Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 76 Is he really suitable to be the lightning rod of the family?

"Did you see the flame I sent out earlier? Well, that's it.

Gito raised his hand and let the unlicensed knight see his own fire of death.

"See, it's powerful. 39

The undocumented knight had seen Gito's attack before, and the power was comparable to that of an A-level hero.

"Is it?"

The undocumented knight quickly thought of something.

"Yes, this kind of flame, you can have it too.""

Gito nodded.

"Then what do I need to pay?"

Everyone is an adult and knows that no pie will fall from the sky.

"What you have to pay is simple, join us. 35

Gito looked at the undocumented knight and said.

" You are also an organization?"

The undocumented knight asked.

"Yes, we are also an organization called Vongola Family. I, him, and the girl are all members of the family."

Gito pointed to himself, Saitama, and Violet who was not far away.

"What kind of organization are you?"

If the other party is an organization 25 that endangers human security, even if the other party can make him stronger, he will not join.

"You can rest assured that our organization is very good. The original intention of the organization was to protect ourselves, protect civilians, and prevent them from being harmed by monsters and weirdos.

Gito knew what the undocumented knight was thinking, and explained it out loud.

"Furthermore, if you find out that our organization is doing things that endanger humanity in the future, then you can still withdraw at that time.

But there is one thing I can tell you in advance. Our organization is not completely good people. Well, you can think of us as an alternative gang. ""

No organization will be clean, including the Hero Association and others.

Gito also explained to the undocumented knight in advance, lest the other party could not accept it.

"I know this."

The undocumented knight is no longer a child, he will not think that the world is white except black.

"Then you decided to join?"

Gito looked at the undocumented knight and asked.

"Can you... really make me stronger?

The undocumented knight asked again, he wanted to know if the other party was playing tricks on him.

"Of course it's true, you see, just like him, he used to be just an ordinary office worker, but now, he can easily hammer that monster to death.

Gito pointed to Saitama beside him and said.

Saitama is indeed a good example, but his example is not replicable.

But that doesn't stop Gito from being a sign.

"And, look at me, I'm just an ordinary high school student, but I was able to make such a powerful move just now."

Gito pointed to himself again.

"Then...I join. 99

Undocumented Knight wanted to get stronger, so he chose to join Gito them.

"Can I really get stronger?""

"Really, but it still depends on you. I can give you a chance to become stronger. As for whether you can really become stronger, that's up to you.

As I said before, you have to be conscious of death. "

"I'll get stronger. Years

Each of his charges was initiated with the consciousness of death.

"Then I'll give you this chance now.

Gito reached out and tapped the undocumented knight on the forehead.


A green flame ignited from the undocumented knight's forehead.

" that the flame?"

The undocumented knight felt the change in his forehead.

"Remember this feeling, and in the future, it's up to you whether you can master it or not. 35

"Saitama, tell him some relevant news, I'm going to deal with that monster, it's already late, we have to go back to sleep. 99

Gito said to Saitama who was beside him.

"Huh? Oh.

Saitama agreed.

"By the way, this is for you, this is only for you temporarily, if I don't think you are worthy of this ring, I will take it back. 99

Gito threw a ring to the undocumented knight.

The undocumented knight hurriedly caught the ring—a ring like a shield, with three shells engraved on the top and a lightning bolt on the bottom.

After giving the undocumented knight the ring, Gito also turned around and walked towards the monster's location.

"Do you think he is suitable to be the guardian of thunder?"

Ribon sat on Gito's shoulder and asked. When Gito was talking to the undocumented knight, he didn't speak.

"Not only to become a lightning bolt, but also to carry and erase the damage received by the family alone, and become a lightning rod.

In my opinion, if he mastered the flame of death energy, although he might not be able to become a lightning bolt for attack, if he became the lightning rod of the family, it would still be very good.

After all, this kind of person is very reliable when in danger.

Moreover, when the defense reaches a certain level, it can also become an attack.

Gito and Ribon were talking.

"You chose him to be the guardian of thunder because you were infected by his courage and perseverance. 35

The wind said at this time.

"Yes, there is no strength to practice, but if there is no courage and perseverance, then it is really over."

Gito nodded, because he also saw the courage and perseverance of the undocumented knight, plus the sense of responsibility and protection of others that he knew of 940.

Gito saw that Reborn was still thinking, and said again:

"This kind of person just lacks an opportunity, as long as he is given this opportunity, the energy he bursts out is very powerful.

Besides, didn't I say, he became the guardian of thunder only temporarily.

If he really can't support the name of the guardian of thunder in the future, then I will also remove him.

I'm not kidding about the safety of that family.

"Well, let's see how he behaves in the future."

Ribone could only agree with Gito.

In fact, he also admires people like undocumented knights, but it is only limited to admiration.

"Okay, let's get rid of this monster quickly, it's very late, I'm going back to bed, and I have to go to school tomorrow."

Gito said as he walked towards the position of the lizard monster.

While Gito was talking to the undocumented knight, many more heroes were injured.

At this time, around the monster, there were eight B-level heroes and more than ten C-level heroes.

As for the others, they were all wounded and unable to fight.

The aliens on the other side, with the help of Violet, Ral, and Kronello, will soon clear up those low-level demon dreams.

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