Looking at Shakyamuni, who was surrounded by the crowd, lying on the ground, the god of zero blessings was covered with black spots, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and there was a trace of anger.

With difficulty, God Zero got up from the ground and questioned Shakyamuni.

"Why are you so happy when you don't do anything?"

Hearing this, Shakyamuni, who was distributing the candy he was holding in his arms to those smiling faces, turned his head.

Looking at the Zero Blessing God, who was downcast, his clothes were tattered, and his body exuded an ominous aura, he thought a little and said.

“...... In fact! "

“...... Happiness is not what others give is happiness, only what you win is happiness! "

“...... It can also be said that only the happiness they find is the happiness that truly belongs to them, and what others give may not be what they want! "

When Zero Fu heard Shakyamuni say this, the belief in his heart was shattered in an instant.

He has always believed that he will become happy by absorbing the warmth and misfortune of those people.

As a result, 03 got the answer that everything he did was in vain.

Zero Blessing God walked forward with a dull look in his soul.

As a result, he accidentally hit a small rock, and the whole person fell to the ground.

And there happened to be a young man walking past him with a woman in his arms.

But as if avoiding garbage, he hid aside, walked through his mouth and read in pieces.

"Who is this?" Dressed in such rags, don't get in my way! "

Hearing the young man's words, Zero Fu looked up and saw that the young man was the one who had been saved by himself a few years ago.

Now I don't remember myself, and my personality is still so bad.

It is a world away from the gentle and weak little boy before.

Seeing the appearance of the young man, disappointment flashed in the eyes of the Spirit Rune God again.

Zero Fu, already questioning himself in his heart, is all that he has done really useful?

Absorb the souls and calamities of those people into your own body and make yourself miserable.

And those people are enjoying all the good things in the world, trampling on the pain of others.

In this way, Zero Fu sat by the stream in a daze, thinking about the two words Zero Fu obliquely on both sides of his face, gradually distorted, and his face was extremely hideous.

Zero Fu remembered that after absorbing all the misfortunes in those people, they still ignored happiness.

Thinking like this, the ominous aura on Zero Fu's body is getting stronger and stronger, knowing a apex.

This is the story of a god who once loved human life and became a god who wanted to destroy mankind.

It was also at that time that the Zero God, who gave people happiness, became the evil god who brought the greatest load to the human world.

In the final analysis, Zero Blessing God still did not see through human nature, but the moment he saw through, he was completely disappointed in people.

Sixteen Nights told the story of the Zero Blessing God while following the other, and couldn't help sighing and looking up at the sky.

At the same time, Hermes and Ares also told the past of the god of zero blessings.

When Gray learned of Zero Blessing God's past, her eyes were full of sadness and sadness.

“...... That? "

“...... So, what happened to the Zero Blessing God in the end? "

Sixteen Nights, who heard Gray's question, continued with a wry smile on his face.

Due to the misfortune absorbed in the body of the Zero Blessing God, it eventually changed into his power.

From then on, he became a god bent on destroying humanity.

In the heart of the Zero Blessing God, from now on, the idea of giving happiness to mankind is no longer filled, but full of destruction and killing.

Just when the Zero Blessing God was preparing to carry out a world-destroying killing of mankind, his body turned into the Seven Blessing Gods.

Because the bully God knows that human beings do not deserve the punishment of the dzi that they cannot afford.

And the gods of spiritual blessings and the gods of seven blessings pointed all the fingers at Shakyamuni. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A person who has done nothing can give happiness to countless people around him, which makes Zero Fortune, who is one of the seven blessings and gods, jealous.

In this way, the God of Zero Blessing planted cause and effect with Shakyamuni a long time ago.

This time the duel of life and death will happen whether it is early or late.

Hearing the explanation of Sixteen Nights, Gray also thoroughly understands the past of Zero Blessing and Shakyamuni.

Also on the other side of the camp of the gods, Ares, who had listened to Holmes's story, also looked at the battle below.

"I didn't expect that Shakyamuni and Zero Fu still have such a past!"

“...... Is this the arrangement of fate? "

Zero Fu's eyes were blood-red, and his blood vessels burst out of his skin.

On both sides of the cheek are written the tongue sticking out of the word Heavenly Order, and on it is written Zero Blessing.

“...... Shakyamuni, I must let you die! "

The next giant axe in Zero Fu's hand split into two and was held by Zero Fu in both hands.

The giant axe in Zero Fu's hand can not only accompany the anger and misfortune in the owner's heart, but also has the power of curse.

As long as the gods are favored, they will be devoured by the misfortune and curse in the giant axe for a moment, and turned into flying ash.

Because the giant axe in the hands of the Zero Blessing God is formed by human evil thoughts and endless greed, it has infinite 010 power.


The weapons in the hands of Shakyamuni and Zero Fu collided violently, and the two of them slid out more than twenty meters on the ground at the same time before stopping.

The spirit rune raised the double axe in his hand with a fierce look and shouted in his mouth.

“...... The greatest misfortune of my life is not killing you Shakyamuni!! "

“...... So, I'll let you try my trick! "

As soon as the words fell, the double axe held in the hands of the Zero Blessing God burst out into a black pillar of light that rushed straight into the sky.

The sky that was originally clear was dyed inky black in an instant.

The gods and humans were frightened by the misfortune and curse emanating from the pitch-black pillar of light.

Shakyamuni's brows also frowned slightly, but the next moment he returned to normal, waved the Nirvana stick in his hand, and his body began to emit a faint golden light.

White lotus flowers emerged from the void, bloomed, and floated around Shakyamuni.

"Six Sticks - Three Types, Thousand Hands Guanyin!"


ps: kneel for a monthly pass, kneel for flowers, kneel for evaluation tickets, kneel for tips.

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