Chapter [-] The Holy Grail, Advent

Tohsaka Rin came from a hard life. After Tohsaka Tokiomi died, Tohsaka Rin had no source of income, and you can't expect a high school student to make more money, right, so Tohsaka Rin can only eat The Tohsaka family's gem magic is very expensive, so the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family is actually really poor.

"Rin,,, don't be so embarrassing,,. Put it down." Lin Xuan said helplessly, covering his head, so many people are watching, can you stop being so embarrassing.

"Okay,,,," It may be that the occasion was wrong, Tohsaka Rin could only reluctantly put down the gem in her hand, but the next second, she felt that the gem in her hand contained a powerful magic!

"Wait! Father, look, this gem actually contains powerful magic power! And it seems to be a natural magic power!"

"What!" 923 Tokiomi Tosaka ran over directly. Gem magic is to inject magic power and magic engraving into gems. The higher the quality of the gem, the stronger the magic that can be engraved!And now!Tohsaka Tokiomi actually saw this gem that naturally contains magic power!And the magic inside is so perverted!

"Lin Xuan,,, this thing is too precious,,,," Tokiomi Tosaka had to admit, he was also tempted. "Or,,, Lin Xuan, don't waste your dozen or so gems, I think it's pretty good as a betrothal gift."

Tohsaka Rin......

"Father! Am I your own daughter? You just sold me like this? Just for a few gems?" Tohsaka Rin's pretty face flushed, and he didn't know if he was angry or shy.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Don't I know what you're thinking? The dowry will be given to me sooner or later. I'll just pay in advance."

"I will give you (bafc) a betrothal gift sooner or later!! How can I,,,,,,,, how can I like this guy." Tohsaka Rin blushed more and more, and in the end he couldn't even speak anymore and could only turn around. I didn't dare to look at everyone, and I couldn't even listen to the last few words.

Looking at Tohsaka Rin's performance in front of him, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing, and then took out some magic gems from his arms. Lin Xuan had no space props, so he carried a lot of such small things all over his body, which was expensive and expensive. Does not take up space.Lin Xuan handed the gem in front of him to Tohsaka Rin in front of him. Tohsaka Rin looked at the gem in front of him, then looked at Lin Xuan in front of him, and then stretched out a small hand to take the gem with a blushing face.

And seeing this scene, Istarin on the side was completely puffed up!That gem,,,, she wants it too!It's just that she and Lin Xuan are not familiar with each other. Besides envy, jealousy and hatred, what else can she do?

"Okay, come on, if you are interested in seeing the Holy Grail, just follow me."

As Lin Xuan said, a teleportation formation with blue light appeared directly under his feet. Seeing this teleportation formation, Tohsaka Rin walked in directly with Red A, followed by Jin Twinkle and the Grand Duke, and then Tohsaka Tokiomi and Istarin, and then the Emperor who couldn't wait for a long time dragged Webber and walked over, and finally, Kenneth and Emiya Kiritsugu looked at each other, and then followed directly. past.

The space magic took everyone to a hall in an instant. In Fuyuki City, Liutong Temple, Tohsaka Mansion, Fuyuki Church, and Fuyuki Civic Hall are places where the Holy Grail can be summoned, and fate and zero are the last places to summon the Holy Grail. It was a decisive battle at the Civic Hall.

"Lin Xuan is really a magical person, and all kinds of magic are emerging one after another." Weber couldn't help but get excited when he saw that he had come to an unfamiliar place in an instant, and Lin Xuan was also interesting enough. Thinking of Weber's mission, Lin Xuan directly I just threw a bunch of various magic cultivation methods in another world. The number and quality of magic circuits in the moon world determines the upper limit of a magician, but the magic in another world is determined by talent. Weber relies on his own life. A level of D, but if you add the help of other worlds, the two can still reach c.

When everyone arrived, the puppets on the ground suddenly burned out of thin air, and then, a golden holy grail appeared in the center of the hall.

"This is the Holy Grail? It looks amazing." Kenneth nodded. As a senior teacher of the Clock Tower, he still has this vision.

"That's right, you really can't tell if this Holy Grail is contaminated just by looking at it." Tokiomi Tosaka also nodded silently, and then he looked at Rin Tohsaka beside him.

Tohsaka Rin now understood what Tohsaka Tokiomi meant, her face changed, and then she walked to the Holy Grail with a sad face, and then threw gems into the Holy Grail while crying.

Tohsaka Rin also didn't expect that one day he would cry because he summoned the Holy Grail, or he cried bitterly.

"Really, why does it take our money to summon the Holy Grail? Isn't this kind of thing supposed to happen together?"

Although Lin Xuan's gem was thrown, Tohsaka Rin still felt very distressed.Can't tell, Tohsaka Rin unexpectedly has the demeanor of a housekeeper.


Finally, when Tohsaka Rin didn't know how many gems he added into the Holy Grail, a golden light appeared in the Holy Grail, and then, a powerful force was released from the Holy Grail, and a strong light appeared in the Holy Grail. in front of everyone!

In the sky, a black hole appeared without warning!

Holy Grail!come! ! ! .

Chapter [-] The Great Emperor Who Wants to Jump Into the Black Mud

I am the Holy Grail, and I am panicking now, as usual, I should now pull the winners into the Holy Grail and fulfill their wishes, however,,,,

Who can tell me what happened to the seven or eight heroic spirits in front of me!Why are you still alive so much, shouldn't they all be dead at this time?

The Holy Grail is at a loss at the moment, it doesn't know what happened at all, and it has no wisdom of its own. Since it doesn't know who the winner is, then let's all pull it into the Holy Grail space.

From the Holy Grail, black silt flowed out, and these silts seemed to give people an ominous feeling. Obviously, the power of these black mud confirmed Lin Xuan's animation. These are all true!

These black mud obviously want to pull everyone into the Holy Grail, but how is it possible, think about the ending of Kiritsugu Emiya in the anime, where would everyone present let the black mud pull them in, so every step of the black mud, Everyone took ten steps back, the faster the black mud, the faster everyone's reaction, and then,,,.Confused by the black mud?

What's the situation, it doesn't matter if there are too many of you, why are you still avoiding me?Didn't you fight just to rob me?

you!Why reject the Holy Grail!


In an instant, all the black mud on the ground began to condense, and a black figure slowly crawled out of the black mud. This figure was the puppet that Lin Xuan and the others used to summon the Holy Grail just now, but at this moment, the puppet's The situation was completely different. His body was wrapped in black mud, and his whole body exuded an ominous aura.

"Obviously, what Lin Xuan said was right-."

On the other hand, Tohsaka Rin sighed, although he was already mentally prepared, but seeing what his family had been pursuing all his life turned out to be like this, Tohsaka Rin at this moment finally sighed.

"Red A, destroy the Holy Grail."

"Understood, Rin." Red A nodded, then directly bent the bow and took the arrow, the spiral sword was the arrow, and an attack with the power of the A-level anti-military Noble Phantasm fell directly on the black mud in front of him!However, I don't know if it's because the black mud absorbs the magic power of gems too much this time, or the A-rank is not powerful enough against the military Noble Phantasm. At this moment, the arrow of Red A was directly swallowed by the surrounding black mud before it landed on the Holy Grail.

Looking at what was happening in front of him, Jin Twink couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, you are fighting for such a disgusting thing as a wishing opportunity, your Holy Grail War is really hopeless from beginning to end. Farce."

Listening to Jin Shao's words, Lin Xuan couldn't help but have a black line. You didn't participate in the Holy Grail War this time to show your ability, and you mocked other people. Have you forgotten what you were like when you were doing things in the Holy Grail War?

Lin Xuan is already thinking about whether he should make the ubw and fgo Warcraft fronts of fate, stay, and night when he goes back.

On the other hand, Iskandar stared at the black mud in front of him with scorching eyes. He remembered that Jin Twinkle got his body here. In this case, can he do it?

Seeing Iskandar's expression, Lin Xuan couldn't help but say, "Iskandar, I advise you not to go to death, Jin Shun was not swallowed by the black mud because his personal will was too strong, and the black mud not only digested. If you can't get Gin Shing, she also has indigestion to give Ging Shin's body, so if Ginger jumps down, it's just a swim, you go down,,, it's gone,"

Iskandar "I will be so unbearable! Lin Xuan, I will not admit that I am not as good as that guy Kim Pika!"

Lin Xuan, "Oh, then you can just jump. A great emperor is swallowed by black mud or something. It's a shame to say how to die."

Weber "That's right! Iskandar, don't kill yourself!"

· 0 for flowers · · · · ·

Kim Pika "That is to say, if you can't do it, you can't do it. It would be ridiculous if you committed suicide."


Depend on!Your golden pickup was intentional, right? Did you persuade people like that?

Iskandar looked at Jinpika in front of him, and then clenched his fists, "Ah? Jinpika! Are you looking down on me? Believe it or not, I'll go for a swim in the black mud right now and come back!"

Kim Pika "If you don't believe me, just jump for me to see."


You do not believe?Ok, then I really want to jump for you to see!After speaking, Iskandar was about to jump directly into the black mud. Iskandar was really unconvinced. He thought that his Alexander's fame and his own achievements were better than that of Jin Jing, but why Jin Jing could do it. Something he can't do?It is true that the Great Emperor is sometimes wise and foolish, but, this kind of person is too brainless!


"You're going to try it? Then go, by the way, this coin is for you, take it with you."

Lin Xuan saw Iskandar's decision. He didn't stop him. What are you doing to stop him with this kind of stubbornness?Does it make sense?If Iskandar is the type to give up on being persuaded, he is not the man who traverses two continents!

"What is this?" Looking at the coin in his hand, Iskandar couldn't help but ask, of course he didn't know what it was.

"Resurrection coins, if you fail, you will be sent to the resurrection point to be resurrected."

That’s right, what Lin Xuan gave Iskandar was the resurrection coins. Compared with the resurrection items, the resurrection coins have this disadvantage. If you die, you will be resurrected at the resurrection point, and the resurrection point was set by Lin Xuan at the Tokiwadai union. .

Lin Xuan also wanted to experiment to see if his resurrection coin worked or not. As for the Great Emperor, ,, White Mouse No. [-], I decided it was you!pill.

Chapter [-] All the evil in this world

The emperor really jumped!

In the face of these black mud, I really jumped like this.The red cloak rattled, and the stalwart body seemed to be able to stand upright, and the sword in his hand seemed to be able to cut through everything!Although all the evil in this world is in front of him, it still can't stop Iskandar's desire for the flesh!

"rider! Come on!!!"

Webb is still cheering for Iskandar, and the other people who are still watching are also looking at the figure in the black mud, they are all waiting for the miracle to appear.

"Rider will definitely succeed! "[-]" He is Iskandar!" Weber is extra confident at the moment, maybe in his eyes, his Iskandar will definitely not be weaker than Jin Twinkle.

However, it is a pity that Iskandar in the black mud still failed, gu dong dong,,,,

After a burst of white light, Iskandar was teleported to the resurrection point to be resurrected.


"Failed?" Lin Xuan patted Weber on the shoulder, feeling Lin Xuan's movements, Weber also eased from the state of shock.

"Lin Xuan, have you just seen it? I'm such a big rider! It's gone all of a sudden! How is it possible!" Weber still didn't believe it. If he hadn't been the master, he could still feel the existence of the servent. Going crazy!why!Why is the same king, Iskandar failed?

Looking at Weber's disbelieving face, Lin Xuan shrugged helplessly. In fact, it is normal for Iskandar to fail. In the hf line of fate, stay, and night, the black mud is even like my king and Hercules. The existence that devoured the existence of the existence, although Iskandar is powerful, but also has a limit, failure is not something that people can't believe.

However, Iskandar's failure still sounded the alarm for everyone. Even existences like Iskandar couldn't resist the swallowing of black mud. Wouldn't they be even worse?

"The truth of the Holy Grail has been confirmed, saber, just destroy the Holy Grail." On the other hand, Emiya Kiritsugu said directly to Saber, he is such a decisive person, and once he has determined one thing, he is very firm.

On the other hand, my king also nodded. Although she really wanted the Holy Grail, she would definitely destroy this evil existence!

Looking at the Holy Grail in front of me, my king silently raised the holy sword in his hand, and the golden light condensed on the holy sword.Bright spots of light appeared from her side, the light seemed to echo our king.In an instant, my king's aura reached its peak!

"Noble Phantasm Liberation! Excalibur!!!"

Sword of Oath of Victory (Excalibur)

Grade: A++

Type: Anti-city Noble Phantasm

Seeing that my king's sword is about to be swung down, however, the black mud may also feel the threat at this moment, and the black mud begins to gather, and the soldiers composed of black mud are killed from the black mud. Scandal's Holy Grail is obviously a bit stronger, and it can even resist. Countless black mud rushed towards everyone in front of him like a huge wave!If the black mud is allowed to fall on these people, Iskandar's fate is their fate.

"Winky, are you sure you don't want to take a bath in the black mud? If you don't go, you won't have a chance?" Lin Xuan was extraordinarily calm, as if the black mud had no threat to him at all.

He looked at Jin Shing next to him. Jin Shing could have obtained his body from the black mud. Lin Xuan thought he would go back this time, but to Lin Xuan's surprise, Jin Shing shook his head.

"Don't go, it feels too dirty and a little disgusting."

Lin Xuan????

Um?Do you still despise black mud?Aren't you going to carry all your sins?

Lin Xuan didn't know that in fate and zero, Winky was also passively swallowed by the black mud. Take a look at fate, stay, and night. As soon as Winky was swallowed by the black mud, he pulled out the ea and chopped it up. Obviously, this guy didn't like it at all. Black mud.In Jin Jing's eyes, the black mud is just a tool. Now that he has become a descendant, his magic power can be self-sufficient and he can live an unrestricted life, which is no different from a human being.He is not Iskandar trying to conquer the world.

Seeing that Jinxian 5.2 is really not going to enter the black mud, Lin Xuan turned his head directly. At this moment, the distance between the black mud and everyone was less than two meters!Kenneth and Webber have changed their faces, and the moon spirit marrow liquid completely wrapped the two of them. As for Tohsaka Tokiomi and Tohsaka Rin, they jumped directly onto Istarin's Maanna!

At this moment, Tohsaka Rin saw that Lin Xuan was still below and couldn't help shouting at Lin Xuan, "Lin Xuan! Hurry up!" Tohsaka Rin was still very nervous about Lin Xuan, but unfortunately, Lin Xuan didn't seem to hear it.

Facing the black huge wave in front of him, Lin Xuan just calmly stretched out a finger.

Ice Wall!rise! .

Chapter [-] Red A "The fire in Fuyuki City, is it still happening?"

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