“...... Mr. Sixteen Nights, any dreams? "

Alice Phil, who stood on the edge of the rooftop, looked at the scenery outside the window, felt the freshness of the breeze on her cheeks, and looked at Sixteen Nights with a happy smile on her face and asked.

Sixteen nights walked leisurely to the rooftop, leaned his back against the wall, looked at the scenery outside the window and said:

"My dream is to become strong, to see things I've never seen before, to explore mysteries I don't know!"

Hearing this, a hint of curiosity flashed in Alicefield's red eyes, and asked:

"Why are you getting stronger? In my perception, I can't feel how strong your strength is, which proves that you are already very strong, why should you become stronger? "

Alice Phil asked, the breeze ruffling her hair, and reached out with her left hand to brush the towled hair behind her ear.

Sixteen Nights who heard the inquiry, without a bitter smile on his face, shook his head and said:

"There is no strongest, only the stronger, although I am already strong, but those who are stronger than me still exist in order to explore higher mysteries, so I have to become stronger and go to those worlds."

"830 Not only that, I also have a family to protect, I have a wife and a daughter, although I have left many means to protect them, but I am still not at ease."

Alice Phil's vermilion eyes blinked a few times, and she tilted her head and looked at Sixteen Nights with an extremely cute expression.

"Mr. Sixteen Nights is married, and even has a daughter? The girl who marries you must be very happy, with such a good husband as you. "

Alice Phil had an innocent smile on her face, and looked at Sixteen Nights and said with a little envy.

Listening to the envy in Alice Phil's words, Sixteen Nights asked playfully:

"Does Miss Alice Phil also want to get married?"

Alice Phil, who was questioned, first froze for a moment, and then her eyes were full of dazedness.

In her mind, there are various ways to cope with getting married, but she is very confused about who she marries.

The memory that had been in her mind was that the owner of the Einsberen family had designated who she would marry, and she would marry whomever she would marry.

Alice Phil has no right to resist under such orders, but due to the intervention of Sixteen Nights, she has developed a sense of resistance, and she wants to find happiness on her own.

"Mr. Sixteen Nights, may I ask you a question?" For the first time since her birth, Alice Phil had a sad look on her face.

Sixteen Nights looked at Alice Phil's sad face, his heart was full of doubts, and he nodded and said:

"Miss Alice Phil, if you have anything you want to ask, just say so!"

After receiving Sixteen Nights' permission, Alice Phil showed a faint smile and said:

"Do you believe in fate?"

"Destiny?" Sixteen Nights muttered, a puzzled look on his face, he didn't understand why Alice Phil suddenly asked him about fate.

"Yes, it is destiny, I believe that everyone who meets since birth is the arrangement of fate."

Alice Phil had another innocent smile on her face and said her opinion.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded, and shook his head helplessly and said: "Fate is a very profound problem, some people may not believe in the existence of fate, but he does exist this kind of thing, in the eyes of ordinary people, you believe it, and if you don't believe it, you don't have it." "

Speaking of this, Sixteen Nights' words paused, and seeing the expectant look in Alice Phil's eyes, he continued with a slight smile:

"But fate is a topic of frequent discussion in the world of magicians, some magicians create more powerful magic at the age of one year, break their own destiny, some magicians regard learning magic as their own destiny, in order to learn more powerful magic to achieve their own goals, this is their destiny."

"Everyone's (ACFG) destiny will not be the same, it depends on what choice that person will make in the face of fate, whether to detach from fate or to be at the mercy of fate."

When Sixteen Night's words were finished, Alice Phil also raised her doubts:

"Then they broke the original destiny, is it also destined for them?"

Sixteen Nights glanced approvingly, and Alice Phil answered her question.

"These people broke their original destiny because they chose a path of their own, and they completely took their fate into their own hands.

"This kind of life has meaning, they also have a goal to pursue, generally people like this have a firm belief, no matter what others say, they can't interfere with him."

As soon as the words fell, Sixteen Nights raised his head and looked at the clouds floating in the sky, remembering the fate he had chosen for two lifetimes.

"It's not easy to rebel against fate, it's not easy, but it's not impossible.

"Rather, first of all, you must have the prerequisites, that is, strong strength, beyond everyone, not bound by everyone, in order to get rid of your own destiny."

Listening to Sixteen Nights' explanation of fate, Alice Phil seemed to understand something, her red eyes flashed with adoration, and looked at Sixteen Nights and said:

"I didn't expect that Sixteen Nights, Sir knows so much, although I don't understand some things very well, but I only understand one meaning, if you want to resist fate, you must have strong strength." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sixteen Nights looked at Alice Phil with a faint smile on his face, he felt that the girl in front of him was very innocent and lively, like a free bird in the sky, carefree.

"Do you want to rebel against fate?"

Looking at the sunflower-like smile on Sixteen Nights' face, Alice Phil's face turned slightly, and said with a slight blush:

"I don't know what my fate is, so I don't want to resist yet, but if I know that my fate is not to my heart, I will definitely resist, like you said, accumulate strong strength, and then break my own destiny."

Hearing this, Sixteen Nights nodded with satisfaction, he was a little more interested in the girl in front of him, and he had the idea of wanting to rebel against fate just after birth, such a girl is really interesting.

"Then you try to become stronger, make yourself stronger, strength determines everything."

Hearing Sixteen Nights' words, Alice Phil had a warm smile on her face.

Sixteen Nights also showed a warm smile, and at this moment the figure of Sixteen Nights was fixed in Alice Phil's heart, blood.


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