Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 69 This may be the only chance in your life

Gito, who has entered the black fog, doesn't know what Saitama is thinking, he is just looking for Kuriyama Miku.

After Gito entered the black fog, he felt as if he had passed through the space, from the woods to a classroom.

In the classroom, there are two girls fighting.

If this kind of thing happens outside, Gito will move the stool and eat melon seeds as soon as possible, and sit and watch the play.

After all, a certain Xiaobu once said that he likes watching girls fight the most, and Gito also has this hobby.

But not now, because one of them he knew and was still in danger.

"Boom! Bang! 35

Gito ignited the flame of death, and then quickly rushed between the two fighting girls, punching, separating the two weapons that were stalemate.

"Gito... senpai."

Kuriyama Miku looked at the face of the person who came, ~ Who else could it be if it wasn't a senior.

"Senior, why are you here?"

Kuriyama Miku held on to keep himself from falling.

"Of course it's yours."

Gito didn't look back, because he saw another girl put up her weird big knife again at this time, and aimed the tip of the knife at Gito and Kuri-yama Miku.

"Tut chug chug!"

I saw that the girl's long knife actually fired bullets from the muzzle on the back of the knife.


Seeing that, Kuriyama Miku worked hard to lift the blood long knife in his hand, trying to help Gito take out those bullets.

Gito saw the blazing bullet, his expression unchanged, then raised his fist and threw a punch directly in front of him.

I saw a flame erupt from his hand and swept away towards the girl with the knife (gun?).

The girl was forced to dodge when she saw the swept flames.


The flame directly hit the wall behind the girl, and then pierced the wall directly.


Kuriyama Miku shouted the girl's name, afraid that she would be injured by this blow.

"If there is any problem, we can sit down and talk, there is no need to use a knife or a gun.

Gito looked at the girl and said.

"Sakura! Are you all right?"

Kuriyama Miku walked to Gito's side, looked at the girl in front of him and asked.

But the girl did not speak, but continued to raise the knife in her hand, looking like she wanted to fight again.

"call out!"

Gito turned into a flash of fire and instantly appeared in front of the girl.

A hand knife hit the girl's wrist.


The wrist received a heavy blow, and the girl groaned, unable to hold the knife in her hand.

Gito's speed did not decrease, and on the girl's other hand, there was also a hand knife.

The girl groaned again, and the knife in her hand fell directly to the ground.


Gito's movements were so fast that when Kuriyama Miku reacted, the weapon in the hand of the girl named Sakura had already been shot down.

Kuriyama Miku ran over, caring about the girl's body.

"Sakura, are you alright?"

"Senior, how can you play such a heavy hand?"

Kuriyama Miku looked at Gito in a huff.

"I am not happy.

Classic words, classic expressions.

"That's all I can do."

Gito explained blankly.

At this moment, a huge figure appeared outside the classroom.

The previous scene was originally a campus in the evening.

But now, it has suddenly turned into a classroom that has fallen into a black hole. At this moment, except for this classroom and that huge figure, there is nothing left.

There is darkness everywhere.


Looking at the huge figure outside, Kuriyama Miku said softly.

That figure is Yui in the future memory of Kuri Shan, but it has grown several times larger.

"Kuriyama-san, Yui is dead, the one outside now is not Yui.

Gito walked to Mirai Kuriyama and said to her.

However, there was no change in the future of Kuri Shan, and he still sat in the same place, looking at the huge Yui outside the window.

"Wei is dead, you have to remember this, Wei, is dead.

I know you've always felt guilty, but you can't come back from the dead.

Moreover, the person who killed Wei was not you, but the shadow of nothingness in front of you, and it was the direct murderer who killed Wei.

Don't you want to take revenge for Wei?

Gito persuades Kuriyama Miku, this is her inner demon, Gito wants to help her get out and welcome a new life.

rather than living in guilt.

"Help... only... revenge? 35

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

Kuriyama Miku, who was sitting still, suddenly said.

"Yes, help Wei take revenge."

Gito said again.

"Now that the murderer is in front of you, do you want to let it go? You know, this may be your only chance in this life. It is your duty to avenge Wei Wei."

"Help Wei to get revenge.

There was a look in Kuriyama Mirai's eyes.

"Yes, I want to avenge Wei. 35

Relying on this belief, Kuriyama Miku stood up and walked to the window.

And the huge "Yi" outside also moved at this time.

I saw her stretch out her huge palm and grab it towards the classroom.

Miku Kuriyama looked at this huge "Yi" and her huge palm, and pointed the blood sword in her hand to the sky.

And then continue to pump their own blood.

With the delivery of blood, the long knife was also slowly getting longer, and then it also pierced the roof of the classroom, but the length of the long knife was still growing.


A red light flashed, and Kuriyama Miku directly cut off "Wei"'s palm with a long knife.

After that, he retracted his wrist and stretched it out again, stabbing the long blood knife in his hand directly into "Wei"'s abdomen.

And Wei, was also directly pierced by this blood long knife.

"Uh~~~~ Uh~~~~"

"Yi" screamed loudly, and his appearance was changing.

Soon, the "Yi" in casual clothes disappeared, replaced by a huge monster with a white body.

And where the monster was stabbed by the blood knife, a bloody "tumor" slowly swelled up?

Gito looked like a tumor.

And Kuriyama Miku is still attributing his own blood at this time.

Soon, the blood-colored "tumor" spread all over the monster's body.



As the monster shouted, Miku and Kuriyama kept pumping blood.

The shadow of nothingness, which had been covered with sarcoma, exploded directly.

Gito stood in front of Sakura and helped her block the blowing hurricane.

With the explosion of the shadow of nothingness, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the originally dark space, and then the light gradually increased.

Gito has even seen the stars in the sky.

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