Outside the Demon City, in an unknown forest, Sixteen Nights and others watched Artoria portray the magic array.

It was a red magic array nearly two meters round, and that red was none other than Artoria's blood.

The Star Holy Sword was inserted inside the scabbard called Arron, standing in the center of the bright red magic array.

I saw Altoly recite a few incantations that Lott could not understand

The next moment, the magic array that could have been only two meters on the ground instantly expanded to four hundred meters, and countless soldiers wearing silver armor with shields and swords walked out from the magic array.

The light kept flickering in the magic array, and every time the soldiers who came out were two thousand people.

And the first two thousand people to come out, in front of them was a god, wearing silver armor and riding a tall horse.

Sixteen Nights recognized the man who appeared in front of him at a glance, it was one of the Knights of the Round Table, the Sun Knight "Gawain".

The magic array lit up again, and another two thousand people walked out, and then the magic array continued to light up, and a total of three hundred thousand horses came out neatly.

The leader was Artoria and the Knights of the Great Round Table.

Artoria, the knight king who came out last, pulled out the Star Holy Sword inserted in the center of magic and hung it around his waist.

At the moment when the Star Saint Sword was pulled out, the magic array disappeared little by little.

The Knight King and the Lionheart King who walked out, the golden eyes of the two people looked at each other.

Sixteen Nights looked at the Knight King who walked out of the magic formation, and his eyes lit up with a strange look.

Looking closely, the Lionheart King and the Knight King are exactly the same in appearance and height, but the difference is the size there.

Lionheart's was at least twice as large as hers, and the two Artorias raised their eyes to look at each other.

The next moment, a pure white energy on Lionheart's body left his body and floated towards the Knight King.

Under the gaze of Sixteen Nights, the two people's minds and brains are connected and knowledge is shared.

The breath on the two people began to intertwine and slowly merge, as if it was making up for the missing or insufficient places of the other party.

After about a minute, under the attention of Sixteen Nights, the two maidens drew two clusters of photons fused together and then separated again.

Standing on the left, wearing silver armor and her hair pulled into a mature bun, the maiden is the Knight King.

Standing on the right side, wearing black armor, but the hair is not sorted but very naturally draped behind the back, giving people a special sense of beauty, especially the pair of golden eyes seem to have no emotion but give people an inexplicable deterrent.

I saw that the next moment something incredible happened to the two girls.

The armor on the knight king's body standing on the left gradually turned black, and a circle of red appeared in his golden eyes.

And standing on the right, the armor on the body of the Lionheart King wearing black armor turned silver.

Sixteen Nights looked at the two girls who could enter the blackened state and the disarmed state at will, and his face showed a happy expression, and he couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick the corner of his mouth.

Originally, White Spear was summoned by Sixteen Nights to make him very happy, and now that the Knight King has reappeared, it is simply doubly happy.

Sixteen Nights fantasized about life in the future a little, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but gently curl a happy arc.

At the same time, the blackened Knight King came to Sixteen Nights and knelt down on one knee.

Seeing the knight king kneeling on one knee, the Camelot soldiers who came out with him all knelt together.

ps: Kneeling for flowers, kneeling for tips, kneeling for evaluation votes, every flower you give me, every monthly pass, is my biggest motivation to update.

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