"Petrified Magic Eye" is one of Medusa's skills.

In the original work, it is not too strong, but it is summoned by Sixteen Nights as an ontology, and many attributes have been added, which also improves its own ability.

It is like the sixteen nights that are now performed "God. Petrified Demon Eye', the place where the Sixteen Nights' Eye sees is whether it is space or the heroic spirit that is casting treasures.

In an instant, as if losing its pigment, the stone statue turned into a stone statue and the void that turned into a stone statue merged into one.

Solomon, who had a crown candidate, inadvertently met Sixteen Nights' gaze, and his entire body turned into a stone statue in an instant, his mouth slightly open, as if he was about to say something but it was too late.

"Don't look at his eyes, his petrified demon eye has reached the realm of God, even if you have this curse resistance, it is useless, his eyes can even petrify the void."

Rin, who was floating in the void, was the first to notice the strange appearance of Sixteen Nights and shouted loudly to remind everyone.

And she herself flew towards Sixteen Nights, she planned to attack Sixteen Nights with physical skills, in her opinion, since the other party can attack with invalid weapons, then it must not be ineffective physical attacks.

Gaia watched as nearly forty heroic spirits were directly petrified into the void after the attack in the sixteenth night, her eyes dull and her lips trembled.

Sixteen Nights' gaze was opposite Gaia and Alaya, although the bodies of the two of them were not petrified, the space around them had been petrified, and it was extremely difficult for the two of them to move.

"As long as there is no problem with the root, let's surrender, it's better than the two of us being completely devoured by him and becoming his, it's better to step back and surrender to him, and we can take another breath."

Alaya looked at Gaia and suggested.

Hearing Alayah's proposal, Gaia also had a little move, but Gaia, who lacked a tendon, did not think as much as her sister Alaya thought, and she felt that she was still sure to win the sixteen nights.


Let him sweep the heroic spirit summoned by himself in a week, half of which has turned into a stone statue and stands still in the void, the scene is shocking and chilling.

In particular, some heroic spirits are casting treasures, and the magic photons wrapped around the treasures are also petrified.

It can be seen at a glance that this heroic spirit is casting a treasure.

"His petrified demon eye has reached the realm of 'God', not to mention the direct helper we called, even we ourselves are difficult to earn..."

Alaya's voice had not yet fallen, and I saw that Sixteen Nights' right hand in the distance shattered the void and withdrew his hand again, and an extra pillar of light had appeared in his hand.

Alaya stopped halfway through his words because of nothing else, because he felt a strong threat from above that pillar of light.

Gaia's body also trembled, and he looked at the aurora pillar held in Sixteen Night's hand with a look of horror.

"That was...!"

Sixteen Nights looked at the moving faces of Gaia and Alaye, and a wicked smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Let you guys make so many moves, now it's my turn to attack."

"Artoria, Joan of Arc, and the three sisters Medusa kill all the enemies in front of them."


As soon as Sixteen Nights' voice fell, the six heroic spirits summoned by Sixteen Nights each launched their skills and rushed forward.

Medusa stretched her hands forward, crimson magic words spread under her feet, wrapped her entire body, long purple hair dancing behind her, Medusa opened her labia and pronounced the real name of her treasure:



In an instant, a white circle of light appeared under Medusa's feet, and a white pegasus emerged from it, and the reins on the white pegasus' neck were just grabbed by Medusa.


The Pegasus epic records that Pegasus was born from the blood of Medusa, so Medusa can easily control him.


Just in the blink of an eye, Medusa rode a pegasus across the sky like a shooting star, rushed to the opponent's camp and began to fight.

Black with a mask on his face. Joan of Arc, as soon as the cursed flag in his right hand was raised, his figure streaked across the sky like a streamer and descended on the battlefield.

Joan of Arc, slammed the cursed flag in his right hand into the void and said the real name of the treasure in his hand.

[Roar! ] My anger (lagrondement?du?haine).

Crimson magic erupted from Joan of Arc, and the flag in his hand hunted in the air.

A pitch-black wave of magic light spread out from under Joan of Arc's feet, carrying a curse with a ubiquitous resentment that filled the void, transforming into burning magic and setting the bodies of the two heroic spirits on fire.

The killing house looked at the flames on his body in horror, the flames could not be extinguished, and the curse that burned through the bone marrow spread on his body.

The Killing Courtyard wants to use its treasure tool, "Crazy Killing Yard".


As if knowing the next moment of the killing hospital's actions, Joan of Arc pulled out the "cursed cross sword" on her waist, and a sword penetrated the heart of the killing house.

The rank of Joan of Arc and the Killing House is not at the same level at all, and it will take time for her to make a move.

I didn't even have time to strike, of course, I could only watch my body being penetrated.

ps: kneeling for collections, kneeling for flowers, kneeling for evaluation votes, kneeling for tips.

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