Just when Gito visited the base of the Moonlight Society, in a laboratory deep in the base, Reborn and the wind were confronting the commander of Bosda who had just escaped.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Bostar looked at the two doll-like figures on the table.

"The Vongola Family.""

Ribone didn't say his own name, but the family name.

"You are from the Vongola Family too? How did you get here?"

Bostar did not expect that his base was actually sneaked in.

During the questioning, Berstadt deliberately looked at a transparent jar in the middle of the laboratory, and there was a baby about the same age as Reborn and the others.

It's just that, compared to Ribone and the others, that thing looks really ugly.

"Of course it came in.

Reborn said slowly.

He and Feng had come in long ago, and he also found out what the baby soaked in formalin was.

Bosda first looked back at the door of the laboratory, and found that it was already closed at this time, and he was a little relieved.

"Since you are from the Vongola Family, don't blame me for killing me!"

As soon as Bosda finished speaking, he threw the 420 coat on his body to the two of them.

Then, without seeing any movement from him, his body actually disappeared in place, and the next second, he appeared behind the coat.

Li Baoen looked at the overcoat that flew over, took out his gun in a hurry, and fired two shots at the overcoat.

And the wind is also a Tai Chi starter with both hands.

"Bang! Bang!"

The bullets fired by Ribone's gun were small, but powerful.

Two shots went down, the coat actually burst open, and Bostar, who was hidden behind the coat, also revealed his figure.


Bosda waved his fist and smashed at Ribone and the wind.

The moment Feng saw the coat shatter, his slightly squatted body jumped up.

Looking at the fist in front of him that was bigger than his entire body, Feng adjusted his position in the air, and then put his hands on Bostar's fist up and down.

Afterwards, with a slight force, Bosda flew out.

"Bang! 99

Bostar, who flew out, slammed into the thick wall of the laboratory (cfdf).

The wind lightly landed on Li Baoen's side, no different from before the shot.

As for Bosda, he got up from the ground and looked at Li Baoen and Feng with a look as if he saw a monster.

He did not expect that these two things that looked like dolls had such strength.

Could it be that they are also the ultimate monsters created by the Vongola Family?

At this time, Bosda fell into doubt.

However, his doubts came and disappeared quickly, because there was not much time for him to doubt now.

Bosda got up from the ground, and then attacked Reborn and the wind again.

He feels that these two things are really strong, but as long as he handles them carefully, he can still deal with them.

Moreover, his purpose is not to destroy these two guys.

When Feng saw Bosda who was attacking again, he jumped up again to meet him.


A small fist collided with a large fist.

Bostar's fist is bigger than Feng's entire body.

However, the opponent blocked his attack with his own fist.

Bosda, who had already thought about it, did not hesitate, and drew back his fist again.

And Feng did not choose to resist hard this time, and died dodged, and then jumped on the opponent's fist.

Following Bosda's arm, he ran up quickly.

When Bosda saw this, he quickly waved his arms, trying to throw the wind away.

The wind flew, but instead of flying out, it flew towards Bostar's face.

Bostar looked at the villain in front of him, and quickly raised his other hand to block his face.

The seemingly light fist of the wind fell on Bostar's arm.


There was a loud noise when it hit Bostar's arm.

Bostar was also beaten and took a few steps back.


Ribone felt a little strange watching Bostar's step back.

However, before he could react, Bostar turned around and rushed towards the jar soaked in formalin by the power of the wind.

"Bang! 35

With the sound of glass shattering, Bostar smashed the glass container with a punch.

The liquid inside also flowed to the ground as much as possible.

"My ultimate monster, come out! Come out and destroy the world! 35

Bostar looked at the little man in the container and shouted loudly with open arms.

"Some trouble. 35

Fengluo returned to Li Baoen's side, he did not expect that Bostar would come to such a move, and he could only blame himself for being too careless.

"It's alright, Gito and the others are coming soon."

Ribone wasn't too worried.

Although he had read the information about this ultimate monster on the computer before.

However, in his view, the assumptions on the data are somewhat unrealistic.

According to the data, this thing is the perfect and powerful ultimate monster they made.

It not only has great power, but also can learn and grow, and there is no limit to this growth.

In other words, this kind of ability to grow without limit, Li Baoen has only seen that guy in Saitama.

Although it is said that this ability is really powerful, Li Baoen does not think that there will be a second Saitama in this world.

Just as Reborn was talking to Feng, the ultimate monster in the container slowly opened his eyes.

Blood red eyes, looks a little scary indeed.

"Ultimate monster, I ordered, immediately destroy these two guys! 99

After seeing the ultimate monster open his eyes, Bosda was also ecstatic.

In his opinion, this experiment has been successful, and the ultimate monster has also been produced.

And that ultimate monster seemed to have not heard what Bostar said.

First I looked at my body, then I looked around.

Finally, his eyes fell on Bosda.

"Ultimate monster, didn't you hear it? Quickly kill both of them!"

Bostar shouted again,

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