Verdi and Shishen Qiankong in front of him.

They have stayed here for a long time, and they need to go back. There are still some things to deal with at home.

In addition, the wounded around him also need to be admitted to the hospital and checked carefully.

"We won't go back, Shiho, take a look at our previous things and send them over as soon as possible."

After Verdi came to this world, he had never seen such a good research room. Now that he has a bunch of things he wants to study, how could he leave here.

The same is true of Shishen Qiankong. Although he has been in and out of the top laboratory before, it is not his own, and he cannot allow himself to do research at will.

And now, these two large research laboratories are theirs, and he can study anything he wants to study.


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