I also agree with what Fukuda said, Ichinose most likely betrayed our B class

I heard from Mazi that when she and Ichinose went to the D class camp to investigate, they saw Ling Fan give Ichi

Se had seen Horikita Suzune's team leader card, but turned back to Ichinose but did not identify the leader of Class D, obviously

something wrong.

Huh? She had seen Class D's leader card before?

Yes! Asako and Kanzaki have all witnessed it with their own eyes

Listening to what you said, I remembered one thing, everyone still remembers the first day of the island test

A strange note appeared in our camp

Remember, it was said above that Ichinose had told Chihiro that Chihiro was our leader's secret.

got her boyfriend

At the time, I thought it was very reliable, and her boyfriend even talked to Qianxun.

Ah....! Why didn't you say it sooner?

At the time, I thought it was impossible for Ichinose to lie to us, but now that I think about it, I realize that there is a problem. "

What, I'm right, I said Ichinose is a traitor from our class, you

they still don't believe

Noisy discussions are heard one after another, incessantly

In the end, just a little

Many students in the class agreed that a 917 Nose provided Ling Fan with information and betrayed him.

outside the glass door

Ichinose, who heard everything clearly, put her palm on the doorknob, as if still.

It's like, I haven't seen the next action for a long time

Now she is like a thunderbolt, buzzing in her head

The eyes that were vivid in the past lost their original color and became dazed.

She really can't understand

I was wholeheartedly dedicated to Class B and didn't reveal any news to Ling Fan.

What would become a traitor!

At the same time, I also know the purpose of the anonymous text message. It must be a friend who secretly mentioned it.

Wake up, stay away from Ling Fan, and avoid being misunderstood by classmates

She didn't eat breakfast, left restaurant No. 2, and walked on the top of the cruise ship with no purpose.

above the board

Slowly, came to the bow position

The cruise ship sails fast on the sea at 20 knots

The cool breeze blows her hair high

I was misunderstood as a traitor by my classmates, what should I do?

Nose put his arms on the railing

Silly looking at the sea and sky in the distance

She really didn't know how she should explain to her classmates next.

(111) Destroy Ichinose 4

Ahhh... I really don't know how to explain it to everyone

Even I feel that what my classmates say makes sense.

The problem is, I really didn't do anything.

"Where is the problem?

Lying on the guardrail, facing the cold sea breeze, Ichinose pondered over his current situation.

the situation, and the reasons for it all

It sounds like most class B students agree that she betrayed class B

But she really didn't do anything

I always feel like something is wrong

Maybe, think about it in reverse

Nose began to sort out the ins and outs of the whole thing.

If he is not a traitor, then that means that there are other students in class B who are working for Ling Fan.

secretly send information

She shook her head again

The last time to replace the new leader, only she, Kanzaki, and Mazi know

No one has ever left the B class camp for half a step

It's impossible for anyone to tip off

Maybe there is another explanation

That is, there was a problem with the school, and a staff member leaked the leader's information to Ling.


Or the information they bought with points

Teacher Hoshinomiya said that personal points can buy everything

Nose randomly guessed all kinds of possibilities.

She thought that the school staff were bought by Ling Fan


Someone is in his ear, gently snapping his fingers

You don't have to think about it, you know it's Ling Fan

That guy snapped his fingers all the time.

Go away, don't get too close to me.

Because of being said to be a betrayal, Ichinose didn't turn her head back, and turned to the back coldly.

Ling Fan said a sentence

Indeed, as the text message said, she couldn't get too close to Ling Fan, she would be beaten by class B classmates.


吆! Se-chan has encountered something unpleasant, do you want to share it with your boyfriend?ˇ.

Ling Fan leaned forward, also leaning on the railing, tilting his head, smiling and meeting with one of them.

Koji Se

Do you tube

Nose turned his head to the other side again.

Vice I don't want to deal with your posture.

In fact, if you have any difficulties, you can confess to me.In this school, basically

There's nothing I can't handle

Ling Fan speaks confidently to Ichinose

It sounds a bit arrogant, but it's true

It is no exaggeration to say that now, as long as he is willing to take action, he can even experiment with the white house of Ling Xiaolu.

Room problems can be solved

And the problems that Ichinose can encounter, with him, can almost be broken by blowing a bullet.

Besides, the reason why Ichinose was misunderstood by her classmates seemed to be made by Ling Fan.

the purpose

It is to provoke the relationship between it and the students of class B

Ling Fan had already seen everything through his investigative eyes. Before, he saw the students in Class B have a little bit of a clue to Ichinose.

The words kept going, and he was quite satisfied with the effect of his trick.

Seeing that Ichinose came to the bow alone, he hurried over, thinking about taking the opportunity to take people

Turn to class D

Stay away from me now, even if it helps me.

With a sullen look, Nase threw a word casually.

When talking, she still refused to look back at Ling Fan, she was afraid that the two of them would talk together,

The head spread to the ears of class B classmates, and it will be used for hype again

Se-chan, if you're not happy staying in class B, why don't you come to our class D?

Ling Fan tentatively stated his purpose

The last time I was rejected by Ichinose

I don't know how it will turn out this time

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