Sixteen Nights looked at the two loli who appeared in front of him, and information about them kept flashing in his mind.

"Alayah, Gaia, why are you hindering me from summoning the Spirit?"

"You outlier who shouldn't exist, are you summoning a heroic spirit? You are to be summoned along with the essence of the Spirit. "

"How can we, as the inhibition of the Shape Moon World, watch you summon our people to other worlds under our noses, or even never return."

Gaia and Alaya looked at Sixteen Nights with indignation, and the two of them had not yet attacked Sixteen Nights.

Sixteen Nights first rebuked the two of them, which made their already angry mood even more angry.

Hearing the angry roars of the two girls, the expression on Sixteen Night's face gradually changed, a playful expression.

"Since you don't agree, I'll summon them over, then I can rob them!"

Sixteen nights' character, life and death look down, if you don't obey, you will do it, and no one can really stop what he wants.

"Yingling" has achieved great feats during his lifetime, and after death, he has become something that the hero of the object of faith has become.

As a "guardian of humans", the power is the highest being, and its classification is not undead but close to elves.

Elves use the "power" of the box of people's impressions, but even the contents of the spirits are made up of people's ideals.

In the spirit, there are legendary people, people who have actually existed, and people who have not been observed.

People with shallow beliefs are included in the broad category of "guardians" and exercised as a willless "holding force."

Other heroic spirits have become not human but planetary beings because of their high divinity, that is, Gaia.

Therefore, he was exempted from being included in the list of guardians, and most of the heroic spirits under Alaya were heroic spirits who worked for him and forcibly signed contracts.

Gaia, the willpower of the planet, Alayya, the willpower of humanity.

The specific way of existence of Gaia and Alaya manifests itself as inhibition.

Once there is a threat to the survival of Gaia and Alaya at a certain time and place in the world, then Gaia and Alaya will "suppress" this threat.

This being responsible for "suppressing" the threat is the inhibition.

And now, in Gaia and Alayi's view, the Sixteen Nights is a threat to the Moon World.

As the willpower of the Type Moon World, Gaia had long sensed the summoning formation that appeared within the Valhalla Throne.

If it was an ordinary legal formation, they would not interfere too much.


The summoning formation that appeared in Valhalla this time is different from ordinary magic arrays, and it can directly connect the Yingling body to summon the past magic arrays together.

Through Gaia's observation, Sixteen Nights was not human, because he felt the same breath from Sixteen Nights.

"Inhibition from other planes? Why do you summon the spirits of our world? "

"This is the established destiny, since I learned how to summon the magic array of the heroic spirit, this is the cause, and I summoned the heroic spirit is the result."


Gaia's brows furrowed.

"If you summon just ordinary heroic spirits, we won't obstruct it, but why do you want to take the body with you?"

Gaia looked at Sixteen Nights with a puzzled expression.

"That's because I know that the spirit that summoned the past is not an essence and will disappear after death, and what I want is a spirit that is loyal to me and surrenders to me."

Sixteen Nights looked at the two girls with a happy smile on his face, and his face did not hide his identity as willpower at all.

Going back to the sixteenth night, the previous life is the body and inhibition of the blue star.

(Note: Please refer to Chapter 1 for details).

Reversing the sixteen nights before proceeding with the crossing has reached the level of perfection.

And going back to the sixteen nights, it is both human and star spirit.

The Dragon Master of the Reverse Sixteen Nights and the Box Court World also possesses the Third Perpetual Movement Organ.

It's just that the third perpetual motion organ of the two people is contradictory.

The third movement organ of Long Ye walked "Final Evil", but the reverse of Sixteen Nights walked was "Final Hope", which was "certainly" to cross the final evil.

And only after knocking out Long Ye, reversing the sixteen nights can complete his eternal movement mechanism "Eternal Night".

"Do you think we will agree with you summoning our spirits to other worlds?"

Gaia said angrily, and with a wave of his small hand, the inhibiting force that crushed the space struck towards Sixteen Nights.


Sixteen nights looked like the waves sweeping in the inhibition force, but did not move at all.

Gaia and Alaya are actually not very powerful, they are powerful in that they are the willpower of the world of pleasure and can manipulate the world.

And Sixteen Nights also knew that the easiest way to deal with Gaia Alaya was to destroy the Moon World.

Gaia and Alaya who coexist with the Moon world, the world is attacked, that is, they are attacked.

『Simulate the Creation Star Map - Eternal Night."

In an instant, another night sky appeared behind the sixteen nights.

The inhibiting power of the sixteen nights emanated from the body, entering the real world through the imaginary space, and swallowing hundreds of parallel universes of the moon world in an instant.


Just in an instant, Gaia He's face turned pale, and the human was undoubtedly the aggregated Alayya, and few of the faces also showed expression fluctuations for the first time.

"Stop it, you bastard, what the hell are you doing? If you continue to devour it like this, our world will become your world. "

Gaia's heart was filled with fear as he discovered that under the eternal night of sixteen nights, countless parallel universes survived within their bodies.

Their strength is waning little by little.

This feeling terrified them more than killing them, because it was their essence that devoured Sixteen Nights, the two of them.

"Hehe, no one knows your willpower as this world better than me, and I attack this world more effectively than I attack you."

Hearing Sixteen Nights' words, Gaia's face turned even more miserable, and there was a faint look of despair in his eyes.

"Gaia raised his hand and prepared to summon the spirits sleeping in Valhalla and the 'World of Walkers' to come out to fight."

Seeing Gaia's actions, Sixteen Nights shook his head with a faint smile on his face and said:

"It's useless, the world devoured by my eternal night will turn into my world."

A sense of despair rushed to Gaia and Alaya as they couldn't stop the man in front of them from devouring the Moon World.

"We promise you, we promise you conditions, please stop."

Who would have thought that the strongest existence in the Moon World would actually think of a teenager pleading.

ps: kneeling for flowers, kneeling for monthly passes, kneeling for evaluation votes, kneeling for tips.

ps: Thank you to the unknown big guy for rewarding 40,000 flowers, and the support of the January ticket evaluation form of all readers is still 10,000 words update today.

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