Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 390 The Belt of Arashi Ver.X


Melon felt Violet's touch, and let out a good cry.

The current melon, the relationship with Violet is quite good, as long as it appears, it will stick to Violet.

The reason for this was all thanks to the dozens of fish that Violet had paid.

However, what surprised Gito was, why the melon looks like a big model now, but can make a "meow" sound?


Violet, who received melon's response, also had the flame of Arashi's death energy on her ring.


And the melon at Violet's feet roared, and then the flame of death suddenly became vigorous.

Then, like Natsu before, he jumped towards the position of Violet's ring.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The flame of the Lan attribute death energy on Violet's ring became vigorous, and the concentration also became abnormally high.

However, Gito could still vaguely see that the ring on Violet's hand began to change.


The flame of death that originally appeared only in her hand, along Violet's arm, began to spread towards her body, and then spread to her waist.


At this time, Violet's box weapon opened, and her weapon, the Shadow of the Wind, appeared in her hand.

The flames of death wrapped around Violet's weapon and her waist.

"This is?"

Gito looked at Violet's changes. He remembered that there didn't seem to be any changes to the weapons in the original book. What's the situation now?

Also, what will the VG form of the Ring of Arashi look like?

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Gito's doubts didn't last long before he got the answer.

The flame of death on Violet disappeared, and Gito saw what Violet looked like at this moment:

The ring on her right hand has disappeared, and her weapon, the Shadow of the Wind, has changed from a revolver to a hand cannon.

The hand cannon was also burning with the flame of Arashi attribute death energy.

And on Violet's waist, a belt with the flame of death appeared.

Around the belt, there are red ball-shaped dead energy flames.

The front end of the belt is a red gem, and the gem is also printed with Roman numerals "々〃l".

And after the gem, the appearance of a melon appeared.

VG Arashi's magazine belt turns the user into a bomber with powerful bombs all over his body.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the flame of death on the belt and the flame of death of the hand cannon in Violet's hand fluctuate at the same frequency.

Even, Gito can still feel that there is a vague connection between the hand cannon and the belt.

"This is probably because the Vongola gear VG will be transformed into the most suitable form for the user according to the user, and it will be displayed in the form of different accessories.

What suits Hayato in Prison Temple is not suitable for Violet.

And the current appearance is suitable for Violet. 35

Gito looked at Violet, who had changed a lot, and guessed.

"Bang! 99

At this moment, an explosion sounded in the air, and it was Academy City that started to do it.

Just as Gito was teaching Violet, the huge fireball landed within a distance where they could attack.

Gito, who was standing outside Academy City, saw various energies emanating from it, attacking the huge fireball.

Even, Gito saw a blue attack.

That attack made Gito feel the breath of Aleister.

Moreover, Gito could clearly feel that the huge fireball in the air seemed to have dissipated a lot of energy after it had endured numerous attacks.

The danger it brings to Gito is not as strong as it used to be.

"We should do it too, or we'll fall."

Gito looked at the huge fireball that was getting closer and closer, and spoke with Ribone and Violet.

"Got it." X2

Reborn and Violet nodded.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The flames of death in the three of them became intense.

Gito stacked his hands together and aimed at the location of the fireball in the air.

Violet first removed two Arashi attribute bombs composed of flames of death from her belt, and then loaded them into her hand cannon.

Then, he raised his hand cannon and aimed it at the fireball in the air.

As for Ribone, he also raised the gun in his hand.

In fact, Ribone itself is not suitable to face this situation.

In the face of such a frontal attack, Cola Nilo is more suitable.

Reborn is suitable for fighting with people, especially the kind of one-to-many battle.

It's just, now that Cola Nello is not here, and can only let Reborn be on it.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

The flames of death energy of the three people were all instilled into the weapons in their hands.

"Attack! 35


The flames of death in Gito's hands erupted.

"""Melon bomb!"

The bomb in Violet's hand cannon was also shot out by her.

Li Baoen could only release most of the flames of death in the pacifier.


The three attacks flew towards the huge fireball in the air together.


At this time, in Academy City, a black energy shock, and a blue magic shock, also rushed into the air together.

This is Accelerator and Aleister shot.


Five powerful attacks collided with the fireball in the air.


A gust of wind swept through the air, making Gito unsteady.

At this time, he was even weaker than before.

If it weren't for his dignity to support him, he would have collapsed to the ground by now.

He is the head of the family, and he cannot fall down at any time, even if few people see him.

However, this is the face and dignity necessary to be the head of the family (good enough).

"Bang! 99

"Boom! 35

The explosion in the air continued.

The huge fireball and Gito their attack stalemate in the air.

However, Gito and the others could all see that the fireball's position had fallen a little further.

"We have done our best. 99

Faced with this situation, Gito is helpless.

If it wasn't for the previous fight against Aleister, the attack he just made would be even stronger.

The battle with Aleister made his loss a bit large.


At this moment, the fireball in the air completely dispelled Gito's attack and landed on the ground again.

(ps: Since Violet doesn't use bombs, I changed a little bit, but in this respect, it's mostly based on the original.

When you look at the picture, just treat X as 1. There is no picture of the first generation, only the tenth generation can be used. )young.

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