Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 447 \"Are you ready to die? Flash\"

"Mr. Vongola is young and promising, he has such strength at such a young age, and his subordinates are also talented, which is really enviable.

I think back then, in Mr. Vongola's grade, I was still an ignorant student. I couldn't compare, really couldn't compare. 35

Facing Gito's inquiry, the well-dressed middle-aged man did not directly say his intentions, but kept praising Gito.

"Where, sir, you are joking, these are just children's games, how can they be compared with Mr.

Seeing that the other party refused to talk, Gito casually teased him, but he wasn't in a hurry anyway.

"If this is all a game of family, then in Mr. Vongola's view, I am afraid that only ruling this country can be regarded as something that can be taken on the stage."

The middle-aged man said with a chuckle while listening to Gito's words.

It's just that his words were not as relaxed and peaceful as his expression.

"Rule the country? No, no, no, I'm just an ordinary person who wants to protect myself in this chaotic world, I don't have such a big mind.

Moreover, even these people in the Vongola Family, I can't manage well, let alone manage a country. ""

Gito said without changing his face.

"Managing this kind of thing can be exercised.

Mr. Vongola now occupies a city, declares independence, and can start running a city.

After that, there will be two cities, three cities... In a few years, this country, Mr. Vongola, will not be within reach. "

When the middle-aged man said this, the peaceful expression on his face gradually disappeared.

"Why did I declare independence? Don't talk nonsense, you are slandering me, and I want to sue you for slander."

Gito turned to look at the middle-aged white-haired man who had been silent for a while.

"You heard that he slandered me.

"S-class hero, is this the only strength? Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist!"

The hungry wolf displayed the flowing water cover, and the missiles launched by the driving knights were thrown into the air.

"Fist of Rock Breaker? What's your relationship with Mr. Banggu?

The driving knight looked at the familiar flowing water and rock-shattering fist, stopped his attack, and asked the hungry wolf.

"Banggu? I don't have any connection with that old guy.""

The driving knight stops, but the hungry wolf will not stop.

"Pressure face killing fist!

"Existing Beast, Six Dream Skeleton Crow!"

Kuroba Kuidou's death energy erupted, and a huge crow with the word "one" on its head appeared between Kuiha Kuidou and Venerable Vest.


Kuroba Kuito pointed with one hand, and the crow also pecked at Venerable Vest.

"This is···

Venerable Vest looked at the huge crow that suddenly appeared, and was surprised, but he did not forget that at this time, he was still fighting.

Looking at the rushing crow, Venerable Vest also clenched his fists with both hands.

"Vest punch! 35

The Venerable Vest, as the "flesh pie" among the S-class heroes, has strong muscles and outstanding strength.

He also belongs to the type of "one-shot victory", treating "any" weirdos is a one-trick attack, but his level of strength is far less than Saitama.

However, even if he can't compare to Saitama, his punch is not to be underestimated.

"Bang! 35

Venerable Vest's fist collided with the crow's mouth, making a burst of air.

This is caused by too much power.

"As expected of an S-rank hero of the Hero Association, his strength is strong."

Kuroba Kuito looked at Venerable Vest, the opponent's strength, the monster he had already fought against him two days ago, was not much weaker.

"It's just, that's not enough. Phew!"

At the right eye of Kuroba Kaito, a monocle appeared.

The ring in his hand was burning with the flame of death, and on top of his head, there was a huge crow, vaguely taking shape.

"Flash, I haven't seen you for several years, why haven't your strength improved at all.

Burial of Four Shadows, Scattered Slash!"

Sonic split four afterimages, raised the knife together, and attacked Flash.

"You've come a long way over the years, Sonic.


Flash looked at Sonic who was attacking, held the sword in his hand, and stabbed forward.


The three swords in their hands slashed together.


An explosion sounded beside the two of them.

"Huh! 35

The two exerted force at the same time again, separated from each other, and stepped back.

"Is that all you have? Flash."

Sonic looked at Flash in front of him, thinking back then, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep up with the opponent's progress.


But now, he suddenly felt that Flash's strength was not that great, and he was already able to draw and even defeat the opponent.

Although, now he has not won.

"Is it because of joining the Vongola Family?"

Flash looked at Sonic without any waves on his face, but his heart was constantly surging.

As his childhood companion, he is very aware of each other's strength and talent.

But the more he knew about the opponent's strength and talent, the more shocked he was now.

From graduation to now, for so many years, he has never relaxed, and is constantly exercising himself every day.

It is precisely because of this that he became the thirteenth hero of the Hero Association and S-rank.

But now, Sonic's strength is even faintly equal to him.


This made him have to wonder if the Vongola Family was really that magical.

"If they really intend to fight against monsters and weirdos, maybe they don't have to destroy them.

Flash thought to himself.

He came here today, not only because he saw Sonic on TV, but also because he wanted to see Vongola Family.

See if he is the same as the ninja village back then, a place that specializes in cultivating evildoers.

If it is, then he will find a way to destroy the Vongola Family just as he destroyed the Ninja Village.

However, when he saw that Sonic's strength had increased so much, he felt that it might be better if such strength was used on the right path.

After the first battle in FD City, Flash felt that the world was more dangerous, and the strength of monsters and eccentrics was too strong.

On their side, the strength is still too weak.

"Flash, get ready to die."

Sonic looked at Flash with his signature smile on his face.

"Open the box! 35


The storm shark rushed out of the box and swam beside Sonic.

"Have you figured out how to die? Flash. 35

Sonic pointed at Flash with his sword and said.

What other people think, he doesn't know.

However, he came to fight today with the intention of killing each other.

The purpose is to hold, the "kindness" of the poisoning of the year.

(ps: I went home yesterday, no update, in order to make up for yesterday, there will be more today and tomorrow) and.

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