Xiao Gui had already gone to the cafeteria, and Bai Yin Yuxing looked at his sister’s back and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“Uchiha, I’m really bad compared to my sister.”

“What do you mean? Although your sister looks likeable, has a mature personality, and knows how to care about her family…” Sensing

someone’s head getting lower and lower, Uchiha patted Silver Miyuki’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, you can completely change yourself and gradually become a role model for your sister.”

Bai Yin Yuxing suddenly raised his head, “What should I do!”

“Well, since your sister is worried that you won’t be able to make friends, it’s better to find a club to eat bread alone in the corner.”


Although it was the first day of enrollment, Baiyin Miyuki had a brief understanding of the general environment of Hidechi-in.

There is not only the pyramid of the bourgeoisie, but also a pyramid called the class of community activities! As long as you participate in sports clubs, regardless of strength, it is more or less popular.

In addition, the literature category is relatively ordinary, and at the bottom is the otaku department such as Mankensha.

Bai Yin Yuxing’s face changed, “I’m a little bit bad at sports.

Uchiha expressed doubts. A little bit?

“Ah, just a little, a little, hahaha!”

Uchiha Ling stood up, “Okay, let’s go to the cultural club in the afternoon.” ”


With different purposes, the two left the playground one after another and returned to class.

Bai Yin Yuxing wants to become excellent, at least he doesn’t need to worry about his sister.

Uchiha wants to get closer to the Raiders’ goal, so the club is a good choice. And didn’t Senior Sister Amakusa already tell him about his club?

At the end of the last class in the afternoon, Uchiha Ling asked the head teacher for two applications for admission to the department, and then came to the club building with a somewhat nervous silver royal travel.

The number of people in the high school of Shuchiin Gakuen is not large, but the area of construction is really large. Not to mention the junior high school and elementary school next door, as far as the entire high school is concerned, it has exceeded Uchihaling’s concept of ordinary schools.

“Department of Classics…. Uchiha, are you actually interested in ancient literature?

“Maybe it’s just finding a place to relax, let’s go inside.”

Pulling open the door, the classroom is quiet, with a lot of space on one side occupied by cabinets for experimental equipment, some worn-out posters on the walls, and bookcases on the other side are piled with books that have not been read.

This is the club room? Uchiha felt more like a warehouse for old books.

The only place in the classroom that can be said to be beautiful is that there is a young girl sitting directly in front of it.

The window in front of her was ajar, and the girl was quietly reading in the sun and breeze. The scene in front of her was like a beautiful painting, and the girl also raised her head slightly when she noticed someone entering.

Uchiha Ling looked slightly fascinated, although Amakusa Shino’s place was not big at all, even smaller than Bai Yingui in junior high school, but his temperament was compared to that Ice Kaguyahime, and he also had a different kind of beauty.

“Don’t stare at me like that, you will… Excited.

Amakusa Shino’s words ruined the beautiful painting, and Uchiha Ling sighed and pulled the silver goyuki behind him in.

“We want to join the Classics Club, are you the only one here?”

Amakusa Xiao took the application form for joining the ministry, and sealed the seal without saying a word.

“Yes, at present, I am the only one in the Classics Department, and I am facing the crisis of the abolition department, hehe~”

Silver Miyuki glanced at Amakusa Shino, and this society that was about to be abandoned, he felt that he had been deceived by Uchiha Ling. Where is joining a club to improve yourself? Isn’t it a crowd of people?

Amakusa Xiao coughed lightly, “Anla Anla, I said hello to the president of the student council, as long as we have four people, we can let the club live!”

Uchiha Ling glanced at the other two, “So, do we have a fourth person?”

Amakusa Shio turned away from Uchiha Ling’s gaze, “It will… There will be! The

door was pushed open again, and Amakusa Shino instantly lifted his spirits, and even glanced at Uchiha Ling with a [you see] look.

“Excuse me, is this the Classics Department?” Ah, it’s Uchiha and Silver, are you also a member here?

Uchiha Ling turned his head, and the girl in front of him was wearing a traditional black dress in Shuchiin, with long black hair draped over her shoulders, but unlike Amakusa Shino’s waterfall straight hair, the girl in front of her had slightly fluffy hair.

The figure is slightly petite, it seems to be less than one meter six, but the first thing that Uchiha Ling noticed at first glance was the purple eyes.

It is undeniable that these big eyes are very good-looking, and after looking at them for a long time, there will be a feeling of being sucked in.

[The system has checked the object that can be raided

] [Name of the person who can be raided: Chitanda Airu] [Current Sentanda Airu’s

favorability: 16]

Bai Yin Yuxing was the first to speak, “May I ask you…” ”

Doesn’t Silver remember me?” Obviously it’s been a day’s class. ”

On the first day of school, who remembers everyone in the class, especially outsiders like them.

“Are you, Sentanda-san?”

Uchiha Ling remembered, it seems that this two-dimensional world is completely different from what he remembered, and even Sentanda appeared in Shuchiin.

Chitanda nodded heavily.

“Well, I’m Chitanda Airu, hello, I’m here to join the Classics Division!”

Amakusa Shino stood up, bypassing Uchiha and Silver, and came to Chitanda.

“Let’s have a friendly exchange with my classmates during the day, this Sentanda-san wants to join the Classics Division, right?”

“That’s right!”

“Okay, everyone sit down first.” Amakusa returned to the main seat and sat down, pointing to the seat beside him.

“Uchiha Ling, you will be my deputy minister. Try to be my right hand and keep it up. ”


Putting away the three application forms for joining the ministry, Amakusa stretched out and looked at the three ministry members boredly.

“What’s next? The deputy minister quickly proposed a plan!

Uchiha Ling looked at Amakusa Xiao speechlessly, “First of all, I just joined the ministry today, and secondly, you are the minister, and what to do is also up to you to decide.”

Amakusa pouted, “Cut, it’s boring… Let’s chat, what clubs have you all joined before, and why did you come to the Classics Department? Chitanda

Airu raised her hand, and it seemed that she was really a lively girl.

“I didn’t join the club in junior high school, but in high school, my uncle was a student at Shuchi-in and also joined the Classics Club!”

Amakusa nodded, “Well, because the elders in the family used to stay, so I came.” And what about the deputy minister?

Uchiha Ling rolled his eyes, but the three members of the club can brush their favorability, so let’s talk with them.

“When I was in junior high school, there was contact between football and basketball, and it was the kind that the club rushed to want.”

Amakusa Shino pressed his chin, “Oh-”

Chitanda looked at Amakusa suspiciously, “What’s the problem?”

Amakusa shook his head, “After all, it’s a boy, it’s normal for Uchiha-san to like to play ball.”

“Why do boys like to play ball?” Chiantida Airu’s eyes widened, and there seemed to be a twinkle in those purple pupils.

Uchiha Ling raised his hand, “That’s the end of this question, it’s time for Bai Yin to say it next!”

Senantida shook his head and looked at Amakusa Shino seriously. Why do boys like to play ball? I’m curious! ”

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